Chapter 18: The Childs Birth

It was getting closer to the time of my daughter's birth. WE decided to name it after my birth mom Aria. Aria Quinn would be her first and middle name. Named after the two women who did their best to raise us. We are in the delivery room because any day now we will be delivering her. Finally get to meet my daughter. Haha Knight has been excited. He wants to meet his baby sitter instead of sister. Its adorable. He will get it eventually.

My poor wife looks Exhausted. My son is in the waiting room with uncle Bain and Aunt Quinn. Even Mrs. sun came as well. They are all waiting in the waiting room waiting for some good news.

The contractions were getting closer together. So the doctor decided to check her. "Looks like she is about ready to deliver. Lets get the stuff together everyone!" said the doctor. Eva made sure all the doctors were female. She was uncomfortable with a male doctor or nurse looking down there and she knows I would be Jealous. "Ok when we say push take a deep breath and push ok?" "Yes maam." She said in a tired voice. I held her hand. "Ok and Push." She took a good deep breath and pushed. After two pushes we saw the head. "Ok One more good one and she will be out. Push!" She screamed and tightened her grip on me and finally our baby girl was out. We could hear her crying. "Her name is Aria Quinn. Named after the two women that raised us." "Aw how sweet. Hello Aria Nice to meet you." Said the doctor as they work working to clean her up. Knight cut the cord.

Finally visitors were allowed in. Once the baby was I Eva's arms, I went out to get my son. "Ok Only one person at a time can go in. I'll bring Knight first and we will go from there." I said. They all nodded in acknowlegemet.

"Hey junor. Want to meet your baby sister?" "Yay!" So they went in and I told him "Shh." I helped him on the bed with Eva so he could see her. "Baby sister?" he pointed at her. "Yes that is Aria. Your baby sister." "Ania?" "Close enough you will get it eventually. Once the baby is done eating do you want to hold her?" "Yep." "OK go wash your hands first." I said. He obeyed cause he really wanted to hold her. He sat down obediently and waited. Then finally we were able to give the baby to Knight. I helped him hold on to her. "She smiling daddy." "Yes she loves her big brother." "I love too." He gave her a kiss on the forehead. "Aww so sweet Knight." Then I put the baby back in her temporary bed next to us after I burped her.

A few days later we were able to go home. Once we got there Knight asked the question we knew would come. "Mommy why do sis have pointy ear?" "Daddy you explain it while I put little sister down to bed." "Yes of course. Come here Junior." He sat on my lap and I said, "Well junior you are pretty smart for your age. Why do you think she has pointy ears?" Then he got off my lap and brought back a book. "Elf?" "Yes that's right son. Your mommy is a half elf so that makes your sister one too. Even though you are a dragon you are also part elf. You won't have elf powers since your are a dragon, but your sister might end up being an elf. I need you to keep it a secret ok? No one can know about your sister having pointy ears ok?" "Yes daddy."

It was a few days before we had to leave again. I said goodbye to everyone at work and all my buddies. I will be back In 6 months. They were all sad to see us go. Finally the day we were leaving came and everyone saw us off and waved. It was hard for my sister even though soon she will be working with the Guardian's and seeing me often.

"Once we got far enough away, I had an extra man come for my wife. I am not strong enough to carry her yet. I will be soon enough though. "OK Junior who do you want to ride on? Me or uncle?" "Daddy!" "Ok." Then I turned and Torion put the saddle on and buckled him in. "That's a smart idea. Who made that?" said Eva. "I did." Said Torion. "Oh good thinking. By the way you both have pretty colors." They nodded in acknowledgement. Since she couldn't' understand dragon. "Ok lets fly!" said the man Kale we invited.

Hours later we were at the gate. We turned human and I had to wait until the saddle was off and my son got off. Then I turned as well. "Ok lets go in and introduce you to Warren. My birthfather." "Ok I will get him." Said Torion. "Kale send them to their rooms to relax a bit." "Yes sir. Follow me special guests." Said Kale. So we followed him to a mansion where we were staying.

We had a room with a crib in it for Aria and the room next door was Juniors. "Thank you Kale. How is your father liking the picture I painted him?" "He won't stop staring at it. Haha." "Ok I'll talk to him later after all this is done with." Then he left us to rest.

