A Master And Squabble With Mimi(1)

At the same time, Someone is silently watching Amelina walk out of her son's room with tears in her eyes. This person is no other than Savina.

She was about to enter Vincent's room but she suddenly stopped the moment her mother stormed out of Vincent's room with tears in her eyes.

"Arhhh~, maybe I should just leave him for now, it seems like he has had a squabble with mom. But to think that Vincent has never raised his voice at mom and mom has never done the same. This seems weird and suspicious." Savina thinks to herself as she walks back to her room.

Meanwhile, Vincent is still in his room testing out his skills. He first tests the incubus sex aura but it didn't end well, because Mimi's body started getting hot all of a sudden. She had to finger her small cave, to release her sexual frustration.

Testing the incubus sex aura, Vincent realized that it is more effective when the woman is 3-7 meters close to him. Of course, he tested all this on Mimi, causing her to drench his bed with her fluids. Meanwhile, Vincent wonders how she can squirt so much with such a little body.

"Vincent, please stop~Nnh!" Mimi moans and pleads as she can't lift a finger anymore after squirting and cumming continuously. After all, this is her first time experiencing such a situation, and her hormones have begun to make her crave sex a lot.

Vincent has a grin on his face when he sees Mimi in a helpless situation, then he smirks and replies, 

"You keep pestering me to find a solution to your transformation problem, yet you can't even withstand my sex aura for 10 minutes. Now, you have soaked my bed with your juice." Vincent clickems his tongue and deactivates his skill.

Mimi's face flushes when Vincent deactivates his skill as he finishes saying his mocking words. She puffs her cheeks and retorts as red spots appear on her cheeks.

"You meanie! I was very close to you" Mimi protests as she turns into a mist and enters his body.

Vincent engages in a serious conversation with Mimi after she enters his body. However, they are interrupted by the amulet that is vibrating on his neck.

The amulet is brown in color, and is shaped like a butterfly with a small cyan mana crystal embedded in one of the butterfly's wings. The amulet is a customized equipment made by a group of tectors that his mom hired. Tectors are similar to the technicians and engineers on earth and they are also known as Technomancers. In Vincent's new world these experts create gadgets and communication equipment with the use of magic runes, mana crystals, beast cores, and spirit flies. Nonetheless, the technology in Manov is much more advanced than that of earth, but Manov is also kind of medieval in some ways.

Vincent removes the amulet around his neck and taps twice on the cyan crystal that is embedded in it.

Immediately his finger comes in contact with the amulet, the hologram of his mom suddenly pops up.

"Come on, mom~, you just left my room some minutes ago" Vincent grunts at the appearance of his mom.

Amelina mouth drops open in surprise as she didn't expect Vincent to complain. However, she instantly throws the thought to the back of her mind and answers back;

"Sorry for calling you, dear. Now that you have developed a mana core, I have contacted an old friend of mine and he's willing to take you in as his student, consider yourself lucky, son. Anyway, I have prepared a carriage for you, get your lazy ass off the bed, and head towards his house, now!" Amelina says as she scoffs and clicks her tongue at him. Before Vincent can even protest, his mother hangs up the call.

"What the heck! She should have told me earlier! Is she that excited or what?" Vincent curses and smashes his amulet on the floor, crushing it with his foot.

[Vincent~, what have you done? That was a gift from your mom. You know how deeply she loves that amulet!] Mimi mutters as she sees Vincent crushing the amulet, uncaringly.

When Vincent hears Mimi's words, his eyes squints and flares up. Perhaps, if she wasn't inside his body, she would have received a dangerous glare.

"Love it, my foot! You know that this amulet was specially made for me because I can't harness one tiny bit of mana. It helped me but at the same time, it made people mock me because it is sub-par compared to the normal amulet that needs mana to be activated." Vincent replies and wipes off the sweat that is dripping down his forehead, then he realizes that he lashed out at Mimi for no reason.



"Sigh... I know that you are mad at me for shouting at you, but it's not my fault. I have always been treated like a little kid by my mom and it annoys me. I'm an old man in a teenager's body for crying out loud, yet I feel so helpless. I wish the third tier of the system activated earlier."  Vincent shakes his head, as he walks towards his wardrobe to pick a cloth to wear.

Mimi instantly forgives him and replies, [Vincent, you can't keep adding the age of your past life to your current life. What if you had reincarnated without your memories, would you complain? You think that you are acting mature but you are the most gullible and irrational person I have ever seen who doesn't listen to mine or any other person's advice-------] Mimi replies and she begins listing all of Vincent's wrongdoings and immature decisions. She is very mad at him.

Vincent's lips purse when he hears Mimi's words, then he calmly replies; "I know I behave irrationally at times but that doesn't mean you should tell me that I'm gullible, I wasn't expecting that from you" Vincent says as he finally wears one of his shirt that has now become tight and clingy due to his new abs and biceps.

[I-I…] Mimi stutters and becomes short of words at Vincent's reply, this is the first time they are having a conflict. And at the same time, it is the day they finally confessed to each other, this argument was leaving a bitter taste in both their mouths.

Vincent checks his outfit one last time and makes sure that he is looking good before heading towards the door of his room.
