"Even though this is not my first time visiting the Rongyao Imperial Palace, I don't know any place in this palace, including the location of the prison. I think this palace is bigger than our Xinyang Imperial Palace in Wu Li," Wu Jingguo couldn't help but grumble when he tried to find the place where his half-brother was being held.

He originally wanted to follow Bai Chen and Yu Ming to Zuigao Hall, but then Yu Ming gave him a more important order to save his brother, and that was why he immediately agreed to do the job.

He was alone to do the task given by Yu Ming, and he also didn't know where the bad guy had locked his brother, but he didn't look scared at all. Confidently, the blue-robed Crown Prince continued to walk through each and every pavilion within the Rongyao Imperial Palace, but then about a dozen people suddenly appeared and blocked his steps. The Crown Prince didn't look surprised or frightened, but he tsk-ed in annoyance instead.