Chapter 19: 10 years later

I am now 31 Years old and my son is 13. My daughter is 10 wife 32. Anyway's lets get to the story. We are still living in the dragon village right now. I took those two kids in as my deciples. Their family died a year after I lived here and told me to take them in. I was shocked but agreed. So I raised 4 kids for 10 years. Now that those kids are almost in their mid 20's and my son is 13 I'm going to talk to my wife about going back home. I heard uncle wasn't in good shape.

"Hey Eva. I was thinking. I want to go back home. Remember we decided 10 years we will move back?" "Yes honey I know. Are you sure you want to go back home to live?" "Yes. Uncle isn't In good health. I want to move someplace close to them." "OK well lets talk to night when he gets home. Since he is 13 now he can decide what he wants to do." "Ok what about Aria?" "Well I was thinking that Warren can watch over them or Kale since they are old enough to know better now. I'll find someone don't worry." "Ok then. I agree." So my wife Eva and I waited for the kids to come home.

Then a few minutes later Knight came in. "Oh hello mom and dad. Whats up? I know that look. Something is going to happen." "Its ok son. Nothing bad. Where is Aria?' "Oh shes almost here. Speak of the devil here she is." "Hey that's not nice Knight." "Well you are. You may be pretty but you are a devil underneath." He joked. "I am not." "Ok you two." Said Eva. "Lets sit down and talk." "Yes mom." They both said. So they both sat down and listened.

Then I spoke. "We want to move back home to the human village." The kids were shocked. "We want to know what you want to do Knight? You are 13 now and can stay with whoever we agree on. Also whatever you agree you have to take your sister. You need to protect her." "Yes Dad I know. So who are we going to stay with?" "Well I wanted to ask you that first?" "Oh ok well. I wish I could stay with uncle Torion but he is the King so I can't do that. I would be trapped. He is way to overprotective." "Haha he sure is." "Well lets see. Hmm. Oh what about Kale he's pretty cool." "Ok I will go ask him. In the mean time keep thinking in case it won't work." "Yes dad." SO I left and Eva stayed with them.

I went to Kale's place it was his day off luckily. I knocked on his door and he opened it. "Oh Hey Knight what's up?" "Can I come in?" "Sorry of course you can come in." He had a big house and a few maids to help keep it clean. When he doesn't work he looks like he just came out of the gym. He can also get Aria stronger as well is what I am hoping. "Um well I don't know if you will agree but I plan on leaving to move back to the human village. One of the people Junior wanted to stay with is You. He will be having his sister with him no matter who he moves in with." "I see. Um I'll tell you what I will think about it and give word in a few days ok?" "Sure thanks man you would be a lifesaver." "Don't thank me yet like I said I would have to think about it." "Ok see ya." "Oh ok see ya."

I went back home to my wife and kids. "Well Knight its not a done deal but he will think about it and give me an answer in a few days. Did you think of anyone else?" "Dad why can't sister just stay with the elves and me with the dragons?" "Because son. You are her brother. You are young and strong for your age." "Yeah Yeah you keep telling me that." "I'll tell you what Knight. I will warn you he may to a trial live I for a few months just to see if it will work. So both of you behave yourselves if you wnt to stay there ok? Plus you won't be staying at the house all the time you both have training to do." "Yeah that's right so it won't be such a pain." "Haha ok and when Aria is 16 she will be living with the elves and you won't have to look after her anymore which you probably will since you are used to it." "Haha I doubt that but we will go with what you say dad. Oh and if it doesn't work out I have one person I know will look after us. I remembered when I was training. The boss of the dragon training said he would take us both in." "Oh really?" "Yeah." "Well lets wait to see what Kale says. First." "Yeah I'd prefer to live with him than the training guy anyway." "Haha ok then."

A few days later we got word from Kale. "Ok like you suggested. I will do a trial run for the kids for a few months to see how it goes. If it doesn't work out where should I send them?" "Oh I'm sure it will work out but the training master of the dragons said he would take them in." "Oh ok that's easy I know where he lives." "When will they be moving in?" "Well we haven't decided when we are moving yet. So you have time to get the rooms ready." "OK sure." So he left to get the rooms ready and the kids right now are probably in training right now.

"Sigh. Why do I have to feel so old and weak?" "Oh Knight. You are not weak you just haven't had a good rest in the last few days. You will be fine once you go back home I hope." "Yeah me too." Then I gave her a kiss and sat up. "We haven't told anyone we were coming back yet? Are we going to surprise them?" "Haha I guess so. I just don't want to give uncle too much. His health is bad. H'es not young anymore." "My dear he is only 50 he is not 70 or 80 years old." Said Eva. "I know but I got word he wasn't in good health. SO I need to see him." "Ok that is the plan lets just wait for word that the rooms are ready so we should start packing now." Said Eva. "Yeah lets do that." So we basically just packed up our clothes and work things. We can get the other things when we move back.

"I haven't told my work yet. When I go back tomorrow I will let them know." "Oh ok. You know they will all be sad." "haha yeah I know. It was the same for Talia and the others when I had to move here. I only worked there for 2 years and a few months. I got to work here longer. It will be harder on them." '"They will be fine honey. Its not like you won't visit anymore." "Yes I know I will manage."

