Chapitre 33

Chapter 33

"Page, why are you covered in an illusion?" Celestia asked moments after entering the room.

I rolled my eyes. "Discord prank, should be over this afternoon," I explained before I smiled at her. "But let's forget about that right now, welcome back!"

"Thank you. It is good to be back," she answered with a smile of her own as a second pony entered the room. The newcomer had a grape-coloured coat with a darker mane, purple mane and a sun and clouds cutiemark. "Let me introduce Clear Skies."

Celestia had been right. She was beautiful.

She looked more than a bit nervous and embarrassed as she smiled. "Hello. A pleasure to meet you, Lord Page."

"Pleasure is mine, Miss Skies," I said and moved around the table, giving her a small bow. "If you managed to tame the creature know as Celestus Solarflarus."

Clear Skies blinked at me in slight confusion before she giggled behind her hoof.

Celestia shook her head and moved up next to her. "There were no taming involved."

"Oh, no reins? That's not like you, Sunshine," I teased her before I smiled at the now blushing Clear Skies. "Sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you, Miss Skies."

Still blushing, she gave me a defiant look. "Oh, I think I can handle anything you can deal out, Lord Page. No big."

I grinned at that. "Oh, I like her," I told Celestia and then walked up to hug her. "Welcome back."

Celestia hugged back for a moment before she frowned down at me. "...Page, you are..."

"Don't. Seriously," I sighed. "Discord. It'll pass this afternoon."

"There are spells that could help."

I nodded. "So I've been told a number of times. But unless you can cast it now, digging them out of the archives and learning them would take longer than waiting unless he lied about the time."

"Very well," she said and then shifted to rest her wing across Clear Skies's back as she led both of us over to one of the large pillows. "Now, I need you to tell me everything about what's gone on while I was gone."


She blinked at me in surprise. "Excuse me?"

"Nope. You have more important things to do," I told her. "Like giving Miss Skies a thorough tour of the castle and then finding something to eat. I already have a full written account of everything on your desk. Paperwork can wait a bit and if something bursts into fire, I'll handle it. Go get settled in again."

Celestia smiled at that and I got a nuzzle between my ears. "Thank you, Page. Would you and Luna be willing to join us for dinner tonight?"

"Love to," I said and smiled, getting up and giving Clear Skies a nod. "Enjoy yourselves."

"We will," Celestia confirmed with a smile of her own.

"Oh, I bet you will."


Laughing, I trotted out of the room and letting the door close behind me before I frowned at it. "Amber?"

"Yes, Miss?"

Facehoof. Celestia damn it, Amber.

"Could you be so kind and go see if Skitter have a couple of changelings willing to go on a small mission?"

"Of course, miss. May I ask what for?"

I nodded. "I want them to go to Cloudsdale and quietly find out everything there is to know about a blue pegasus with the name of Clear Skies, sun cutiemark."

Amber frowned and looked at the door. "Suspecting trouble, miss?"

"No, not really," I finally answered and shook my head. "But something feels strange about this and I want Celestia to be happy. Just… make sure they are quiet about it, nopony is to know about it. Maybe I'm paranoid about this, but something about seeing her next to Celestia felt wrong."

Amber rolled her eyes and nodded. "Very well, miss. I'll pass the message along."

"Thank you. Now, back to the tower, I think so I can drop this illusion, find a good book and a bottle of cider," I said with a sigh. "Finally, no more bullshit."

"Lord Page! I demand to know where my Aunt is right now!" Prince Blueblood demanded as he rounded the corner and spotted me and Amber.

"...Asleep in her bed I would suspect," I told him. "It's the middle of the day."

Son of a fucking bitch, the last pony I wanted to handle right now was Blueblood.

"Aunt Celestia, not Aunt Luna!"

"She hasn't arrived yet," I said and shifted my wings. "Perhaps I can help you with your problem?"

"The Canterlot Royal Theatre is refusing to host my mother's birthday party this year! Every year since before I was born, but this year they refused!"

Blueblood might not be quite as useless as he pretended to be, but it was a pretty close thing in all honesty.

This was really, really not something I wanted to be bothered with, but until I did, he just wouldn't go away.

"What reason did they give?"

"Some outrageous excuse about being booked already! Have you ever heard such a thing!?"

"Oh grow up," I sighed and walked past him. "Find her some other place, the entire city is full of places suitable for such an event. Hold it in the castle or one of the gardens. You have a problem, fine. Now work that sodding problem and solve it instead of coming whining to somepony else to do it for you."

Blueblood likely would have looked less surprised if I slapped him with a live fish.