Two Wars and Two Winners

Sure I was scared but my only thought was getting everyone to safety. The adults were fights and the children were running. I saw one school a few feet away from me. I ran to save them but a shadow looking thing had made it there before me. Who knew what was going to happen. I felt something hit me. Almost like it was trained to attack me. I burned the animal then began to set a course for the school. Within moments a shadow creature unlike anything I had seen before stepped down looking like it wanted to fight me.

(With Lumia and Lydia) "Sister how could you?" "You nearly killed mom", Lydia said in an annoyed tone. "Well at least I'm moms favorite since I don't run away." Lumia said back in an annoyed tone as well. "Since you think you're soooooo great fight me then" "Alright Lumia I should've done this thing years ago"

Lydia was about to attack me when Jacob stepped in front of me to save me. I pulled him out the way and told the light animals to attack. I reached in my pocket and took out a dagger. I charged at Lydia, but she had other plans. She then began to reach for her sword. I drew mine as well. We locked eyes just then she ran towards me. "Lydia light will always outshine the darkness. You can't win this even if you try" "I don't give up Lumia you just want the throne so you can have the perfect lifestyle"

I blasted a sun bolt at Lydia, and she blasted vision of midnight at me. We fought for what seemed like hours. I had her sword, she was out of energy, and she didn't have the strength to fight back. "You're too weak maybe if you were a better sister then you would actually be good at using your powers Lydia" I finally thought I had the advantage then she hit me with a dagger. I felt a sharp pain go through me.

I looked down and saw blood dripping from me. I feel to the ground Lydia stood up and grabbed her sword. She tried to swing her sword, but something stopped her. It was Jaxson. "Lydia, I can't let you kill Lumia. I love her too much" By this point in time Lydia was fuming with anger. She no longer thought of me as her sister she thought of me as her enemy.

Blood was dripping from my stomach the dagger was still there I could feel myself losing strength. By this time it was too late she was filled with rage and anger. What could we have done to prevent this. I mean like who knew that it was going to end like this. I blacked out a few moments later.

What did we do to deserve this. I knew my own sister by heart but never expected this. Who knew what anger could do to you? I was sure that Lydia wasn't going to kill me but it looked like I was wrong. Had my mom not arrived when she did I'm sure Lumia would've killed me.

When I woke up it looked like I was in the castle. My bed felt soft both my parents along with Lydia was standing at the foot of my bed. Everything felt like a hazy dream, they told me that I was going to be the new queen. This made Lydia furious, but she contained her anger. I was pretty excited up until they told me I would have to marry someone by the age of 18. I wasn't happy about this and pretty soon guys started showing up to the castle to try and get me to marry them.

After a couple of years, I was 18 and my sister was 15. She gave up after about a year or two. Suddenly the day that we had all feared came. They were back the Conqueror army. Angry animals who had an appetite for war and anger.