We fought for about 3 hours then he said "Give up, you can't beat me" he smirked. It looked as if I didn't know what to say. I was pinned up against a tree. I looked up realizing what was going to happen. I held my ring proudly and then I felt tears run down my cheeks. This would be the end of us, But at least we went down together. I knew in my heart that this was the right thing to do. But right before he hit me he asked me a question. "Would you still do our deal?" I didn't know what to say but whatever it was I knew what the right answer was. "Yes" I said shakily. He shinned a bright smile. He then leaned I as if he was going to whisper something in my ear. That wasn't the case. I felt my face get bright red. He leaned in and kissed me. His lips were as soft as sun beams. My life had always been missing something was this what I was missing? I broke the kiss…. This felt so wrong.. "why'd you stop" he asked. "I don't know" I said back. He leaned in and kissed me again. It felt so wrong but felt so right.
"Hey! Step away from the queen." A voice from behind called. It was the guards. Then came the enemy. I tried to run but he grabbed my hand. "Please don't run" he said "I'm sorry I can't" I responded. "Very well" once again his menacing voice was back. I knew it was too late. He gave me so time to run before he blasted a shot so powerful if I hadn't have dodged it would've made me paralyzed.
I had always heard something so beautiful. It was the rain. Something so peaceful could make something so wet. So then I centered myself in the middle of a lake and decided to cause a rain storm. The sound of the rain was so beautiful it seemed like time had stopped itself for a few minutes. A break from all this fighting. No more pain or suffering anymore just peace. What could I do for this just once? I had almost hoped for me to be able to live a normal life like a normal person. Suddenly I snapped back to reality. I was on the lake controlling the water one of the hardest things for me to do.
Who would've thought that something so complicated could've been done so easy within a few minutes of your life flashing? I knew that I would soon be under a great amount of pressure. But I did it. I manage to send a wave of water big enough to be able to keep the enemy on the ground. I finally knew what I needed to do. "Everyone can't you see this is bad." We've lost our home and our families." I reached down to help him up. "She's right suddenly" In a instant his eyes weren't green anymore they were hazel. I had hoped that this potion could bring him back, but instead it made him even more angry. Before long he was back to how he was. I was scared nervous even. What could I do? I mean like the world I had known was gone what could I do. I created a spell to send them far away from our planet to give the people the time they needed to recover. I hope that this was the right choice. It's been 3 weeks since the incident. I had helped all the elements re decorate the land. I added roses everywhere I went.
It wasn't very long for us to rebuild. Once again Elevendale stood prouder than it had before. It had made me wonder what would've happened had I not done that. Would they be back them taking over yet another planet.
Meanwhile in the dark realm. "Sir we've conquered over 15 new planets within the past week." "Very done that's good excellent even." "Mr. Ferron, there's a woman who wants to know if you'll take her daughters hand in marriage." This would be one of many times that someone tried to marry the king.
And while all of this was happening Aroura is meditating in middle of a dandelion field. "Oh my Aroura," said Akiria "hello Mrs. fire element.", Aroura. "Please call me Akiria" "okay"
I had always watched the sky in the clouds to see what was going to happen. I waited and waited but nothing seemed to happen. Meanwhile I spent the rest of my days training and trying to get better at my powers. It was only a month after the battle when the returned. I met the fleet head on and blew into my flute. This let everyone know it was time.
Me and the other elves took to the sky arrows ready. Elements were fiercer than ever. I felt bad because they decided to give my little sister some of the earth and air powers and now there have been roses falling from the sky. I wasn't really concerned because she knew how to turn them into trees in the blink of an eye. I was still searching for the mysterious elf that had been here before.
"All listen to the order from king Ferron" the name sounded so familiar and then it hit me. That's who the king was. I was so focused in my own thought I accidentally threw a gust of wind knocking the small creature off. I wasn't trying to start another war because we had barely recovered from the first one.