We took turns carrying the guy in our arms. When finally Torion and I got back home. "Well thanks Torion. Stop by my uncles on the way home ok? Let him know we are back." "Yeah sure." I got home just as Eva was leaving for work. "Knight? Your Back! Both of you are Back! Oh my goodness." She hugged us crying. "Mommy!" She group hugged them. "I'm so happy you guys are home. Shoot I'm going to be a few min. Late for work. Go hang out at your uncles for awhile and rest." "Yes Eva I will." "Bye Bye Mommy." "By baby." "My wife is 6 months pregnant since its been 6 months I have been gone. Hopefully today is her last day.
I got to my uncles and said, "Hey Uncle I'm home." When I said that I heard running footsteps. "Knight! Your back! How are you feeling?" said Aunt Quinn. "Woah wait a minute. Who said I was sick?" "NO one. We just heard you turned not that long ago." Said Uncle Bain. "Oh that. Yeah I'm fine. Ok junior. Go play ok?" "Yeah I brought him back. I guess he too is a dragon. I had to put that necklace on him to keep in under control." 'What?!" said Auntie Quinn and Uncle Bain in unison. "Yeah that's right. He is a silver dragon just like….Just like my biological father Warren." Then it was Bain that was shocked. "Are you sure Warren is your birth father?" "Yeah that would mean Zee is Mr. Zoren's biological daughter and my half sister. Torion is my blood brother." "Well that explains a lot." Said a womans voice coming in. It was my sister Zee. "Oh Zee. Hey." "Hey brother. So Junior is a silver dragon huh?" "Yeah just like Warren." "So that story mom told us every night wasn't a story. It was actually true." "Yes I guess it was. So Uh Zee? I know we are half siblings now so does that change the way I call you?" "Haha oh brother. Since when do you get all nervous. Of course not. Just call and treat me like always. Like you said. WE grew up with a dad already. Quinn was our only mom besides Kiran's that is the only family I think I will Have. I may acknowelge them in the future but the old man Mrs. sun and Uncle Bain and Aunt Quinn will always be our family." "Thanks sis." Then little footsteps came running out. "Zee!" "Oh Junior. Good to see you back! I missed you so much little guy. Don't you ever do that again ok? Your worried us and your mommy." "Sorry." Its ok don't do it again." He nodded. Then she looked at the necklace he was wearing. "Daddy said No No Take off." "Yes that's right. Junior." Said Zee. "Daddy is right." I stayed for a few hours then we went home and waited for Eva.
Finally it was time for Eva to come home. The door finally opened and she walked in. "Mommy!" Then that brought me out of my thoughts. "Hey honey. Welcome home. How was work?" "It was ok. Hey baby." Then she picked Junior up.
"So what happened when you were gone?" "Well one thing is that our son is a silver dragon." "What? Our son is a dragon?! No wonder he ran into the forest. He said Daddy then ran off. I couldn't go after him." "Yeah well. He is fine now. I gave him a necklace to control it. I told him no no take off." "Haha ok that's good. What about you?" "Oh me I'm fine now. I turned recently too. This is your last day right?" "Oh yes it is. Since I am getting bigger I was told not to come back to work until after delivery. 3 more months and we will have a baby. Oh and tomorrow I have an ultrasound. I need you to come with me. I wanted to wait for you to find out what the baby was going to be." "Yes of course I will! Oh also my family knows to keep it a secret. The dragon thing." "Oh yes of course. Since us humans don't know they exist we want to keep it that way." "Yes thanks Eva. Oh you are human right Eva?" "Um….Sure." "Ok when we go to bed tonight we need to have a talk." "Yes of course." I decided to make something quick to eat for us since we are both tired. Then we put the little one down and we went to bed.
"OK so lets start off with are you human?" "I said sure. Is there any reason to doubt me?" "Eva….I know that look." "OK fine. I am an elf. I'm close to a human body though. I age like an elf too since I am half human I have human features ok?" "Wow really? NO wonder our son is so handsome." "Haha very funny. I guess our son ended up a dragon. I hope our next child looks like an elf. Hehe." "Ok now for our next topic…" He couldn't say anything he was falling asleep. "Hehe we will talk about it tomorrow." She kissed his head and snuggled as much as she could with him and went to sleep too.
