Chapter 11: Sudden Closeness

The moon was full tonight and its light filtered through the slender trees and shone on the little bushes of lavender that lined this side of the garden.

Dre walked slowly over the stone tiles that created a pathway through the gardens. With a lit cigar in one had, he could feel himself relax as the summer breeze blew his dark hair ever so gently. Today was a busy day where he had been all around Kantor on council matters. To make things even more tiring, he was in charge of the disturbances caused by the bandits in the small town on the boarder of the kingdom.

He didn't mind his work, in fact he enjoyed it, because no one else could handle the matters like him. Even at his young age, he has been entrusted with work as important as the kingdoms security forces.

Taking in a deep breath as his lips pulled on the cigar, he noticed how one of the gazebos where lit up and then saw a person sitting there.

It was Rosette Woods who was engrossed in a thick book which he could only imagine was her study material. Didn't she want to become a doctor, he thought to himself, remembering her fiery self this morning. The thought of how she had stomped up to Doctor Ganie and gave him a piece of her mind amused him.

She was an interesting young lady. He didn't meet many woman who were willing to make a career for themselves, but when he did meet these headstrong woman, he ended up in bed with them. Most of which he did not cross paths with again.

Though Rosette seemed ambitious, she was also prejudiced to how other lived there lives. He had noticed this the night of the soiree. She also did hold immense pride and he couldn't blame her as he too was prideful.

Taking another drag from his cigar, he found himself walking towards the girl, not knowing if it was because she was amusing or because he found her...interesting.

"It is rather late to be outside reading a book, don't you think, Miss Woods?"

The sudden question startled Rose. She looked up to find Mr Rickhorn standing not too far away from where she was and then he started to walk towards the gazebo.

Her cheeks started to heat up as she is reminded about the mornings events. How embarrassing that she did not notice him standing next to the Doctor!

"I found a favorite of mine and thought to burrow it from the mansion library." she said after clearing her through slightly.

Dre raised his brow as he read the title of the book. "Your favorite is a cliché romance between a mage and a prince?"

"Are you being judgmental, Mr Rickhorn?" she asks with a raised brow in turn.

He returned his gaze to her brown almond shaped eyes. "I think I am the last one to be accused of being judgmental, Miss Woods."

Rose was silent for a while as she stared back at him. Now that she thinks of it, she was rather rude to him last night in the carriage. And even though she had lost her manners out of anger, he did not have a temper with her.

"I would like to apologize for last night Mr Rickhorn. I was rude and acted out of line." she said softly, looking down at her hands.

Very amusing, now she apologizes, thought Dre. He said, "No need to apologize, after all, I am the reason why the rumor's circulate. You were being honest."

Rose noticed how he still had that bored yet serious look on his face even now and couldn't help but wonder if this man ever smiled. But even though his expressions where limited, she could not deny that he was still very handsome. As handsome as she saw him the night of her arrival...

Shooing away the unwelcomed thoughts that suddenly entered her mind, she ask instead, "Have you ever read a romance, Mr Rickhorn?"

He looked once more at the book that she still held in her hand.

"The prince saved the mage from distress and in turn, she saved him from his curse. But then they fall in love and neither of them are aware of the others feelings. Eventually the truth unfolds when the prince is on the verge of loosing his true love and miraculously, she has then tamed her powers thanks to the love her heart holds for him." Rose had not expected him to know the plot at all, seeing as he called it a cliché, she had not thought for a moment that he might have read it. "And then they marry and have two adorable half breed children." he continued before looking back at her.

Her mouth was slightly agape, shocked with what she heard him speak.

"Oh my, you read Mr Rickhorn? And romances at that?" she asked with a beaming smile, unable to contain a giggle from escaping her.

"I don't see why not." he said , tilting his head to the side as he watched her mood change so fast.

"Of course, of course! But Mr Rickhorn, you just don't seem the type, don't you think?" she answered, her voice a little louder than earlier as she was bewildered with this revelation.

A corner of Dre's mouth picked up before he took another pull from his cigar that was still in his hand.

Rose caught this action and was taken aback as she was just thinking not too long ago that he barely has any other expressions besides boredom.

"You know, Mr Rickhorn, this is the most that we have ever spoken since the day we met." she said thoughtfully.


"Excuse me?"

"Just call me Dre, what a mouthful, Mr Rickhorn this, Mr Rickhorn that." he said slightly waving his hand around with the cigar.

"Okay, then."

"You are welcome in the library at any time, just ask Tufan and he will let you in." said Dre and Rose was finding it hard to grasp this new Mr Rickhorn, or rather Dre, who was apparently...nice.

She did not respond right away and instead stared at him for a bit too long as her gears turned in her head.

Noticing the lady being a bit confused, Dre felt the sudden urge to tease her. He walked towards her slowly, this time standing closer to her than where he previously was, he lowered his face to hers.

He then stopped right in front of her and she blinked at the sudden closeness. How did he get so close, she thought. He stared into her eyes and said to her, his voice an octave lower, "You seem to like staring at me often Miss Woods."

Her cheeks heated instantly at his statement. The nerve of this man! With her heart beating much faster now, she tried to look away from his piercing gaze and ended up looking down at his shirt. Though this did not help either because she then noticed that by him bending over to her level, his already slightly unbuttoned shirt now hung from his chest, allowing her to see part of his skin under the linen shirt. Once more, she remembered the night she saw him with just his trousers on and her already flushed cheeks reddened even more.

Dre internally enjoyed the obvious turmoil she was going through. She was so prim and proper, she most probably never had a man approach her suggestively.

Returning her gaze to his, she said with as much confidence as possible, "Do not be too full of yourself...Dre." she said, emphasizing on the new use of his name, "I was merely wondering what had possessed you to be so hospitable all of a sudden."

This time a smirk appeared on his face and he said, "It is nothing but basic manners Miss Woods, or don't you know?"

"I know my manners very well, have I not told you? In the countryside we are not brutes to not know how to behave."