Chapter 10: The Library

When Rose arrived at Rickhorn Mansion that day, Daisy had asked her how things went but Rose did not respond. She did not have to for Daisy to know nothing went as planned as the lady looked devastated upon her return and had not said a word to anyone.

She had been staring out her window for a few minutes, watching the clouds float gently above when Tufan had knocked on her room door.

"Tufan?" she said as she turned around and watched him take a step into the room and offer a bow.

"Lady Woods, you seems to be down in spirit. Did your meeting with Doctor Ganie not turn in your favor?" asked the Tufan, his voice gentle as he stood up straight and looked at the lady with slight worry.

"Unfortunately not, Tufan." she replied, thankful for his concern. "It seems the Doctor will not be taking an apprentice."

Tufan watched as she resumed to gaze out of the window. He has only known the lady for over a day but he had already taken a liking to her. She just seemed to be someone genuine and it was refreshing to have another woman in the home who was not gushing over the young master, thought Tufan.

Suddenly having an idea, he said to Rose, "Milady, would you like to take a look at the mansion library?"

Rose turned once more to face Tufan and said with a voice full of excitement, "Library? There's a library?", this made the old butler smile.

He then led her to the inner part of the mansion where she heard from Daisy that the Rickhorns private quarters were located.

After walking past many rooms and paintings that hung on the beige walls in the corridors, they both finally arrived in front of large Ivy green doors with metal leaves that seemed to creep on the heavy doors.

She then heard a jingle and saw the butler pulling out a large key ring full of keys and separated a large silver one to unlock the heavy doors.

Once unlocked, he gave the doors a slight push and they opened without much effort despite the size of it.

"After you milady." said Tufan as he gestured for her to enter.

A gasp escaped her lips when she stepped into the large space. The library was spectacular! There were rows and rows of bookshelves that lined the walls and were as high at the ceiling which was two stories high. Rose wondered if the library itself took up almost half the mansion space. When given a tour around the grounds by Daisy, she was not shown all of the mansion, it was mostly the grounds that were shown to her. So when she let her eyes wonder around at the many shelves, the sparkling chandelier that was centered in the middle of the ceiling and plush seating that was placed here and there along with some cushioned chairs, she marveled at the thought of how large the mansion really was.

"What you like to read milady?" came the voice of the butler from behind Rose. She had entirely forgotten about his presence the moment she stepped into the this heaven.

"Oh, I do not know, Tufan. Look at how many books there are..." she said, awestruck.

Tufan chuckled lightly at the lady's wide eyed expression. "Well, you can take you time to look around and find what suits your fancy." he said before leaving her to herself.

Rose started to walk towards the first shelves on the left of the entrance. The books were neatly stacked with plain and also beautifully done covers. Some where old and withered, some looked brand new.

What could I read, she thought. Maybe they have a collection of ancient medicinal herbs and healing done in the ealry years, she wondered.

No, she didn't want to read anything that was going to remind her of todays events.

Her had lightly brushed on the spines of the books as she walked through the pleasingly quite library.

Her had then stopped on a book with red cover. 'The Young Mage And The Golden Prince'. It was a novel that she had read before. A romance between a mage and a prince who had found her on one of his expeditions. He had saved her from people who were after her powers and took her back to his palace for safe keeping where eventually, they had both fell in love.

This was the perfect story to distract her from her woes. So she began reading the thick book.

Rose read until lunch where she had to pause for a while when Tufan had called her to the dining hall for lunch. She had eaten alone this time with her book brought down with her and set on the chair next to her. Her meal was gobbled down quickly and she grabbed her read and made her way to a part of the garden that she was shown yesterday.

She arrived in the gardens and made her way to a gazebo that had creepers with yellow flowers on the sides of the pillars and beams. A gorgeous little tea table was placed in the middle with a seat.

She sat under the gazebo and read until the sun began to set. At some point, Tufan had brought her tea with snacks that she mindlessly consumed while being engrossed in the tale before her. The story was one of many clichés, but good all the same.

The sun had long set as Rose neared the end of the book. Tufan had taken the liberty of placing a few lit lanterns under the shelter so that she could read. The butler was satisfied with his decision on showing the lady the library as her mood had picked up immensely.