We weren't really all that concerned. Until we found out that we needed to have a child. And if that wasn't the worst thing I was pregnant knowing that the allied forces would soon come for us because we were the two strongest people in the whole universe. We moved the castle to the float ground in the sky and decided to get married after the whole war was over.
It's been 4 years since that happened and everything seemed fine but then terror filled my daughters eyes. She was skipping the clouds since she was a purebred god. She controlled the stars. While Ferron and I controlled the sun. Since she controlled the stars she could cause an explosion and we wouldn't even know. We also helped spread joy and happiness throughout the world. I helped with the animals and ground. Ferron helped build and design the cities and houses.
Lumia came to us in a panic. She sensed something near the planet. As we shared this news to the city. The royal court came to an agreement. We needed to help Lumia with her powers because these newer enemies were in the range of 1 year distance.
Almost three months had passed since Lumia had shared this information to us. We were taking a stroll in the clouds along with most of the children who were learning to control their powers. When I suddenly had my senses trigger. I pulled out my flute and blew to summon the dragons. I told pinkfire to get the children to safety. Just then I saw a meteor inter the atmosphere. I blew my flute as hard as I could but Lumia was already on her way to stop the ship. I blasted Lumia with a protection shield. Ferron rushed to save Lumia at the same time allowing us to save our daughter. I lit the war arrow. Suddenly there were hundreds upon thousands of soldiers in the air ready to protect our planet in case of an attack. We had lifted the ship into air. Ferron and I made our way to the ship ready to fight in case anything attacked us.
Within a few minutes there were multiple soldiers of the enemy in the air. I summoned the elements and more soldiers appeared in the air. Our outfits changed to our armor. Suddenly something launched itself at Lumia and she bolted them with sun beams. It stood the elves vs the Conquerors. "Now I asked you what are you" I said demanding. "Answer her, she asked you a question" Ferron said
A menacing laugh gave me chills. I couldn't believe what leaped at me. I crafted a sword and slashed the head of the monster off. Now everyone had their swords drawn. I had my arrows ready in case anything tried to attack us. I sensed something behind so I threw a potion of moonlight sense. This reveled something we couldn't see. I counted we were surrounded by millions of enemies. This was going to be a tough fight.. What could we do? Would we lose this planet too? ….
I figured out who was the leader and shot a arrow for his head. I aimed pulled my arrow back and retaliated the arrow. I hit the leader in the chest by this time the potion wore off. Every enemy rushed to save them however we knew this wasn't all of them. I got ready to finish the job when I felt something jump onto my shoulder. "Help"
I felt Lumia use her sun beam to knock the creature away from me then I saw another one go for Lumia. Ferron rushed to save Lumia. "AMBUSH" I screamed. Me and Ferron rushed to protect Lumia. Suddenly Ferron was protecting both me and Lumia. We started using the power of the sun to light up the sky but the sun had already set. Lumia used her powers since they work during both day and night. It was a troubling fight but it ended in victory for us. We had no loses everyone lived. We found out that I was going to have another child. This scared us since we started getting more and more attacks. It was required for me and Ferron to be there protecting our planet. The entire royal court needed to be there. We soon had Lydia. She had the power of midnight after we had her we weren't that concerned for her but her powers scared us. We had to put her in a controlled ball because of how deadly her powers were. We now had two children one who controlled light and one who controlled darkness.
We once stood tall and proud until we heard the children crying. We rushed to save them and barely made it while slaying the enemy. We reached out to form alliances so that way we wouldn't have to worry about any attacks and us losing. We decided to make a deal with the shadow army.
I was training in the yard with Ferron when Lumia and Lydia both came running to us in a instant. We didn't know what was wrong till we saw someone who wasn't from the shadow army. We had to sound the alert alarm to keep everyone on high alert. Me and Ferron where considered to be a blessing since no one had achieved this kind of power in centuries. I was surprised when I heard the news but not over all shocked.
I helped with the animal care in the forest. My sister finally had a spot in the high court as a royal guard. That was he dream job, but overall life on the planet was good. I didn't know what pure joy felt like till I had a place in my own world. I taught children how to control their powers. I raced with the horses in the sky. I swam with the water elements over the ocean. I helped grow the world back to it's true beauty. I had learned how to do everything right.
After about a year with no attacks we decided that we should try and conqueror new planets that no one had touched just yet. We started and ran into a few issues along the way. I decided to practice some archery with spells. This was difficult task but we made it work. Lumia and Lydia also had a tough time figuring out how to use their powers without needing to be in a protection ball. Lumia was 5 when her dragon was born. The dragon was gold and white with the prettiest eyes. Lydia was 2 when she figured out how to change the sky from day to night.
While we were living a peaceful life here others were fighting in the galaxies. I don't know what made me decide to scout the solar system. But I found out that there was a army trying to take over the whole universe. They had taken control of the third most powerful kingdom in the universe. The next one was the shadow army. Then lied us, Elvendale. The high court and the shadow realm came together. We decided it was best to train Lumia and Lydia more than ever since the royal family was the strongest thing here.
Ferron had always told me about his brother. His brother had ran away to find power since he had none. We think he may've touched the source of all darkness himself. Lumia started to cry in the middle of the royal garden. For what she saw. On Lydia's 3rd birthday we gave her a moon necklace to match Lumia's sun necklace.