Chapter 17: Untitled

Since I am a dragon I can hear things a human couldn't. So I went towards the sound and finally caught up and wasn't near any art and caught the intruder. Then the intruder spoke. "Wait Wait. Its me Knight." "Wait I know that voice." I flicked the lights on and saw Talia. "What the hell are you doing here! Talia." "OK calm down. I just came to look at something the boss wouldn't let me look at." "What is that?" "It's a painting someone did. It didn't have a name signed on it." "Oh that picture. Is it the one with a dragon and a little girl?" "Yeah you know it?" "Sigh. Just go home. I know who painted it. I will tell you at work tomorrow and talk to the boss." "Yes sir." Then I watched her leave and locked up. Then I headed home exhausted.

He just barely made it home and collapsed on the couch and fell asleep. Zee was just in the kitchen finishing up something. When she heard the door. Once she finished she saw Knight finally got home and was so exhausted she saw his keys on the ground. "Oh poor brother. Worked late." She grabbed the keys and put them on top of the fridge. She wrote a note to her brother where the keys were and told him not to overwork himself.

The next morning Zee had just gotten home when her brother was rushing to get ready. "Sorry sis. Running late. I told my boss I would be a little late." Then I saw him get his clothes on. By son. By babe. I would give you hugs and kisses but I'm late. "Ok go. Go!" said Zee. Then I got my keys and ran out. Luckily my boss had a spare. Cause when I got there people were already there. "Sorry I'm late. Here you are boss." I gave him the keys he gave me to lock up with. "Oh boss can I ask you a favor? Since I am the one that told you not to show anyone that picture I told you about there is one person I will allow to see it. Make sure you two are alone at the time. I'm really embarrassed." "Yeah ok. After work." "Ok I will talk to her after work." Then I went to work on the painting that Mr. Thorn wanted. I was talking to myself not knowing it was out loud. "Its so weird. No matter what I draw I can only get half done in a half a day no matter what I do." "That is normal. Everybody has the same problem just maybe not the same time." "Oh excuse me." I looked up and saw it was boss. "Oh Boss its you. You scared me. Do you need something?" "No not really just checking on everyone to see how they are doing." "Oh well as you can see I'm going ok. At least I think so. Sigh." "OK well I will be back. I will go check on the other 3 then come back to you." "Yes sir."

As promised he came back almost around break time. "OK so what seems to be the problem?" "So you noticed Huh?" "Yeah well I've known you for 2 years now. I get to know my children." "Ha cute boss. Well its that man Mr. Thorn. I know him. He was an old friend of my mom's. I don't have a problem painting for him but, just seeing him reminds me I might have to leave soon. If I leave it will be for good." "Oh I see that is a hard decision. It takes time to adjust." "Hey boss after all this with Talia can I talk to you a bit?" "Yeah sure. Don't skip a mean remember." "Yes boss." I put my stuff down went to a stall got some food then went to the break room.

I saw Talia in the break room and decided to sit with her but it was hard to focus. I was thinking about Ryo coming tomorrow. I was eating but not tasting my food. "Knight?" I was in a daze. I didn't hear a thing. "Knight!" "Huh what? Sorry. Oh hey Talia. Sorry I was thinking." "Is everything ok?" "Yeah just family trouble. So I talked to the boss. Stay here after everyone leaves then me and the boss will tell you who painted it and show you ok?" "Thanks you Knight! You're the best!" "Yeah I know." Then it was time for work again. This time I was able to get my painting down in record time. "Yes! Finally done!" Then I saw the other 3 look at me. "Uh sorry everyone." "Its alright man. Its rare to see you excited." "Yeah." Then once everyone went home, it was just me Boss and Talia.

