News of the vampire sighting near Locketon spread like wildfire.

It caused panic and fear, and everywhere I went people seemed to be extra cautious. When they saw me they would pretend not to see me or scurry away quickly. Some people who usually stopped by even avoided seeing my family altogether knowing the incident involved the Judds.

Two days after the ordeal with Avalon and my father, I was on my way to the library to return a book on my off day when there was an announcement near the library and townhouse.

It was a royal decree from the king.

There was going to be a formal ball held in honor of the peace treaty between vampires and humans. And a select few humans would be selected to attend the ball at the vampire kingdom palace. This would be the first ball as it was the first year of the treaty, and they wanted to make it a regular annual event, switching up the humans called there every time.

The decree announced names already chosen by state law of the king of the North kingdom. Since it was a spoken degree first and then would be recorded on paper, I stopped to listen. There were a bunch of names I didn't recognize that were selected to go from other towns.

But then there were four names I knew.

"Hera Abel, Tessa Wells, Spenser Fruss, and Valerie Judd."

Startled upon hearing my name, I walked closer to check if I really heard my name being read out loud.

"Excuse me can you repeat the names recorded just now?" I asked.

The announcer did as I asked and I placed a hand over my beating heart when I really did hear my name.

What was this? How was I called to go to the vampire kingdom when just a few days ago my father forbade any contact with their kind. But I had to admit I was still curious and a part of me wanted to see Avalon again.

There was a dispute happening in the townhouse, according to Mrs. Wells niece. She was also my best friend, and her name was Tessa.

Tessa worked part time at the library too, but she was also engaged and about to be married to her long time boyfriend. I wanted to know why she was on the list of invitees too.

"Tessa, why were we both invited to the vampire ball?" I asked.

"My aunt put my name in when they were discussing who to bring."

Oh, of course. Tessa was the mayor's daughter after all. She would be a good in-between person for the good of the treaty.

"Huh? It's by electoral vote? Then why was my name there? My father would never recommend me," I was puzzled over this.

But Tessa had the answer straight away.

"The vampires requested you personally, apparently."

She continued with her filing of book titles, while I scratched my head in thought.

"Wait, someone requested me, like the vampires actually asked for me?"

"Yeah, you were there in the dark woods right? My father told me yours burst into the town hall a day ago and badmouthed all vampire kind when he found out that your name was put in for the ball. I mean, I think vampires are hot but I get it. I mean it's not like I'd ever be with one, I already have my honeybun. But we have to travel there and it would be dangerous." Tessa flicked a hand through her hair, chewing on her lip.

"We have to travel for how long?" I asked.

"Hm, a day give or take. Their kingdom is quite far from ours. I heard they'll have the best guards of the North kingdom come with us, in case the vampires try anything."

"Why are Hera and Spenser going?" I asked.

Hera and Spenser were in my class before I dropped out so I recognized their names.

"Connections to the war and peace treaty." She dismissed, waving her hand in the air.

My father was livid, so livid he wasn't even working on his welding when I returned home.

"How. Can. They. Do. This." He gritted between his teeth.

"After all I've done for the kingdom, they go behind my back and approve to send my daughter to god-knows-where!" He was talking to our helper.

Our helper was a stunning woman called Jenna. She was my father's age but she had served our family for a long time, and she watched over me when I grew up without a mother, she was almost like a second mother. She cooked and cleaned and washed clothing, and had a living quarters in our home. My father paid her handsomely as she needed to pay the finances for her husband's scientific studies.

Jenna tried to placate my father, "Thomas, I know you care for Valerie with all your heart and soul. But you cannot defy the royal order, try as you might. The best you can do is protect her, whatever way you can."

"I tried to ask if I could go and protect my daughter but they refused, upon what grounds they didn't even explain!" My father was frustrated.

I chose that moment to step into view.

"Hi, father, Jenna." I said.

"Oh Val, come here!" Jenna motioned and I hugged her.

My father looked at me once and then stormed off, as if he could barely stand to look at me.

"Why is he so grumpy?" I asked Jenna.

"He hasn't had lunch yet," Jenna joked.

I smiled then, Jenna always had a summery disposition, always bright and sunny.

"We need to get you the best dresses, don't we?" Jenna told me once it was just her and me.

"Oh, I guess we do." I said.

"How are you feeling about this?" Jenna asked me.

I picked at the fraying edges of my bedding.

"Well I'm nervous, and scared. What if something happens to us on the way? Like we get ambushed…what if it's terrible and all the vampires just stare at us like aliens?" I voiced my doubts and fears.

"Oh darling, it'll be okay. I'm here for you and I'll try to help as much as I can," Jenna patted my back as I spoke.

The end of the day came with dreams of Avalon and I standing together in the dark woods.

He leaned in again like he did last time to sniff my neck. But this time his fangs came into full view. He smirked and bit into my neck, causing pain like fire ant bites inside me.

I screamed but nobody heard me as he left me lying there.

Waking up with sweat drenched around my body I glanced around, feeling like I was being watched. When there was nobody around, I breathed in a sigh of relief trying to get back to sleep.

I thought I saw a single pink petal fall from the window ledge before sleep consumed me once again.