The next morning as always we dropped our son at Uncle Bain's house. Then we went to Eva's work for an ultrasound. We waited about 10 minutes to go in then we were called. "Hello Eva." "Hey Samantha." So we went in and she had it done and she said, congratulations it's a girl." "We are having a girl. Yay." Said Eva. "Haha you got your wish." "Yes thank you." Once it was done we headed back to get our little guy and brought him home.
"Oh yeah I will have to go back to work tomorrow. Zee said that she will be coming over to help you out while I am gone. She will be bringing her little girl over." Zee has a 1 year old little girl named Ayla. "Oh yeah. A man named Ryoto Ryo for short will be coming by hopefully in the next few day. He will want to talk to us. I mean to talk to you last night but I was tired. So we can talk now." "Is everything ok?" "Yeah it will be. Sigh. OK so…." I told her about what Warren wanted me to about maybe being crowned King in the future. "I see. So they have a place for me to work then. What about money?" "Oh we will have everything we need but they do make money still so don't worry. Not all dragons live in the dragon Kingdom. Some are just living like normal people like us." "Yeah. Well how long do we have to make a decision?" "Uh well that is what Ryo was coming to tell us. My mother Aria was a princess and my birth father is a prince. If I don't take the throne, Torion will." "Isn't it the oldest that takes the throne?" "Not always I thought so too. It depends on if they think they are able to rule or not." "I see. Well lets keep thinking about this and hopefully know when Ryo comes." "Yeah good idea. Oh by the way Eva. You said you were an elf. What type of elf is your family?" "Well I guess it depends on what power they get. They are just like the guardians. They are elemental. I am a forest elf. I have flower power as they say. When we get to the forest to visit I will show you." "Haha ok."
I put my hand on Eva's tummy and felt the baby kick. I had a shocked face. "He kicked!" "Haha You had the same face when I was pregnant with Knight." "Well its fascinating how a human can live inside another human and move around so much and kick and hit." "Yeah it sure is. I just hate that I get so tired and lazy." "Haha that is what husbands and families are for to help out." Then I kissed her and went in the kitchen. "Do you need anything honey?" "Maybe some ice water." "Coming right up." I got a cup and put some ice water in it and brought it to her. "Ah thanks Knight." "No problem. Everyone at work will be surprised to see me back. I didn't tell boss I was back." "Hehe. Yeah he will be surprised all right." I had my notebook to sketch and Eva had a book to read. My son was just randomly playing with his toys.
Finally it was time to get the boy down for bed. I laid him down and we went to bed. We talked a bit then went to sleep.
The next morning, when Zee got here I told her I was off. I kissed Eva and my son goodbye and said bye to my niece for course. Then left for work.
I got to work and just as I suspected. Once I said hi to my boss and he was shocked to see me. Then my co workers heard my name and came running to welcome me back. "Woah ok hi everyone. Jeeze. So in these 6 months has anyone requested for me to do anything?" "Uh no one new but there is someone you should see since you are back." "Oh really? Who?" "See for yourself. She is waiting in her work room for you." "Oh Talia right?" Boss nodded. "Sigh. OK thanks after let me know who I have to draw for." Boss nodded. I walked over to Talia's door.
I knocked on Talia's Door. I heard her say "Come in." She must have thought I was someone else cause she didn't sound happy. She sounded depressed. I walked in and shut the door. Talia decided to look up and was shocked. "Knight! Its you!" She gave me a crushing hug. "Yeah its me. I can't breathe." I said in a strained hug. "Oh sorry." "Its fine. I heard it was hard on you these 6 months I was gone." "Yeah it has." Talia was a 16 year old now 17 year old. She was my disciple in art. I was teaching her the ropes. "So do you have anything to show me?" "Oh yes." I saw her running to her bag and get her book out. She marked the pages she did for the last 6 months. "Wow these are good Talia." "Thanks Master." "Haha still calling me master huh? Well anyway you have improved. Very good. Remember every artist has a different technique. Lets see what you have done at work. Do you have what you have given people?" "Oh yes I have copies like you told me." she showed me and I approved. "Very good. Keep practicing. Your painitngs and sketches are beautiful." "Thanks." "OK well I have to get to boss. He might have work for me." "Oh OK I won't keep you then. Glad your back." I left for the boss.
