An awkward moment: A kiss


Drake didn't mean to say that, but he couldn't think of any other word other than that. The subject of his interest also was staring at him as though she had something to hide.

Then she stepped forward, from the group of three. She seemed to have a change of mind. She wouldn't hide anymore?


She said softly. Drake didn't know why he was finding it quite hard to accept. He knew he shouldn't worry about that. Not at that moment. He should go in search of the girl. Jiyen.

"I know this is not the time to talk. But ---"


He cut her short.

"What are you doing here..."

He looked away from her to Caidine,

"What is she doing here?"

"She came looking for you... she said she wouldn't go unless she sees you that there's an unfinished business."

Drake's eyes left Caidine for Chloe.
