Just then someone hit me from the back. It was the wife. Almost looked like she had a power up. I don't know how, but I was excited. "Finally, a challenge," I said eagerly. "The names Stella also known as the god of lightning," she replied. "Name's Aroura. Queen of this island.," I said in a thrilled voice. She crafted a sword that looked like lightning. I don't know why I expected it to look different, but I did. She thought that if she could get me distracted then maybe she could win. She had something else coming for her.
Once the dark army arrived, they released their fleet. We did the same. Soon four generals approached us. The elements arrived and they stood ready to do anything. I noticed something strange. It looked like Lumia was fighting Jaxson. What happened? Weren't they trying not to hurt each other? Suddenly Lumia got shoved down to the ground. She looked like she was in pain. Suddenly Lydia was knocked unconscious. I called for the dragons but then the wife knocked me out of sky. One of Lydia's animals rushed to save her. The girl looked like she didn't know if she wanted to kill Lydia. But she also has a sword out. I noticed that the girl had wings too. What were they? The minutes she stepped up away from Lydia I knew something was about the happen.
She started molding the sunlight. I told Lydia to get up, but she wasn't moving at all. I got so angry I stabbed the queen of the enemy in the heart. She also fell to the ground. I blasted Lydia with a bolt of energy to move her out of the way. When Lydia finally woke up, she looked madder than she had before. I looked up to try and help Ferron, but they were to fast for me to keep up. How did this happen? Lumia looked like she feared Jaxson, but he didn't care. It looked like he was about to kill her but ended snapping back into his senses. Right before he hit her, he said that he needed to know if she was actually trying.
Lumia shook her head. Jaxson bent down and whispered something in her ear. She smiled a little trying not to make it obvious that they were dating. And just as soon as he said that he helped her up and gave her a hug. She started to cry a little and it was so cute how he held her in his arms. He gave her a kiss and stuck a rose in her hair. She looked up almost like she would never see him again. But in that moment, a bang happened. We all thought that Lydia was dead but when the smoke cleared Lydia held her scepter high. The girl looked injured repeatedly being beat down by Lydia.
She didn't cry it looked like she wanted to be killed by Lydia. I couldn't believe my eyes. Did Lydia just try and help her after she just beat the living hell out of her? Could Lydia actually be showing feelings for her. I tried not to think to much about it. That's what it looked like. Suddenly up in the sky there was a flash of green and blue. What just happened? Were they okay? I tried to keep my calm but then it was all just an act. The girl who Lydia tried to spare blasted her in the chest. Had Lydia not had a spell on her chest she would've died. I soon saw the mom get up completely fine. As if I never even stabbed her. Then it hit me they couldn't die unless it was by a certain person. I looked to my right and saw Lumia and Jaxson's reaction. They had brought something we thought was dead. They brought the god of Death. They wanted to kill us so badly that they brought the god of death. One fatal wound from him and you'll be gone forever. Jaxson looked terrified. Soon others started appearing it looked as if they came from planets of conquered enemies. We now had our whole army along with the dark army trying to save our world. Jaxson held Lumia close to him since he didn't want anything to happen to her.
I was terrified no one could stop him. Or so I thought. Both Lumia and Lydia had their scepters out ready to defend our planet. I saw something I thought I would never see. Jaxson had his scepter ready to defend us too. The little sister looked shocked but at the same time she was ready to help us too. Maybe she wanted to help us. I said to the queen. "If you can help us defeat him, we'll stop this war," I said frantically. She looked at me and responded. "Only if your daughters promise to marry my kids," she replied. "You've got yourself a deal," I said with excitement.