A Lover's fight

I sighed in awe, but I couldn't forget what I saw. I looked at her hands and saw that she was covering her ring finger. I asked to see the ring, but I asked quietly so that way no one else heard me and her talking. She told me that he was going to visit her tonight and asked me if I could everyone out.

I answer yes, however I made her promise me that she wouldn't do anything dumb. She agreed and when the time came around, I locked the door to her bedroom. Everyone went to sleep and sure enough as she said he came. I put my ear against the door but there wasn't any sound coming from her room.

Me being the one kind of person I am I used an invisible wall spell to see her room. I thought that I was going to see something else, all I saw was them cuddling on her bed. She looked so relaxed, and he looked so comfortable it was like a fairytale.

Soon enough they both feel asleep. It was so cute to watch but when there was only an hour till daybreak. I decided to sneak into her room and wake him up so that way he didn't get caught. When he woke up, I covered his mouth and said, "It's nearly daybreak you need to go." He nodded his head and put a flower crown on Lumia. "My name is Jaxson thank you for saving her." Within a blink of an eye, he vanished.

The next day Lumia looked happier, so it was true she really does function on his love. That explained a bunch. However, everyone know that happiness doesn't last forever. Once again, the Conquerors were back fiercer than ever before. As we prepared for war, I looked at Lumia and Lydia they looked almost as if they were tired of fighting. "Mom, do we have to fight?" Lydia complained.

I nodded my head yes and then they gave me a glare but said okay. I blew my flute and called the dragons with the army ready to protect our planet. Alongside that the dark army was also ready to help defeat them. I soon saw another woman she also had a crown and then Jaxson appeared. Soon after them another girl who looked to be around Lydia's age appeared. She had this smug look on her face. I saw how Lumia was painting her nails and how Lydia was reading a book.

Then in an instant the girl shot Lydia's book. That was a mistake on her part. One of the two things you don't do is mess with Lydia when she's reading. The girl yawned but before she could finish yawning Lydia was already at her throat, she grabbed her and then threw her to ground. I shook my head disappointed in their daughter for doing that. Lydia then blasted her with her powers. Soon she summoned her army. Lumia also summoned her army just in case Lydia was about to go to far. Both Ferron and the other elf charged at each other. I watched as the mother of the two children shot an arrow at me.

Here we go again. Now she was charging at me. I blocked her shot and hit her again and again. I guess she thought I didn't have any powers, so she tried to shoot me with a flame power. I used a water spell to stop her. I drenched her in water. She looked furious at me. I just shrugged my arms and laughed. How did such a powerful being who had powerful children marry such a weak elf. Then it hit me. He wouldn't do that without a reason. I felt a bolt of lightning go in my body.

The only two people who weren't fighting were Lumia and Jaxson. I looked up and saw bolts of lightning all around us. So that's your power I thought to myself. Well two can play this game. It was almost kind of sad how weak she was. Just then I decided to hit her with a taste of a star. She looked to stunned to speak or do anything.

"Your wife is very weak," Ferron said. "Your family is weak." I looked down to see how Lydia was doing. The girl looked terrified almost like she didn't know that she was about to die. Lydia had surrounded the girl in a nightmare stampede. Just then Lydia summoned her sword and got ready to swing on the girl. Just then Lumia started fighting Jaxson. I was very confused till I realized that he needed to fight her or else they would think something was wrong with their son. I mean like I wouldn't blame them they needed to keep it a secret.

Just then someone hit me from the back. It was the wife. Almost looked like she had a power up. I don't know how, but I was excited. "Finally, a challenge," I said eagerly. "The names Stella also known as the god of lightning," she replied. "Name's Aroura. Queen of this island.," I said in a thrilled voice. She crafted a sword that looked like lightning. I don't know why I expected it to look different, but I did. She thought that if she could get me distracted then maybe she could win. She had something else coming for her.