A New Beginning

In the recent studies of NASA. We've now learned of the planet Kylplier B. This was an astonishing discovery for humanity other than how they found water on mars.

But humanity just needs a second chance. Right? Or so I thought. It was the year 3078. Earth was no longer a thing, but we still had a sun and technology. Just not normal technology we had flying cars, solar powered lights and everything was designed to make the world more eco friendly because that's how we left earth just a floating rock in space. I wish I could say for myself that it wouldn't be bad, but the thing is I was born on Earth but raised here. That's because right after I was, they told everyone to find the closest rocket to you if you wanted to live. My parents happened to be one of the kings and queens who were ruling the planet's government. They are the reason this planet is doing much better than earth did. Without them we wouldn't be able to live here without special clothing to keep us safe. I truly wish I could've helped saved the planet when I was younger. But you can't change the past however you can change the future. Or at least that used to be what my mom would tell me.

It's now been 15 long years since the destruction of Earth took place. I thought it would've been worse, but it isn't we've figured out how to grow plants and food and raise animals. This time we are actually taking care of this planet. While I do hope I can grow up to live a happy life they still teach children at a very young age about Earth. I don't know why they do it they must have a reason but whatever the reason is I'm sure it's a good one.

A few years ago, right before I was born my parents used to help build the rockets that helped evacuate the planet however there was a small problem. They could only do the teenagers and children and a few adults in the new planet to keep the population down, but as more people started exploring, they found out it was bigger than Earth by 20 times. This meant that the whole Earth could fit inside, and we would still have room. My parents were happy to hear this answer. Or so they thought. Then they had me little did they know the earth's core was getting ready to explode. Our family had barely made it to the new plant safely before it blew up. This would be the year that earth was no more.

The new Earth had more rules than ever there was no more bad items that could pollute the Earth anymore like we had done the past one. However, I do wonder if we had gone back in time what changes could we have made? What could we have done? What could we do to still have the planet we loved oh so long ago? To be continued…

The next few years felt good people who didn't have a purpose in life now had one. Everything was going well until we found that we could still have tornadoes and tsunamis and hurricanes. This would be the year that everything went left. I mean there is no such thing as happiness forever right. Soon the ground started to rumble and then we realized we weren't alone the world was shaking. The ground began to crack tiles were shattering. Everyone was in panic the world would soon be what we hadn't expected to be this of great disaster. The world would crack shake and rumble. This would mean great terror along the lines but it wasn't the shaking and cracks that made it so dangerous, it was what lied within them. Monsters would emerge out from underneath us. Beast with jagged fangs, jaws that can snap anything in half, and the worst would be the kings and queen's beast that spread for miles in height and side. This wasn't the worst things that would happen you also had the spirits who would chooses certain humans to make them the heir to their throne. It would be a long and agonizing process. But even with all these challenges we still made it work. We figured out how to fight these beasts we took their land we stole what was theirs and never gave it back. We were on the top of the food chain once again. Or so we thought soon we discovered a new species of animals. This new species of animals we hadn't encountered before. They would soon be the new species called counter attacks.

Soon after finding these things out, we made a deal with them we offered 25 precent of our land to them which then made it possible to have an Allie as a fighter rather than an offender. We would soon find our more information about these creatures as we learned more through the new allis that we had earned. It would be a fierce battle loved one would be lost. Empires destroyed civilizations crushed. After learning all this my parents along with the high court were devastated. Would they lose their new home to some monster? They didn't want to take any chance at losing this place it was a sanctuary for them and the fact that they couldn't sit around and do nothing made them more eager to fight these new upcoming beasts away. The more they learned the more they knew. This day would soon be known as day of the titans. Blood shed was near would this be the end of us. Fear struck the communities whatever would happen to us. Nobody knew. ...