I went to work the next day and told the boss that in a few days I will be leaving. That my kids will be staying with Kale. "I see we will miss you. Its time for an announcement then." "Yes I'm afraid so. Why don't I do it." "Sure I will get everyone's attention first." I nodded. "Everyone. Knight here has an announcement to make." "Thanks Boss." He nodded. "OK all of you know I have been talking about leaving for the human village. Now I have to tell you this last week or 2 will be our last days here. My kids will be staying with Kale. Mr. Thorns son." Then everyone started talking at once. "Ok please quiet down." Said the boss. Then they silences. I nodded at the boss. "I want to thank you all for welcoming here when I was the new guy. I am moving this soon because my uncle isn't in good health. I would have planned on moving back there later but since he is not doing well I will be leaving earlier. I have made friends with you all here. I will miss you all. I will still come and visit when I can. Please when I am gone please continue doing a good job. And the twins remember what I taught you ok?" "Yes sir." They both said even though they are 22 now. They had their birthday not that long ago. "Ok then. Well I best be getting to my work. If any of you want to talk after work come to my house and hang out for a bit." Then that's all I had to say and went to work. It was the same work I did back at the human village. Except the difference here is that there are people doing different art like sculpting, Wood carving etc." I had one more job before I stopped being requested and it was for a birthday boy. The boy was turning 16 years old. So I finished that and a few days later when to his party.

It was a day before the move. I told my wife I would be right back I had to go out for a bit. Once I was done with what I was doing I was heading back then all of a sudden my vision went black. "Shit I was kidnapped again."

A few hours later Eva was getting worried. She went to all the places she would think of he would be in the village. Then the last place she decided to go was the king. "I'm here to see King Torion." "Yes Eva right this way." Said a butler.

I waited until he was finished talking. Then he turned around. "Oh Eva hello. Welcome to the palace. What can I do for you?" He smiled. "Its Knight. My husband. He said he had to go to the forest outside the gate to do something and he hasn't' come back yet. He said he would be right back and it would usually be an hour or 2. Its has now been 4 hours. I think something happened to him." Eva cried. Then his smile went down when heard that. "OK If he hasn't came back yet let me help you look. If we can't find anything lets get the guards." "Yes thank you."

They went to the forest and looked deep into it. They couldn't find anything. "OK we have looked enough. I will get my best trackers." "I have an idea. You said that children can track their fathers right?" "If they are dragons yes. Also the parent has to be alive to track." "Good lets bring Knight with us. He can help." "OK sure but he has to stay with either you or me ok?" "Yes thank you." They went back home and she interrupted Knights training. "Excuse me sir. May I have a word?" "Yes of course. All of you spar for a bit. What seems to be the problem?" "Knight has gone missing. I need to take Junior with me to find his father. The king is going to get his trackers to help look as well." "I see that is a good idea a dragon child can track his father if he is alive." "Yes so please." "Yes of course." "Knight! Come here please!" "Yes sir!" He went over and saw him mom worried. "What's wrong mom? Did something happen to sis or dad?" "I'll tell you on the way out." Then they left the training grounds and she explained to him what happened. "I see so dad was most likely kidnapped again. Wasn't he kidnapped when I was a year old or something?" "Your right! Those men might still be alive after all these years. What would they want with them?" "Its ok mom. Dad is strong he will be ok." She saw her son turn dragon and try to sense his father. "Shit!" He said in dragon form so his mom didn't understand. "Dad's presence is weak." Then he turned human. "Dad's presence is weak." "I knew it. Your sister will be fine Kale will pick her up after her training. I let the Elves know." "OK good." So they met the others at the gate waiting for them.

Meanwhile where Knight Sr. was. "Ow what the hell?" "Oh so your finally awake huh?" I heard a man's voice. "Who are you? I don't recognize you." "Oh right. Its been a few years now huh? My bad." Said the man. "Do I look like anyone you remember look closely now." Said the man. I looked at the man and was shocked. "No way. Your sister and I watched you die? How are you alive?" "Now you recognize me." "Why are you mad at me? All I did was marry your sister and have a couple of kids with her. I treat her well and vise versa. Why am I here? Why are you mad?" "Seems like you really don't remember. Its been years so its understandable. I know you knew when you saw me dying. You just didn't want to tell my sister to worry her." "Did I do something to you in school or something?" "Ah now you are getting somewhere aren't we? I have been sick my whole life. I thought I was really going to die too but I was finally healed. Some old man took me in and healed me." "Well I'm glad you are alive. Wait if you are alive why didn't you at least tell your parents or sister?" "Back then I lost my memory. Its almost all back. I got the memory of what you did to me in school though." "Whatever I did I'm sorry. I was young and stupid. We can't change the past." "Your right we can't change the past."

Back with Junior and the others who were searching for him. "I found something!" said one of the trackers. They went over to see what he had found. Eva looked at it. "This is. No it can't be! This is my brothers! My brother is dead! Why is this out here? Oh no this isn't good. If my brother is alive and he has Knight he is in danger. We have to hurry." "Mom! Its really bad. Dad is getting weaker by the minute. We have to hurry! Its getting harder to track him." Said Knight almost crying. "Its ok son. We will find your dad and get him help ok? Your dad is strong." "I hope your right mom."

"So Knight do you remember what you did to me yet you bastard!" "Ow Cough Cough" I coughed up blood and Artanian which was her brothers name even though she forgot to mention it. "Shit! I don't want you to die! I just want you to admit what you did. Hold on a minute I can help you a bit." He but his hand on my hand and part of my body healed enough I can think now. "Good how are you feeling now?" "Better but still in pain." "Good I won't heal all of you just yet." "I sort of remember what happened back then now. Zizzy and the others told me and I assume your sister knows by now. I denied it for so long its time I admitted it." "Ok so what are you going to admit huh?" "Sigh. Ok fine. I'm sorry that I left a scar on such a hansome face when we fought 13 years ago before graduation." "Ha. Haha. You really think its only that? You must be out of your freaking mind." Then he kicked me. I groaned. "Ow what the hell man?"

The others still haven't found Knight anywhere in the forest. The only option is the human world. "OK Trackers lets head back. Knight go with your mom to the human village to look." "Yes. Take care of Aria. She will be too worried and may have a panic attack." "Yes I will." Then they left and Knight and Eva headed for the human world.