Break, Fix, Break...

"Zionai! Are you ok!?" Sehaela exclaimed as she came running towards me. 

I groaned because I couldn't find the ability to speak. I felt very weak. It was like I had gone almost paralytic. 

She got to my side and gasped in horror, "Oh no! Not again! Oh gods!" 

"Don't say that!" a rogue voice left my mouth and I immediately recognized it as Impyranon speaking through my throat which was odd to say the least. 

I managed to look down and saw a hole in my chest that was two hands wide. That explains the weak and paralytic feeling. 

'Hold on Zionai. A phoenix can't heal from wounds, but humans can. A phoenix can only heal through burning to complete ash. I wonder if you can combine the two. Let's focus on burning your chest cavity to ash and letting it reform.' Impyranon said quickly in my head. 

'Are you insane?'