I put the little one down since I was holding her at the time. Then laid down with Eva. Torion was keeping junior happy. After awhile there was a knock at our door. Then we saw Warren. "Hello Warren. This is our daughter Aria Quinn." I said. "Oh she's an elf?" "Yes I just recently found out my wife is a forest elf." "Oh well welcome. Whether your human or a creature you are welcome as long as you don't cause trouble." "Haha Hey I cause trouble." "Yeah but you are still young and a father now so you need to man up." Said Warren. "Yeah I know." "OK I will make an appointment with the council for tomorrow so you can rest." "Thank you Warren." "Papa!" said Junior. "Hello Junior. Protect your little sister ok? No matter what." "I know papa. I a man. I keep baby sitter safe." "Haha he says baby sitter that's cute." "Yeah he will get it eventually." I said. "Can I borrow Knight for a walk?" said Warren. "yes please go ahead." Said Eva. So we did just that.

"I see you gave him that necklace." Said warren. "Yes and its working for now. His dragon is pretty strong. His eyes fluctuate trying to escape." "Yes silver dragons are stubborn. I was the same way when I first shifted. I too had anecklace like that. I never knew my parents I was raised by my grandmother." "I'm sorry Warren." "Its all good. When grandmother died I was 16 and going to school one of my neighbors took me in. You know him. Mr. Thorn." "No way Mr. Thorn was your friend?" "Haha best friend. Now you can see how I turned out this way right?" "Actually I have seen his kid Kale I can see it in him." "Haha yeah that's true. Anyway lets talk about something else. Its about your daughter Aria." "What about her?" "Watch her closely. I will be talking to your wife about taking her to stay with the elves at 16 if she doesn't have any signs of anything yet. So she can be prepared. Yeah I was going to talk to her about that as well. She still has family over in the elf area. We visit them sometimes." "Good. That's good. She will definitely be a beauty and most likely will age like elves. Very slowly. Your son Knight most likely will have that ability as well." "Yeah I figured as much. How do you know so much about them Warren?" "Hmm. Well. I guess you can say I am half elf as well." "What? Are you serious?" "Yeah there is a theory that we are silver dragons because we are half elf but no proof has been found." "Hey Warren? I've been wondering this but, if I don't take the throne will I still be able to say in the village? Or my kids if they wanted?" "I see that is a good question. Well a lot of people will be unhappy you didn't take it and will probably get on your but about it but I don't see why not. Even if you decide to go back to the normal world it will still be ok. At least until your kids grow up to their teens." "Haha yeah. Well I will talk to my wife about the plan after the trial on what we will do. Weather we want to stay or go back home. If we do though it would be hard because we would leave our little girl with the elves so she doesn't get picked on in the normal world." "Well then I hope you decide to stay so you don't have to give her up. That is I can say." "Haha yeah thanks warren." Then we walked back to Eva.

"Hey honey we are back. How is Aria?" "She is doing good. I just got her to sleep." "Oh good. Ah I am so exhausted." I said. "I was told being a beginner dragon is tiring." "Yeah I'll be ok though. I just need a little shut eye." So I closed my eyes and went to sleep. I felt Eva run her fingers through my hair which made me have a peaceful rest.

2 hours later I woke up. It was 4:00 in an hour is dinner time. I got dressed in the clothes I had in my closet. They already had clothes ready for us before our arrival in our closet. I dressed up like the dragons do and the Elves left clothes for Eva. My son had clothes a dragon boy would wear. We picked out our clothes then dressed our baby girl in baby elf clothes.

Finally we were dressed and Eva got her hair done. We were escorted to the dining hall by Kale. We had to wait for the Queen to sit down before we did. So once she sat down so did we. Dinner was about done and it was quiet until everyone got their food. "Welcome heirs of the throne. Welcome home to the land of dragons." Said the Queen. Although I know she didn't mean it by the way she was looking at us. "Thank you, your majesty." I bowed at the table. We both said. "Yes well. I hear you have an elf child. Congratulations." "Thank you. Her name is Aria Quinn." I see named after the twins girls who disappeared on us." "Your majesty if I may?" "Go ahead boy." "Thank you. After Zee my sister was born she was about 3 or 4 months when mom Aria passed away. As for Quinn she and her husband Uncle Bain raised us after our dad Ash passed away."

