I had thought about this for months on end until my 21st birthday. I was already nervous because I would soon be queen of three worlds. The queen of air and elves could sense something was off. An hour before the ceremony started, they decided to check in on me. "Sobs,"
"Oh my whatever happened here," "Mother Skylar, Mother Roslyn what are you doing here?" I asked. "Well we were going to drop this off but I suppose we can wait till the ceremony.," said Skylar "I always knew this was going to happen." "Here take this.", said Rose
I looked at the small box but remember what they had told me. "Wait till the ceremony," this had played in my voice suddenly I heard a faint knock on my door. "Your majesty it's time," I nodded my head and opened the box. There lied a ring the size of my finger it read "Dear Aroura, My real name is Ferron not Eliza. I wasn't born on earth, you see I was born in a land far away. I'm actually and elf now while you read this it must've meant something had happened to me. I'm sorry I can't ask you this in person, but Aroura Rose will you marry me? If you said yes to my question, please slip on my ring and until we meet again. I love you.," From Ferron
My face turned a bright red I wasn't shocked, scared, or even happy I was motionless. Without hesitation I slipped the gold ring with a rose-colored gem in the center on. And walked down the hall to the coronation room. I had the biggest smile on my face.
I had just finished becoming queen when they placed the crown on my head and bowed down to me. It had only been a week after I had received the box when the queens asked me how did I feel. I felt different not knowing what I had just done. A feeling of joy and love flew over me. Suddenly up in the sky we all turned in a flash. A spot of gray and green filled the sky we knew in our hearts it was time to fight. We took to the air me and the four elements. Dresses had change suddenly the elements became warriors ready to defend the planet at all cost. And mine was different this time I was now a dark blue with add streaks of gold and pink. My hair change gold with a line of pink down the center. The battle was fierce I whistled for my dragon and out came 5 one for each element. I still had my goal set on one thing. And that was to make sure that the beast who had driven us away were no more. I drew my sword alongside with my shield to make sure I had something to protect me. I swung and I slashed killing every beast that crossed my path. Pinkfire had learned a new trick called loves blaze. She scorched the ships and then I felt something knock me off my dragon. "What was that?", I asked myself. I had hit ground with such force it nearly knocked me out for good ,but I got up and stood my ground.
Suddenly I saw a tall muscular looking figure out Infront of me. I quickly hit him with a blast of a water potion as a diversion to allow myself to escape away and back to my dragon. I reached for my flute a blew. Pinkfire came down as soon as she heard the noise. I jumped on my dragon and took back to the skies but this time I heard the same sound that knocked me off before. I leaped from Pinkfire and told her to find safety. There I was in midair waiting for a second blow. Then I quickly raised my hands and cause a whirlwind to knock who ever or whatever off.
"He came from behind," suddenly I felt a jerk on my back and waste. This wasn't a beast so what was it. I tried to use my nature to distract him but it's kind of hard to do that when you're shooting roses from the palms of your hands. I knew what I had to do. I placed my hands at an angle and released a ball of fire. Followed by a gust of water to make sure that nothing bad happened. Soon the strange figure laughed. An evil laugh. Fear struck my heart was I about to be killed? "You've had your fun now let me have mine," He laughed. "Who are you and what do you want," I said shakily. "Well I want your powers," "Why else would I be here," he laughed maniacally.
By this point I was cold, wet and shaking. I felt something in my heart say turn around. My little sister was in the hands of a beast. I flew to rescue her. I blasted a volt of energy from my hands so powerful it cut a hole right through the center. I called for someone to get her to safety. I don't know what made me think of this, but I decided to touch the ring. And then I felt a bolt of energy surge throughout me. I now took aim at this new person who had been terrorizing me for so long. The feeling of this was such a great amount of power I don't think I knew how to stop this would soon make me realize how much I wanted to kill him even if it meant losing my own life.
"Can we finally get this party started," a sinister laugh appeared in the distance. "I suppose we can," I said back. For a second in time, I thought my world was going to end till I knew I had to save him. I drew a combat sword. Held my ground in the air and then I was going to swing right when the figure charged at me." ACK," I groaned "What hit me?" a sinister laughed giggled. I opened my eyes to see the one that had killed the king. I had my new powers unlock and I chopped the beast head off. This sent the enemy side into a rage. Then a guy who looked around the age of 22 to 23 appeared. He had on a pair of elves jeans with a red cape and a gold crown with a red gem in the middle. I am the new king of the army which means you'll have to kill me. His smile alone could make anyone blush I was sure about that. However, I couldn't fall victim to the enemy.
"Are you blushing?" he asked. "I would never fall in love with an enemy ever!" I replied hesitantly. "Are you sure?" He had such a formal toned voice I wouldn't have ever suspected him to be evil. However, I must've kept my cool because he kept getting closer. Now I probably could've played like I didn't like him however, it's kind of hard to do that when you literally blush ten times harder than a normal human.
I clenched my ring so hard I felt a pinch. "Who gave you that?" He asked me that.
"Why would I tell an enemy who gave me my wedding ring?" I said in a tone. I sensed a mood change. He was no longer this evil person who had tried to kill me. He looked like he was in heart break. Had I said something wrong. After all he was the one with the advantage. Right? Then in a blink of an eye royal archer shot a bow and arrow down the center to separate us. We both turn up and look got ready to fire our powers. When I realized it was a royal archer I stood in complete shock. Suddenly the mysterious elf leaped at the archer to attack him. I sprinted to save him. Just then I created a shield and held it up to protect him.
I used a lavender potion aroma of daylight to cause a distraction. With the distraction I helped the elf escape.
"Stop!" I yelled. "What?" He asked. "I said stop and I meant it" "Very well then "he said in his usual tone. Then in the blink of an eye he ran towards my sister this made me even more fearful. Could I beat him? Could I save her? Right as he was about to hit her, I leaped in front of her to take the blow.
I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I didn't know but I heard the faint voice of the past king. "Wake up aurora" "Wake up!". I jolted up and prevented another attack. Only this time I struck him first. He jumped back deflecting the attack. I knew that he was ready to fight me. I was scared terrified even. I sensed rage and anger. He drew his sword and charged at me. I drew mine and stood my ground. I got knocked down to the ground. I felt jolts of pain go through my body I almost didn't know what would happen.