Future in-laws bonding

Monday came by real quick, ushering in a new week that was busy for all of them. During the weekend, Rowan had managed to settle them during the weekend, and throughout, his happiness did not fade a bit.

He was in his office working, but his assistant could pick his distraction, as the man would lean back on his chair from time to time, twirling his pen, with his lips curled up in a smile.

The Rowan in question was in his own world, remiscating how she treated him as if he was a precious egg! How she initiated more than one kiss and stole a couple of pecks.

"Whew! It sure feels nice to be loved!"

His line of thought was interrupted by his assistant, as he seemed to hesitate a bit.

"What is it?"

"Sir. There is a miss Victoria Williams at the reception, seeking to see you."

"I am not available." Rowan did not even bat an eyelid before declining.