Chapitre 34

Chapter 34

Letting out a sigh, I dropped the illusion and looked myself over. All back to normal.

Fucking Discord.

Jumping off the couch, I stretched and trotted in a circle. Yep, back to normal. Goodie.

"All better?" Skitter asked from her spot on one of the comfy chairs.

"Yep," I agreed, "Back to normal. That was the third strangest transformation I have ever had."

Skitter just kind of tilted her head, "I see."

"So?" I then asked and moved up to her, gathering my notes back up.

"I have two changelings I can spare, my two best infiltrators. They should be able to find out anything you need to know," She answered, her wings doing a small buzz, "Not sure it's necessary, but…"

I raised my eyebrows at her, "Last time a Princess was doing this, her partner turned out to be Chrysalis."

"And another time it was 'you'," Skitter countered and shifted her position slightly, "That turned out well."

"And I'm not what I look like, and you know it," I sighed, "Only one that ended up with a normal pony even originally is Twilight Sparkle and that's because she's with Sunset!"

That's two out of three that got in trouble because they got involved with the wrong pony or tricked. I didn't want it to end up three out of four.

Skitter frowned a bit before she nodded, "I'll send out the infiltrators like you asked."

"Thank you," I said with a smile.

Fern moved over to look at me, almost half my size. I scratched the Timberwolf at the neck and settled down, "I just want to make sure she is who she is."

Skitter nodded and watched the timerwolf, "He's getting bigger, sir."

I grinned and nodded, "He is, isn't he? Plenty of soil, sunlight and some meat from time to time. Just like taking care of any houseplant."


I scratched at his neck with a smile. Good chlorofiend.

Fern's leaf tongue lolled out and he looked up at Skitter who eyed him with a bit of suspicion.

"Timberwolves are predators. They have eaten changelings before."

"Fern is harmless."

"He was harmless. He is starting to get big enough to harm a changeling. Or a pony."

I frowned at her and then looked at Fern, "Going to do that, planty? Going to gobble somepony all up?" I asked and poked his side.


He pounced me, licking at my face with that leaf like tongue.

"Yes, horribly ferocious," I laughed and pushed the forest spirit away, "Deadly."

Fern jumped off me and scrambled to get one of his toys, a squeaky ball.

Skitter shook her head and sighed, "Don't want you to get hurt after all this. Even less if it happens because of something you trusted."

"Same thing as I think with Celestia," I said and tossed Fern's ball, causing him to scramble to catch it, "But this? Humans do this all the time, all through our history and Fern is a good houseplant."

She just shook her head and jumped off the chair, "Well, if you are sure, sir."

"I am," I told her with a smile, "Fern won't hurt anypony."

I tossed the ball again and the wood spirit scrambled after it. It was amazing really how dog like he could be.

Skitter nodded and then smiled slightly, "So what will you do now?"

"As little as possible," I told her with a grin, "No more doing Celestia's job, so I might actually get time to go back to writing again. I'm waaay behind where I thought I would be by now. But for the next week, nothing."


I nodded, "Yep! Starting with, taking Fern to the park and throwing this ball around while getting him some sunshine."

Skitter nodded and rippled, green fire crawling across her black chitin leaving a white unicorn with a changeling shaped horn on her head, "Want some company, sir?"

"Love to," I said and bounced the ball over to her.

She caught it in her magic and then quickly threw it away before Fern could get close to her. I grinned, "Skitter, he's safe! You've known him since I got him. Why does he bother you now?"

"Because he is getting large enough to eat a pony now."

I rolled her eyes, "You can taste his feelings, right? He's a big fluffy and happy ball of leaves and wood."

"Now, yes."

I rolled my eyes, "Come on, let's get going," I said and bounced the ball of the wall, Fern scrambling after it.

AN// Many thanks to FPSCanarussia for betaing this section.