Chapitre 25

Chapter 25

Opening my eyes, I suppressed a yawn and cuddled closer to the sleeping Luna, her mane shifting softly across my ears.

Didn't wanna move.

Just wanted to stay here all day. Here was nice and warm and smelled like my Luna. Outside was cold and unpleasant and filled with idiots.

I stayed like that for several minutes before the realization hit that if I didn't go out there, I was pretty sure that Grey Velvet would most likely literally drag me out there by my ears.

Why in the world did I have to fight Tirek? Velvet would have been five minutes from kicking him out herself for interrupting her schedule.

Forcing my eyes open to look at Luna's starfield mane, I then slowly extracted myself from her hooves and wing before rolling off the bed, rubbing my eyes.

At least I made Sunny and Twilight happy tonight. Not as happy as they might have liked, but for safety, I had to stick around.

Had to do that again from time to time, it sure helped with their long distance.

Stretching my wings, I made my way out of the bedroom and made a beeline straight for the steaming hot tea and cucumber and tomato sandwiches.

I love you ninja maids. You are the best.

Still, with the threat of Velvet hanging over my ears, I couldn't enjoy it for too long. Just enough time to get two sandwiches and a cup of strong tea down.

What was on the schedule today again? Uhm…

Something about the new griffon ambassador's arrival. Signing off on the preparations I think? That would be in the office I think.

Jumping off the couch I stretched with a yawn and spread my wings before making my way out the door.

I only got a couple of steps out before I was tackled to the ground by a ballistic pony missile.

"Thank you! Last night was amazing!" Sunset said with a grin and kissed my cheek before she ran off, leaving me blinking at the ceiling, wondering what the hell just happened.

Okay, my mistake. Should have expected that.

Climbing back onto my hooves I shot the guards outside the door a look. "Fat lot of use you guys are."

They looked at each other before Silent Breeze spoke up. "Would you have gotten in her way, sir?"

"...Fair enough," I grumbled and rubbed my shoulder where it had hit the marble. "Carry on."

Nice to see that somepony appreciates my work though. Then again, if I did most of my work during the night right, nopony noticed it at all.

It's almost like I was back on earth working IT again. If everything went as planned, nobody knew I existed.

I suppose that applied to spies as well, now that I thought about it.


"Did we find somepony to handle the fish?" I asked and flipped through the papers Velvet handed me.

She nodded. "We did, a griffon chef named Tartar. He said something about… salmon."

"Sounds like it could work," I agreed and signed off on the order. "This was for the day after tomorrow, correct."

"Indeed, Lord Page."

I nodded and handed them back to her. "Sounds good," I said before I frowned at the papers. "...I'm going to need to actually show up, aren't I?"

"That would be the most polite, sir."

"I suppose," I agreed with a nod. "How many are invited?"

"Not many, sir. Just over six hundred guests."

Not many, she said. Brilliant. Oh well, not much to do about it I suppose. It's just one evening so I guess I had to just put up with it.

"It's a bit late, but is Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer on that list?" I asked and turned to pick up the next set of papers. The sooner I got through all this, the sooner I'd be done and I'd be damned if I fell behind and showed Sunshine I couldn't do this.

Grey Velvet flipped through the papers on her clipboard. "Lady Shimmer is already on the list, sir. Princess Twilight is usually not invited to these events due to previous engagements."

"Send her a message and ask if she would like to attend," I said and signed the next document. "It's a bit of a short notice, I know, but I think she would like to come if circumstances allow it."

"Of course, Lord Page," Velvet agreed and took down a quick note. "I'll go get her invitation sent out as soon as possible."

"I'll finish this up, I should be done around lunch. Oh, and put yourself on that guest list, Miss Velvet."

She blinked at me. "Me, sir? That wouldn't be proper!"

"My event, I decide what's proper," I countered before I smiled at her. "Also, imagine what could happen without you there to keep me in check."

She hesitated for a moment before she took down another note. "...One Grey Velvet invited, noted, sir."

"Oh, and if you need something to wear, visit Rarity's new store," I said and scribbled down a quick note. "Give her this and pick whatever you like, my treat for being so wonderful during this. I couldn't have done it without you."

"T-Thank you!"