"Ok Boss I'm back." "Oh Knight there you are. Perfect timing. Someone just came for you. Hopefully for work." "Yeah I know boss." I went to my studio and found someone I haven't seen since I was gone. "Hello sir." "Hello again. And welcome back." "Ok so what would you like me to do?" "Oh yes. My granddaughters birthday is coming up. She said she wanted something from Knight. She heard you were back." "Oh I see. Word spreads fast. Ok what does she want?" He told me what she wanted and I said, "Well I will do my best but that is more in Talia's department. I'll tell you what. I will have you pay the normal price for mine and give her the money. I will have mine free since it's a gift." '"Ok even better thank you. Oh and you both are welcome to come as well." "It will be an honor. Where will it be?" "Oh at the park where the cherry tree is." "Oh ok cool. What time?" "Here are 2 invites." "OK thanks." Then he left and I went to tell Talia the news and she was excited. "Of Course I will!" "Hey don't get too excited ok? Take your time." "I'll hold on to your invitation. I will come pick you up in front of the art studio." "Yes sir." Then I left and started on my picture.
I just finished my outline of my painting when I was called by my boss. "Yes boss what is it?" I asked when I walked up to his desk. "Oh there you are. This is Mr. Thorn." I looked at him and he looked familiar. "Hello sir." "Yes well you probably don't know but he is famous around here. He wants you to paint something for him." "Yes Boss of course. Right this way sir." "Thank you." Then he followed me to my studio.
"Hello. Mr. Thorn." "Haha ok enough formalities. You Know me." "So are you really here for a painting?" "Yes of course I am. Is that a problem?" "Well not really but it will be awhile I have a party to attend to in a week and was told to draw something for them. Then I will start on what you want me to paint." "Ok sure. I want a picture of you and your son with Torion in your dragon forms." "Clears throat. Ok sure where do you want them to play?" "Oh sorry. In the forest in the field." "Yes sir. Is there a time limit you need this?" "No not really." "Ok I will send work when its time." "Ok then. Oh and I got work Ryo will be to see you in the next 2 days." "OK thanks." Then he left and I did more of the painting.
He got half of it done when it was break time. I stretched and moved around for a few minutes then sat back down and started on the other half when I heard someone come up behind me. I turned around and saw Talia. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." "Its fine Talia. what do you need?" "Its break time. Do you want to have lunch with me?" "Oh I think I'm going to skip it today. I want to do as much as I can." "No come on. Put your stuff down and eat." She took my stuff away and put it down then dragged me to the break room to eat. "Fine. I didn't bring anything to eat." "I knew you didn't so I just got back from a stall and brought you some food." "Aww my favorite thanks. Your so sweet." Then I ruffled her head like I would my sister. Then we ate together and went back to work.
I finally finished the painting but now I just have to write. I have to write what I think in the picture. Except it was about time to close. I told my boss I will stay for a bit longer. I just had to do the finishing touches. He knew it meant the writing part. Then Talia got up. "Ok well I'm going home. I'll see you tomorrow." "Ok see you. I'm staying late. So I might be late tomorrow." "Ok well later." Then she left '
I was thinking about what to write. It took about 10 min. Then I decided. I wrote like 4 lines and I was done. My boss gave me the keys before he left so I can lock up. Before I did I looked around to see if anyone else is here which there wasn't then I went into Talia's Studio to look at the painting she chose. "Oh wow. It looks so realistic and beautiful." It was a water elf with a pink flower in her hair. she had black hair and beautiful blue dress standing in a pond of Lotus flowers. The elf was holding a dragon fly. I was about to leave when I heard some noises. I got out and locked her door. Then I went towards where I found the sound.