The day was as clear as a blue sky we were learning how to make potions to defend ourselves. But with great powers comes a great responsibility. Now I don't know what made them decide to make me the heir to the throne but whatever it was it must've been a good reason to because they all had to vote this made me the most important thing they had to lose. All the elements and fairies decided to leave me with some of their powers so that when the day came it would be me who had to slay the head monster.
Growing up I never had a normal childhood okay. I was always learning how to control these new powers. One day it would be nature then the next day I knew how to hold a sword. My outfit was a robe covered in gold and pink fit for a princess of course. I never knew what it was like to do normal human things. I did have a few friends growing up but other than that most of my friends were fairies. I learned to fly to soar the cloud to dance with the rain instead of against it. Everything was perfect Until one morning my parents were terrified. There was an armada ship in the air hundreds upon thousands of ships were filling the sky. This was not long the world we knew this was war.
Our fleets took to the sky. Millions of soldiers and monsters rushed to save the world we knew. Would this be the end or would this be a day for victory. I was in the bunker safely guarded by some of our best trained guards to make sure that when the time was right, I would be the one to slay the monster who caused all this pain and suffering to our world. I had on a white and rose gold warrior outfit. This would soon make it possible for us to finally let our enemies know that we were ready for them, and we knew what we were up against.
Then the worst thing possible had happened the queen had nearly been killed. This turned the elements into a rage. Even the king. I had known the queen since I was born. She was like a second mother to me when I was a child. So, I was definitely enraged when I heard she was injured. Then the worst new of all came. The king was dead. The monster of the attackers held his head up high with a grin so devious it could scar any person.
I went into a blinded rage. I broke out of my bunker that had kept me hidden I drew my sword the I could make from thing air and raced up to the monster, and I swung, and I slashed but no matter how hard I hit him he never took any injury. I would then come to realize that this isn't what they had taught me. The spirits had picked me because they believed in me. The trusted me and now it's time for me to trust them. I tried to fly down but by this time the king of the fleet who was trying to kill us had already come out of his ship to kill me. I knew in my heart this would be where I died. I tried to run, but I couldn't something told me to fight. Fight, just fight, fight back. Soddenly I wasn't trembling I stood my ground in the path of danger I knew right there in my heart that I would have to be the one to end this even if I ended up dying in my path. I drew my sword this time it was bigger way bigger than before. This would soon mean I would have to trust myself then something launched it's at me form behind it was the guards the said it was their job to make sure I was always protected. They knew in their hearts this would be where they either lived or died. Even I couldn't stand to bear what would soon be of over coming this new foe I truly knew in my hearts that's I truly couldn't let them down. I had to save them I just had to. I put my swords down and then tried to fight in midair with the force of the air element. I had always struggled to thing because I would have to be in midair for it to work this meant if I fell, I would be rendered useless.
I blasted and fired with all my might I did this to help make sure that the others were safe. I soon found out that my little sister was still on the planet having her been here I soon saw a monster step towards her. I flew down as quick as I could I thought she was going to die. I reached with my hands and fired. I had just unlocked a new power. This was the power of the goddess. I was the chosen one.
Once the king of the invaders had saw he soon realized that I was the center of all power. I rushed down to my sister. "Zoe," I cried. I had nearly lost my little sister. Then my outfit change it was no longer pink and white but now white with strips of pure gold. I now had a had a crown that I hadn't had before. Soon the creatures of the planet bowed down to me. I gasped in utter shock. "Your highness," my sister said. I drew my sword and said "My civilians I promise from now on I will protect the animals of this planet" I knew in my heart this was where I belonged. Suddenly the most gorgeous dragon I had ever seen appeared. She had gold and white with a strip of pink running through her whole body. I jumped on her and took to the skies. I had the wind in my hair suddenly I was snapped back into reality. We were in the middle of a war between us and them. I then rode to the ship to try and slay the king. I sliced the head ship in half and saw it tumble down to the ground in a fury. As we ran for shelter, we were knocked out of the sky in an instant. "Pink fire!", I screamed. "What have you done!", "I can't believe how selfish you could be." What do you want from us? Suddenly I felt my body changing. My ears grew pointier. I now had long golden wings glistering in the sun.
My hair became white with a long light pink streak down the side. What had happened to me? I woke up surrounded by fairies and all sorts of magical creatures. They had now turned every human into elves, while managing to save the dragons. I sighed with relief. I how now known what they had felt oh so many years ago this would be our first lost. We had lost the king that was so far to bear for her majesty. I bowed down and thanked her for all she and her husband had done to save us. She did the same. Suddenly there was bright flash and a calm golden glow. She had obtained a human form such as the other fellow animals around us. "Thank you, young Blossom," she said. I bowed in return. "The same thing goes for you." Me and my people will continue to help this new world." We would only have a few more years to figure out how to conquer these beats who had taken everything we loved from us.
By this point in time, we had 5 year without any interrupted peace. I was 20 at the time. I soon found out that the royal elves had a soon named Ferron. He was said to be just as strong as me and had the same powers too. However, he had been captured in the battle. The queen and king both had suffered a lost and what about the humans well the high court wasn't so lucky. We faced a bunch of challenges. Who would've ever thought that this is how we lived now? I mean I was happy. But still something felt like it was missing. I used to have a friend named Eliza. He would always train with me something I would even think he'd be stronger than me. Now thinking back, he had always made me promise him this. "When all this is over, I'll take you to my home world okay." "Deal okay." He'd always tell me that. So I made him promise me something. "Okay if I do that then promise me, you'll marry me when we're older.," "deal.,"
Those memories were my happiest times and now he's gone. Kidnapped by the empire that had conquered our second planet. Would this be the end of us? No! I couldn't let it happen again because I had too much to lose. Every day I would practice dance I rivers and, on the lakes, soaring the sky while being able to keep staring straight a head without distraction, I danced in the rain for days upon weeks until I could finally do it without slipping or falling. In my heart I knew that I could do this all I had to do was believe in myself. But other than training I had soon found out that Eliza was Ferron. All this time I had been in love with someone I could never meet because he was right beside me. The pictures he'd shown me when we were little those were him. It was starting to make sense he didn't want to tell me because he thought I would use him. He didn't tell me because he had cared about my safety.