"Ok we are going to the break room to talk." Said Boss. We followed the boss and sat down. "Ok boss. I will tell her. You go get it ok?" "All right." "Ok so you want to know who the person who painted that was right?" "Yes please!" "Ok don't be shocked but it was me. It was one of the first paintings I did when I started working here. Hard to believe huh?" "No not really. That picture is what encouraged me to draw mythical creatures and scenery." "Oh is that so? Oh here it comes. Please try not to laugh ok?" "I can't promise anything." "OK fair enough." Boss gave me the picture so I can show her. I took a deep breath and pulled the sheet off of it. Then I put the sheet down and laid the picture over it. I saw Talia looking closely at it. She must be trying to figure out the technique I used here. I used a still life technique in this painting. Although it could have done better. "Its great knight. You did say this is the first ones you drew right?" "Well since I worked here yes. I have been drawing since I was 4 or 5 years old so I was told." "Oh well. I promise I won't tell anyone. Oh how I wish I can have a copy of this." "You really want a copy? Is it that good?" "Well you remember how I started out?" "Yes but you didn't know what you wanted to draw then. So you drew doodles that weren't that bad actually. How long have you been drawing?"

"I started since kindergarden. I was in art class and I realized I liked it." "Oh wow. OK cool." "Ok well I will see you tomorrow." "Yeah see ya. Boss and I have a little meeting." "Oh ok I won't keep you." Then she left and it was me and boss. Boss took me to his office and we talked.

"Ok Knight so what is it you want to talk about?" "Well lets talk hypothetical for minute." "Ok sure." "Well say a random person was normal all his life then out of the blue he finds out he is a prince. If he doesn't take the throne then his brother who he gets along with gets the throne. This person who is questioning weather to take it or not has a little boy and a baby on the way. What do you think that boy should do?" "I see that would be difficult situation. Well If it were me I would talk it over to my wife first. Then make a decision together. Yes there will be hard times but that is for royal or not. They could always come to visit their old home as well." "What if this person loves his job but has to be king and won't have time for it? What if he is to busy ruling to do what he loves?" "Well I would say talk to the council and talk about having a trial run to make a decision if he is afraid of that." "Yes. Yes. Good Idea. Thanks Boss. You were a big help." "OK your welcome. Glad I could help."

I went home a little later than usual. Then someone from work saw me. "Oh Knight." "Oh hey Jaz. What's up?" "Some of us guys are going to have a get together this weekend. Want to come?" "I might be able too." "Good. Its at 5:00" "Ok I'll try to make it." "OK good." Then he left and I went to my house and sat down next to my wife. I laid my head on her shoulder. "Are you ok honey?" "Yeah I'm fine. Just a lot to think about. Oh I have an idea. I might have to visit the Dragons in a few days. Also this weekend I have a feeling the boys are going to throw me a surprise party." "Haha oh you think so?" "Yeah. So I will probably go. Zee will be here." "Ok then." "After that I will be with you more to help you out ok?" "Sure." My sister left after saying goodbye then I put the little guy down and helped Eva down to bed.

The next morning once I was all ready for work there was a knock. (Knock Knock) I went over to the door and saw Ryo. "Oh come in." I said. "Eva this is Ryoto he goes by Ryo." "Nice to meet you and congratulations." "Thanks." "Hey there little man." "Ryo!" He went over an hugged him. "Hey little man." He picked junior up and we sat down to talk. "I was thinking Ryo. Before we decide what to do how about a trial run?" "Ok well let me tell you what I was going to say first." "Sorry ok shoot." "After talking for hours, we finally got them to decide on one. But before that they want your baby to be born first so you won't worry so much. About a month after the baby is born come to the Dragon village. We will talk." "Yes Ryo. Thanks. Tell them I except the trial." "Ok well I will go over and let them know. Bye little man. I will see you when the baby is born ok?" "Bye Bye" "Bye little guy." "See you all then." "Yeah see you. Well since I am going to work I better tell my boss I will be leaving soon." "Bye honey. By baby boy." Then I left for work.

I got to work and let him know after the baby is born I will be gone for another 6 months and will be taking my family this time with me. "Ok well then. We will miss you." "Yeah I will miss you all too. Well 3 have at least 3 more months or less together right?" "Yeah so go to work." "Haha got it." I sent an owl to Mr. Thorn to let him know the painting is done. Now I have to catch up on all the others that requested that didn't have a time limit. Luckily I only have about 5 people to do art for. Couple of sketches with colored pencils. Others paintings. I decided to take a break and do the sketches first instead of paint."

I just finished the sketch and was about to write when it was break time. "Aw man! I guess I got to get up and go." I was about to go out when Jaz stopped me. "Hey want to hang out with us at lunch?" "Yeah I guess. I got to get my lunch first." "Oh we already got it." "Ok I'm coming then." So I sat with the guys today.

