Chapter 8: Disappointment

Daisy then confessed to her feelings for Sir Roy Harper. Rose was shocked to find that her observation was so off the mark. She stopped teasing Daisy since the poor girl looked like she would faint if she didn't calm down.

"He seems like an agreeable man. I wish you all the best and please know that you have all my support." she told Daisy who then couldn't help smile after hearing the Lady's kind words.

"Thank you Miss." she answered shyly.

After Rose had gotten ready, she jumped into the carriage that she asked the butler Tufan to arrange for her when she arrived back the mansion last night. Today she will be visiting Doctor Sahil Ganie. Her father had already sent him a letter advising him of her visit before she could leave Willowtown. Doctor Ganie was one of the most well known Physicians in the Kingdom. It would be such an honor to be able to become his apprentice.

Riding along in the carriage to the inner part of the city, Rose watched how the streets where as busy and bustling as they were in the night when they had visited Flora Hotel. The sun was warm and the sky its deep cyan.

When the carriage stopped, her palms started to sweat knowing that she arrived. The coachman opened the door for her and helped her down into the side of the paved road. The road they parked on was narrower and steeper, the coachman explained to Rose that Doctor Ganie was just up the street and due to the space and busy pedestrians, he was unable to proceed. She didn't mind walking as she was able to look around at the buildings and the people.

She finally reached the building with a sign that read over head 'Dr Ganie'.

Taking a deep breath in, she walked into the first floor of the building. She was now in what seemed like a reception room with plain furnishings of two wooden benches, a small table in the middle and a desk in the back behind a counter. Seeing as there was no one around, she continued to make her way further into the building where she found a passage leading to a room at the end and saw an old man with a monocle and neatly combed grey hair sitting behind a cherry wood desk.

Approaching the room carefully she called out, "Doctor Ganie?"

"We're closed at the moment, could you make an appointment for tomorrow?" the old man spoke without lifting his head as he scribbled away on his parchment.

She made her way into the room cautiously. "Doctor Ganie, I am Rosette Woods, my father had written a letter to you about me coming here." she said to him carefully.

The Doctors writing paused and he finally looked up to see Rose standing in front of his desk.

"Ah, yes. Mr Woods did indeed mention his young one coming to the capitol. Please, take a seat." he said gesturing to the cushioned chair next to her with a gentle smile.

Seeing how he remembered her fathers words and was being hospitable, she started to have hope again and quickly sat down on the chair.

"How is you father faring?" he asked her as he set his quill down.

"He is quite well, Doctor. His health has been excellent since the past few years." she answered with a smile at the mention of her dear father.

"Good, good!" said Doctor Ganie with a chuckle. "It has been a long time since I have seen him, I am glad that he has not forgotten about me."

"Of course not, he could never. In fact, when I had mentioned to father and mother about my interest in healing and treatment and so forth, you were the first person he had referenced to, telling how you where one of the best and that if I have any interest at all in the field then I should aspire to be as reliable as you." gushed Rose. She could hardly contain her excitement at finally meeting the famous doctor whom her father spoke so highly of.

"I am honored, really." he responded with the same gentle simple. " But I must reject this request, even if it does come from my dear friend Edgar Woods."

Rose suddenly felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured onto her. She did not think that he would reject her so quickly. Her mouth opened and then closed again, not knowing what to say. Her smile long gone.

"My apologies young Rosette, but I do not take on any apprentices. In fact it has been like this since my first days." he continued in an apologetic tone. "Also, you will find that this work is not like any other that you can learn after reading a few books. I am well aware that you are a smart young lady, you are a Woods after all. But this work is not one for a woman. There will be things that you will not want to see, will not want to do. You will be tending to strangers, men and women alike." he further explained and with each passing second, Rose could feel the little hope and courage she had managed to muster on her way here vanish as the words left his mouth.

"I don't mean to discourage you like this," he said looking at Rose's crestfallen expression.

"But you must understand-"

"Doctor, please, give me a chance. I know I am a woman and this is not a field that you will find a woman partake in, especially in the city, but I am capable-"

Her words were cut short by Doctor Ganie lifting his palm as if to say 'that is enough'. "I am sorry Miss Woods, but I am afraid I will have to refuse." he said with finality.

Feeling her lower lip tremble ever to slightly, she slowly got up and giving a slight bow to the old man, she said, "I understand. Thank you for your time Doctor." and she darted out of the building, hastily making her way to the carriage waiting for her down the road.

Once the girl left, Doctor Ganie let out a long sigh as he rubbed his eyes.

Getting up, he made his way to the front of the building to shut the doors that he had forgetfully left open.

As he entered the reception room, he saw DeAndre Rickhorn and Sir Roy come through the front doors.