"I see so that human was the one that raised you until he died then you were raised by this Bain guy." "Yes Your majesty. Aunt Quinn still lives with him now and is happy." "I see thank you." So we all chatted with the others until it was time to go to our chambers.

It was time for bed now. I Put Knight to bed while I helped Eva put little Aria to bed. "Sigh. She is gorgeous just like her mommy." "Aww thanks honey but you have to say that because I'm your wife." "No I'm serious. I remember all the guys were over you but you turned them down." 'Hehe yeah I promised my brother I would until I knew I met the right man." "Aww now your making me blush." I joked. Then we went to sleep.

6 months passed quick. My baby is 6 months old now. She is looking more like her :mom. except for her hair and eyes she got from me. "I don't know about this honey. I don't think I can do it." "What do you mean honey?" Said Eva worriedly rubbing my back. This being king thing. I was never a leader. It seems Like Torion would be the better one What do you think?" "Hmm. Ok I have an idea. That is up to you but if you don't we should stay here for at least 10 years then go back home. We can still visit before that of course but our home will be here. I don't want our baby to get made fun of. I will still take her to uncles house but other than that no." "OK sounds like a plan. Sigh its not going to be fun but we will manage." "Good luck honey." "Yeah you too."

It was finally time for the coucil meeting to decide what to do. Then I was told to start out by making my decision. I told them my decision and they were shocked but supportive. Torion was there as well. "I knew it wasn't for you Knight. Your more of an independent guy." "Haha yeah." "Oh after this I will show you around since you will be staying here." "Thanks Torion." So the boing meeting finally finished.

I brought my family along for the tour. Oh and in the meeting we discussed that Eva can help the castle medical and sometimes village if needed. So there is that. As we were walking he showed me a art studio. The only difference was it wasn't humans but creatures drawing or doing some sort of art. "When we are done doing the tour maybe you can look around." "Yeah of course." Finally the tour was over and I left the kids with Torion and Eva.

I found the boss and said, "Hello sir. My name is Knight." "Ah yes I have heard of you." "Yeah sorry I'm not the leader type." "No not that I've heard of your art." "Oh uh ok. What do you think of the art that you have see?" "Its pretty darn good. Give me a minute." "Ok sure." I heard him stop everyone and introduced me and told them I was going to look around. No one seemed to have a problem which was good. So everyone was getting there stuff ready to show me. I was walking around just glimpsing at first like an observer. Then I saw a little boy and girl no older than 11 or 12. "H-Hello Knight." Said the little girl. "Oh hello little one. Is this your brother beside you?" "Yes we are twins. We look the same except for our eyes and hair color." "Oh I see. What are you two working on?" "Can you come and see?" "Of course I will." I followed the little kids and they worked in the same area but gave eachother some space. "I like how you have this set up. How is it working together?" "It was hard at first but we got used to it." said the boy. "Oh he speaks. How old are you?" "We are 11 years old. We will be 12 in 2 months." Said the boy. "Oh that's cool. I have a daughter who is only 6 months and a son who is 3. I'll tell you what. Would you like to be deciples of me?" "What about your old one?" "Oh well I won't be able to see her for a long time. I will be moving here for awhile. So If I end up working here I was thinking of taking you in what do you both say?" I saw them huddle and they both agreed. "Ok so what are your names?" "My name I Rin and my brothers name is Lin. I know our names our weird." "NO not at all my sons name is knight too I call him Jr. My baby girl is Aria." "Oh pretty name.' said the girl. "Yeah it is." "OK I'm going to finish going around you two go ahead and work ok?" "Yes sir." They both said. "Haha." Then I finally finished looking around.

I found the boss and talked to him about working here and wanting to take the two little ones in. "I don't mind but you might want to talk to their parents first." "Of course. They are such cute creatures what are they?" "They are Fairies but they a bigger than normal fairies because they are only half. The creatures who lost their human part of the family often come back here. Or sometimes they stay over there and are just surpressed." MY boss was a dragon. A green dragon. "I see sounds sad." "Yes but these two little ones are fine now. They aren't the only ones. Ok so when do you want to start?" "Oh well do you mind if I settle down and get used to things first? I will come by later." "Yes of course. In the mean time why don't you go and meet the childrens guardian." "Yes good idea." I didn't have time to wait till it was over till the kids came over to me.