Chapitre 35

hapter 35

I suppressed a small yawn and turned a page in my book. Two weeks of getting up at sunrise had completely ruined my sleep schedule. It was barely midnight and I was starting to get really drowsy.

Closing my book, I put it down and shifted to lean against Luna's side, as she went through tonight's correspondence.

That earned me a nuzzle at my ear. "You could go to bed, you know," she said softly.

"Mmm. But then I don't get Luna time. Besides, I need to try to twist this right." I sighed. "A couple of hours, then I'll head to bed."

Now that Celestia was back I could twist my sleeping schedule back to something more normal. Well, normal for me.

"How about some tea?" She asked, and shifted her wing on my back. "That should help."

"That does sound rather nice," I admitted, and nosed at her neck. "But I can think of something else that could help too..."

That got a giggle from the larger Alicorn. "Later, My Page. I need to finish this first," Luna said and pulled me tighter with her wing. "Get some tea."

Grinning, I stretched and slipped out from beneath her wing. Then left the fireplace to go summon a maid.

As I reached for the bell with my magic, Luna let out a gasp behind me and there was the sound of wind as her wings flared. "Page come here!"

I glanced back at her. "What did you find?" I asked as I returned to her.

She almost shoved the scroll into my mouth in her hurry to hand it over. I quickly took it to read through.

"Cadence… Shining Armor… healthy… baby... Crystalling?" I read as I quickly eyed through the letter before I grinned. "Wow. I didn't even know Cadence was pregnant. What's a Crystalling anyway?"

"Neither did We," Luna said and frowned, taking the letter to read through it again carefully. "...Neither did We. As for a crystalling, it's a ceremony."

I frowned and settled down next to her again. "What's wrong?"

It was rare that she slipped back into the Royal We, but it happened when she got distracted at times.

"...Nothing is wrong, exactly," Luna said slowly as her wings settled across her back. "We didn't think it was possible."


"For an Alicorn to have a child," she explained. "It has never happened before. Not to me or my sister."

Oh. I… didn't actually know that. I mean, sure, if Luna had had kids before I know she would have told me about them but…

"...Wait, what of Blueblood's line?"

Luna shook her head. "By marriage. They actually get their titles from Princess Platinum," she explained and then frowned at the letter. "But I suppose if one of us could, it would be Princess Cadence."

I slowly nodded as I watched the scroll. "Princess of Fo… Love." I really spend too much time around changelings. "That's really rather close to fertility, isn't it?"

Also, very close to other things too. I said it before and I'll say it again, Shining Armor is one lucky colt.

"Indeed," Luna said softly as she rolled up the scroll, tying the pink band back around it.

I looked up at her, she seemed… a bit sad beneath the happiness for Cadence. Luna loved children, she handled most of their dreams while I did most of the adults.

"Luna, do you want children?"

"It's not possible, My Page," she said and gave me a gentle smile. "If it was, it would surely have happened by accident during ages past. If not for me, then surely for my sister."

I slowly nodded. "But you didn't have a male alicorn then."

She blinked at me. "...I had not considered that," she admitted and bumped her nose against mine. "Do you want children?"

I flicked one ear before I smiled at her. "Eventually. Not sure I'm quite ready for that yet."

That got a smile from her. "You just like practicing it," she teased and nuzzled.

Grinning I stole a kiss. "That I do," I admitted before I leaned against her side. "If nothing else, once we are ready I'm sure Cadence could help."

"Want Cadence to help huh?" She teased and nosed at my ear. "My, how forward, My Page. But we could ask her when we visit them..."

Damn it.

Fighting not to blush, I looked up at her. "You know, there are times I'm strongly reminded that you and Sunshine are actually sisters. Sometimes you act so damn similar."

That got a laugh from her and she grinned. "Oh? How so? Will Cadence help you with my sister as well?" She teased.


I pounced at her, working my wing across her side and blowing at her ear, causing the princess of the night to dissolve into very undignified giggles as she squirmed and tried to get away.

I might lose word games with her more often than not, but I know where she's ticklish and if you're not cheating, you are not trying hard enough!