So, that was Shao Yaoting's real plan? Was he planning to bury his dark secret together with Bai Chen's body?

Bai Chen didn't know if it was just Shao Yaoting's bullshit or not, but he didn't like the way the man was talking to him.

The face was still the same even though the body was now wrapped in black clothes instead of white. It was still the same wrinkled face that often made ridiculous faces in front of Bai Chen in the past. It was still the same face that had grinned foolishly at him for years, and the memory was also still vivid in Bai Chen's head as if those moments just happened yesterday.

But the old man's aura was no longer the same, and Bai Chen knew that it was the true aura of his Ma Qiao. Ah, Ma Qiao never existed in this world in the first place, so why did Bai Chen suddenly miss that innocent-looking old man who was by his side for so many years?