A second chance

My mom rushed in and called for my father. Everyone rushed towards the sky and suddenly without hesitation I joined. Lydia followed shortly after. (With Auora and Ferron) "You'll never take our planet!" I said, "Stay away from us you traitor", Ferron shouted back. "That wasn't very welcoming, brother", a mysterious voice said. "I'm not your brother! For the last time you're adopted!", Ferron screamed.

The figure gasped at what he'd just heard come from Ferron's mouth. A grin so mischievous appeared on his face. Almost as if he wasn't caring. Then I finally understood why he didn't get powers. He wasn't like the other royal elves. Because he wasn't royalty at all. He was a normal elf. He would've had an element power instead of a god power.

After finding out this information I was a little relived, but I knew that this feeling wouldn't be for long. When I looked back at Lumia and Lydia only Lydia was there. I needed to find Lumia quickly. I had a feeling that she was going back to the boy I saw a few years ago. I needed to make sure that she was okay.

I couldn't believe what I saw. That same blue haired boy I saw a couple of years ago was on his knee asking Lumia to marry her. I couldn't believe the sight. How could she do this? Why did she have to do this? What did we do wrong?

I had a bunch of thoughts go through my head. Who would've known that that Lumia actually liked someone. I knew that she had been seeing him I never knew that they were dating. Then within seconds a large bang went off at the palace. Ferron and Lydia were at the palace with the intruder. Were they ok? What happened? When did something go left? Why did this always happen? To us what did we do wrong? Did we deserve this? I didn't even realize that Lumia and the boy were right behind me.

I turned around Lumia looked as if she had seen a ghost. Meanwhile Lydia and Ferron were staying away from the palace. Our home was ruined. This wasn't an argument this was war. I waited and looked around but I had no sign of them. I was close to tears when I saw two people flying in the distance. It had looked like they were running away from something. Or more importantly someone. I blew my flute to try and get a dragon to save them but Ferron and Lydia were almost where we were.

Fear laced my heart. Would they survive or would I lose another loved one? I panicked and out of fear me and Lumia raced over to them. The strange boy was racing to the palace almost like he was looking for someone too. I watched as he passed us and continued to run to the palace. Then it hit me. That boy was the son of the guy who tried to kill Ferron and Lydia. While I knew this I felt the embrace of something. It was Ferron. He looked as if he didn't know what would happen.

I called for every soldier we had, but it was no use they were already there. I was waiting on the elements, so that way we could discuss a plan with the dark army. Would they take away our home. I mean after all, they had the god of pain on their side. Yes, we had two pure goddesses but that wouldn't matter much when they don't have full control of their power.

Within an instant an arrow went straight through me and Ferron. If they wanted war then it was a war they were going to get.

I was nervous after they stated that they wanted war. I had a royal assistant bring me my bow and arrow. I took aim at an enemy and released the bow. I thought that I hit him but it turns out that he caught my bow in midair. How did he do this. That bow was coming at him at 300 miles per hour. And he dodged it like it was a feather.