A brother’s offer and a unwelcoming invitation

It took a while for us to be able to live knowing that there would be an enemy constantly trying to kill us until they took over the entire galaxy. This made us on alert even more. Everyday we would be training so that way when the day came we would be ready to take on this new enemy. After all there were two purebred gods living with us. Did they seriously expect to be able to actually beat us, but there was one problem. Lumia didn't know how to use her powers correctly . Somedays she would try to send a beam of light but actually set off a star. Lydia on the other hand was different she used meditation to control her power. This made me so happy after all we couldn't die since we were elves. I was in the archer room when I heard Ferron rushing to throne room. "Aroura the maid said Lumia was flying but without using her air powers." He said in a frantic tone. "What." I replied. At this point in time I was terrified of what was going to happen. But when we entered the throne room there lied a guy with green hair and almost as handsome as Ferron.

I tried not to blush to much because I had two children. I quickly snatched Lumia away from the intruder. "Aww well if it isn't my brother Ferron" A menacing voice said. I felt chills going down my spine. "Mom how does this man know dad?" Lumia asked. "Dad?" the voice said. I put myself in-between the two. I could sense the air getting denser and Lumia could too. Suddenly Lydia teleported to the throne room. "Hey sis" Lumia called out.

Lydia rushed over to me as if she could sense something bad was going to happen. I didn't have time to use my powers nor did I have my satchel on me in order for me to be able to create a distraction potion so we could alert the world of the intruder. I was terrified suddenly the guy was sitting Ferron's throne like he wanted to be king. "You know brother, I never liked you because of how you got your powers before me."

I was very confused, the air in the room was dense. I tried to make small talk, but it wasn't helping. I was holding our children very close to me. I knew something bad was going to happen. He offered us a deal. "I'll let your wife and kids live if you decide to make me the king and father" he said. I hope that Ferron wouldn't make the deal. I decided to blow my flute. This alerted Pinkfire that something was terribly wrong. She told the guards to search the castle. And within minutes there were hundreds of guards swarming the castle. As they entered the throne room Ferron's brother wasn't pleased. I had asked for one of the fairies to bring me my pouch so I could cause a distraction.

I created a blue sunlight potion. This made it able for the royal family and the guards to escape without any harm. Within a few seconds the room was empty. I tried to figure out what we were going to do since there was an enemy lurking around. And finding him wasn't easy because he wasn't the only one with blue hair. It was a long day of searching before we finally found him.

Ferron Looked almost as if he was considering the deal. "Relax" I said in a calming voice. It took some time, but we made it work. I was very pleased when I found out he had left our planet to go take over someone else's. Now call me selfish but the entire royal family decided to form a protection shield round our entire planet.

We had to make sure that no lives would be lost. We then spent the next four years with no interrupted peace. On Lumia's 10th birthday she finally learned how to control her powers. However on Lydia's 8th birthday she also learned how to control her powers.

Her powers were greater than her sisters Lumia. We were concerned because if she ever decided to take over the planet she could what could we do. The day would soon be upon us light vs darkness. I wouldn't have ever thought that since our planet got taken over we couldn't do anything. According to Ferron his brother started talking with the god of evil. This would please the god so much he wanted Ferron's brother to be his heir to his throne.