A Sister’s Betrayal

I was startled when Ferron told me this. Gods vs Gods. Who would think of such a thing. I couldn't believe my eyes. He had a son who was the god of darkness. Lumia and Lydia knew about him. They were friends too. I used to wonder where Lumia would sneak out to in the middle of the night but I would just brush it off. I never would've thought that she was seeing someone who was against our planet. Like how did the happen. I never knew the truth until one night when I was decided to follow her. She left the palace just like that.

I watched her take to the skies. I caught a glimpse of another person with us. Lumia looked excited from what I could see. Suddenly the mysterious figure sat next to her. I watched waiting for something bad to happen. But nothing did I was wondering why she was here after all she was our golden child. I watched and waited. She looked in to his eyes almost as if she liked him. He leaned in it looked exactly what Ferron did to me. Lumia looked shocked almost un unaware of what had just happened. She leaned back in to kiss him. I gasped in shock I couldn't believe what had happened just now. My daughter was dating the child of the evil brother.

Lumia looked so happy though. I couldn't bare to tell her that she couldn't be with him. I wish I had known Lydia was following me because she looked as if she was gonna cry. I had hoped this day would never come. Did she like him too?

She packed her bags and left a note. It read "Dear mom and dad I'm sorry for leaving you but I have experienced heart break. Lumia stole the guy I liked and she knew I liked him. I hate her so much I want her dead. So until I forgive her I won't be returning any time soon." I busted down in tears. Ferron asked me what's wrong and I showed him the note.

I had just lost my child. I never would've thought that it would've come to this. Why Lydia why? I knew you liked him but I never thought you'd run away. Lumia knew this would mean bad things. I asked her how she felt knowing that her sister ran away.

Up in the sky I saw what I had feared the most. An armada ship. Why did this have to happen to me. Lumia stared up in the sky. She looked in a panic she was only 12 years old. I felt bad for her she didn't deserve this.

What made everyone in this galaxy not like us. What did we do to deserve this though?

I was caught off guard by an enemy. He grabbed me by my wrist and tried to pull me to the ship. I blasted him with fire and lit the war arrow. This was war. I met up with the elements to try and see what was going on. I wasn't sure but then out of no where a demon launched itself at Akiria not knowing she was the fire element. That was his mistake.

I cried out and searched frantically for Ferron but I couldn't find him. I was in tears I couldn't find him. How did I lose the love of my life again. No! it can happen again I couldn't lose him too. I needed him in my life I had just lost my daughter now my husband. It felt like my world was ending was going to end. I had lost so many people who I love. Why must this happen to me. What did I do to be in this cruel world.

I was so lost in my own thought that I didn't even notice Lumia was standing with Ferron. She had went looking for them. I felt two things hug me. I brome out in tears. I had lost my daughter to a boy. She had loved him and she ran away because Lumia took her man even though he was 5 years older. I felt so many emotions at one time. I almost wanted to stay away from this world forever.

However, as a queen I couldn't abandon my responsibility. I knew we had to fight off this enemy I summoned the dark army to help us. It was a fierce battle lives were lost, families destroyed, homes ruined. But at the end of the day it wasn't the battle that made me worried it was what happened while the battle was forming. I raced looking for Lumia because we needed her in the general army. I saw her hugging the same person before. What was she doing? What was her plan? Does she like this person.

The thought of her liking someone who was on the other side of the war was just to much for me to deal with. I had hoped they wouldn't see me but I stepped on a twig and it broke in half. They both looked and fired their powers. I was able to dodge the first attack but then they came and charged at me.

It felt like a bolt of energy went through me only the energy wasn't mine. It was theirs. Within seconds of the twig breaking I was knocked on the ground. I tried to use a protection spell to save myself, but it was too late. I knew they were going to try and kill me. This made me even more frantic. I used a mint lemon spell to blind them for a few minutes. They stole my satchel I couldn't make a spell to save myself. I didn't want to have to kill them but I knew I would have to knock them out.

I didn't want to but I wasn't given a choice. I stood with two gods coming directly at me. This scared me more than anything. I braced myself for the impact but just then Lydia came back and stopped them from hitting me I stood there wondering what had just happened. Did I die or was the world supper light. Suddenly animals who we'd never seen before came out of no where.

They looked like two different kinds of animals too. One kind were a beautiful white color and the others were a deep black color. The ones with the white had strips of gold downs their fur, and the ones with the black had strips of blue running down their fur.

Did they start a war between themselves. Light vs Darkness. I hadn't thought that such thing could ever occur but apparently it did. Who knew that they could do this. I watched them in fear of what was going to happen next but before I could even react they were already side by side this made me even more fearful what was going to happen now. Then in a blink of an eye the two animals charged at each other then Lumia and Lydia charged at each other.

Would they fight each other to death. I watched and waited. We now had 2 wars going on at the same time. This would be known as gods vs gods. And darkness vs light. I was terrified bout what would happen but then I realized that I still had to protect my planet. I rushed to save the children. I started by forming a little rose pods around the babies to make sure that the new born children could have a safe place to live. This made me realize that we could make them learn their powers at an early age.