And... She's back...

The Phoenix was a very special creature. It had spent its life a slave to its own special ability. Should it be killed, it would burn itself to ash. From that ash, it would be reborn. There is no way of knowing just how many times that this particular specimen or any other of its kind had gone through this particular cycle of immortality.

What none of us knew was exactly how this process began. That was both scary and unsettling. It may be that the creature would take us all out long before it ever needed to do it at all. That being said, there also was no way of knowing how many options it had before they were all exhausted and thusly leaving only the rebirthing left.

When I left you hanging on that cliff, things began to really heat up, literally. Before I can go into that, I am going to flip the pages back a bit. Let's go back to where I left off on Hevlauna's and my situation.