Chapitre 26

Chapter 26

"Is tomorrow the day the new griffon ambassador arrives?" Celestia asked as she nibbled at her ice cream.

I nodded. "Well, today really. Just an hour or so until you need to wake up and raise the sun," I answered and relaxed on my cloud, floating just next to her table. "Any tips?"

"I'm sure you'll do just fine."

I smirked a bit. "You mean like last time?"

That got a grin from her. "You know to duck this time."

"There is that. So, enjoying your vacation, Sunshine? Almost over now."

She nodded a bit and tasted her pony-sized, all-flavour ice cream again. "I am. Might make it a yearly thing."

"I'm not sure I would survive that," I sighed. "Find another temp."

"Oh, is it hard for you? I'm sure my sister could help you with that."

Yep, Sunshine was in a good mood today.

"So, what have you been doing? Still lazing around Cloudsdale getting massages?"

"Yes and no," she said and then smiled slightly. "...I may have found somepony."

I blinked at her in surprise. "You have? That's great!"

Celestia nodded. "Maybe. Her name is Clear Skies. I met her a couple of days ago."

"Doing what?"

"A cloud sculpting contest, if you would believe it," Celestia said and shifted her wings, peering at a cherry the size of her head as if wondering how to eat it. "We were both in the audience and got talking. She asked me out to dinner."

"Does she know?"

She shook her head. "I'm going to tell her tonight. I… learned the hard way that the earlier the better."

"I hope everything goes well, Celestia."

Celestia sighed and nodded. "So do I. I don't know what will happen or if it will develop all the way, but I like her. She is… lively and fun and so very beautiful."

I nodded with a smile. "Good luck, Sunshine."

"Thank you."

"Time for sleep though, I think, I should do one last sweep among the dreams before ponies start to wake up. Sweet dreams."

"Sweet dreams, Page. And good luck with the griffons."

An application of will and a tiny bit of magic I let her go back to her dream of a giant ice cream as I watched her for a short moment.

It was great that she found somepony she was interested in, wasn't it? I wasn't sure what to think about it, I didn't want her to get hurt, that's all.

"Good luck, Celestia," I whispered. "I hope things work out. You deserve it."

With that I left the dream.


"You know what, I have suddenly fallen quite ill. Sunset, would you mind co..."

"Not on your life!" Sunset said with a grin. "Get out there, wingboy. The guests should start to arrive at any moment."

"I hate you."

"No you don't."

Grumbling, I adjusted my uniform and cloak before I looked at her. "...Looking good."

She was wearing a white dress, rather classy actually.

"Thank you. Twi bought it for me from Rarity," she said with a smile. "I rather like it. And you're not too bad yourself, I can see why Princess Luna wanted you to roleplay."

Oh for crying out loud.

I just facehooved and sighed. "Damn it, Sunset."

"Oh, you know you love me," she teased and then poked my side. "Well? Going to go out there? Your first guest is arriving."

"Huh, where?"


"Oh, my greatest apologies for my tardiness, Lady Shimmer!" I said and bowed with a smirk. "Please, welcome to this humble little shindig."

She rolled her eyes. "You might as well have handed this over to Pinkie Pie."

"You know, not a bad idea if I ever have to do this again. Would make things livelier at the very least," I commented and then lead the way into the main room where the buffet table was getting the finishing touches. A mix of pony and griffon foods were available and almost all of it looked good.

One of the guards at the door signalled to me and I nodded to him. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go be bored to death. The first guests are arriving."

"Have fun!"

"Screw you, Sunny."

"Promises, promises."