Hushed Corridors

The sky was absolutely clear outside and Daisy saw it as a sign of a good day ahead.

Not stopping the skip in her step, she made her way past the kitchens and into the corridors of the quieter side of the mansion.

She could hear her heart beat in excitement beneath her ribcage. Slowing down she turned into the hallway where the extra guest rooms were. They were all empty of course, else she wouldn't be here.

Glancing around, she noticed that she was alone, her brows pulled together in thought. Suddenly her eyes were covered by a pair of hands while they pulled her against a hard body.

"Ah! Sir Roy, you startled me." Daisy exclaimed.

Releasing her, Roy let out a boyish laugh at his antics. Daisy turned around to see him laugh, his eyes crinkled at the sides in the most charming way. And his teeth, so white and perfect, made the most beautiful smile. She noticed how his flaming hair shone a lighter hue with the sunlight from outside the hallway window. Her heart nearly failed her once more. How could a man be so dashing?

"My apologies, darling. But you did make me wait." he said as he raised an eyebrow.

"Did you wait long?" she asked him.

"Not too long," he said in a whisper before dipping his head down to taste her lips.

Daisy felt her mind slip to a place where only she and Roy existed. His one arm wrapped around her waist and the other hand held the back of her neck gently but firm enough to keep her lips against his.

Slowly, without breaking apart, Roy had positioned Daisy against the wall. Her arms found his wide shoulders and her heart raced even faster. No matter how many times they have kissed, she could not help but be swept away each time.

Ever since Roy had snuck into the servants quarters, the both of them would meet in the empty corridors of the west part of the mansion once or twice in a day if Roy did not have to go with Mr Rickhorn for duty.

Here, the lovers did not have to worry about prying eyes or ears. Though Daisy wanted to let the world know how happy she was, she also cherished these rendezvous with the man she has held feelings for.

"Daisy," he called out to her in huskily. Her eyes that were closed while they kissed slowly opened to gaze up at him in question.

"Yes," she answered in a whisper, although the part of the mansion they were in, no one could hear their conversation.

Roy caressed her cheeks that were now tinted with a bright pink blush from their kiss. Staring into her ocean eyes, he said, "Let us meet in my quarters tonight."

Daisy's already pink cheeks blushed at the idea. Meeting him in his quarters would mean…well it would mean that they would do more than kiss. But she didn't even know what she was to him.

"Roy…" she said cautiously. She would only call him by his name alone when it was just the two of them, else she would always use his title.

"Yes, my flower." he answered her as he tucked a stray hair behind her ear. The action made her heart somersault and he knew it, the crook!

She looked down and asked, "What are we?"

"I'm not sure what you mean," he said, clocking his head to one side.

Daisy's brows pulled together as she fought to come up with a better way of asking him this question. She really wanted to know what exactly he wanted with her. He was definitely attracted to her, that much she has grasped. But what does he intend to do with their relationship in the future? Will they continue to meet in deserted corridors until they're old and grey?

Suddenly the thought of being able to marry him filled her mind. She imagined herself wearing a white pretty frock with delicate flowers atop her head that was covered with a veil. Roy would lift her veil to kiss her after they would say their vows in a humble church.


Daisy snapped out of her thoughts remembering that she had not answered him yet. Clearing her throat, she tried to explain, "What I mean to ask, what is our relationship? Will we always be like this, or will we eventually…" she trailed off, too shy to complete the rest.

She fiddled with her fingers, not meeting his gaze as she didn't know how to put the rest in words that did not make her sound silly.

Bending his head to meet her eye level, Roy peered down at her waiting for her to finish her sentence.

Eventually she let out a deep sigh and said, "Like, what am I to you? And what would you like for us in the future?"

Roy was baffled. Still he just looked at her as if expecting her to go on and clarify her meaning.

Daisy felt like this man was testing her patience. "Marriage, I mean to ask about marriage, Roy." she blurted out when the look on his face suddenly got on her nerves.

His eyes widened and he said with shock, "What on earth are you talking about, Daisy? Why would we get married?"