"Ok well there will be something that is announced in a few days." I warned. "Oh what is that Knight?" Said Emerald. "Well I guess I can tell you now. In 3 months or less I will be leaving for 6 months again." "Oh really? Why? You just got back from wherever you came from!" said Jaz. "Yeah well its family stuff. So anyway what have you guys been working on?" "Hmph. I've been working on drawing stuff for a babies room. Since I have a twins niece and nephew I was doodling and since then boss recommended me and I've been getting calls." Said Emerald. "I like my job. I've been working on action sketches mostly." Said Jaz. "Oh cool. I just finished one for a girls party for an old man's Granddaughter who is turning 10 years old." "Oh is that so?" "Yeah. But I got done with that and now I'm playing catch up. Oh and I forgot to tell you. I just finished a painting for Mr. Thorn." Everyone looked shocked. "No way! He actually had you paint something for him?" "Yeah I actually know him. He was mom's old friend." "Lucky you. So what did you draw for him?" "Oh just random dragons playing." "Really? Never pegged him for a dragon picture. Whatever." Said Jaz. Break was over and I went back to work.

I finshed writing then it was time to close. This time I went home same as I did a normal day. Same stuff different day. Went to bed and the next day started.

Lets skip to the weekend. It was the day I had off I stayed with my wife until 5:00 came around. Then my sis got there and I headed out. I finally got there and a big "SURPRISE!" was yelled. So I acted surprised and they didn't care it was normal. "Thanks everyone!" Then I was supposed to go up and make a speech. "Thank you everyone for throwing me this surprise party. Thank you for welcoming me back home. I have some sad news though. As you all know my wife is pregnant and the baby is due In 3 more months. A month after our child is born I have to leave for another 6 months and after that who knows. I have been having family issues. Well enough sad things for now. Thank you everyone for this awesome party let partay!" Then they all cheered and we partied. It wasn't an alcohol party cause minors were there but we were still having fun none the less. I saw the old man and told him that we finished. We will be at the party next week. "Thank you Knight." The little girl heard him mention Knight. "Hey grandpa is this him?" "Yes honey it is." "Nice to meet you Stella. I can't wait to go to your party." I saw her blush. It was adorable. "I can't wait to see you too." then she hid behind grandpa. "She's so adorable. Well I will go and mingle with the others. I'm popular today."

Finally I was able to go home. I got in the door and collapsed on the couch. "Aw man! So exhausted." "Hey brother your just tired right? Nothing else wrong?" "Oh no sis I'm all good." "Ok good. Well I better be off. Kiran is probably worried." "Ha him worried that be the day." "Yeah I thought so too. You don't see how worried he is when I stay late because someone wants to party or work late." "Ok sorry. I do have a little girls party next week then I will be home more for her. I told her." "OK good. You better be."

The day of the little girls party. It was after work. I picked up Talia as promised and brought her and she brought her painting as well. Once we got settled the old man went up and said a few words. "Laidies and gentleman. We have a couple of special guests today at Stella's party. Knight and Talia please stand up." WE stood up. "Hello everyone." Then we sat back down. They were invited to attend stella's party by me. so please enjoy my stella's 10th birthday." Then we all got up and started mingling. "I will have you take off the sheet on stage when all the other gifts are opened ok Stella?" "Thank you Knight and Talia." "Your welcome sweetie." Said Talia. "I told you isn't she so adorable?" "Yeah she is."

Finally it was time to reveal the paintings. "OK so now the moment you have all been waiting for." I said. I was told to announce this part. The first one is mine. It is what she asked for, for her birthday." She unraveled it. She had a shocked face. It was happy tears. "Now the last but not least might be a shocker. This is made by Talia." She unraveled it and was shocked. It looked just like her. She was an elf. "Wow! Is this me as an elf?" "Yes I drew you as an elf. Isn't it pretty?" "Its beautiful. Thank you both." She gave us both a hug. "In the future I will ask grandpa to order more so my room can be filled with them." "Ok but not too much ok? We have other's to do as well." "Hehe ok I will put that in mind."

Finally the party was over and it was time to say goodbye. "Would you like me to make a picture of us 4 in a sketch?" "Yes please." "OK when I have time I will surely do that." Then we left. Talia went a different way then me.