Chapitre 37

Chapter 37

We were alone on the train to the Crystal Empire. As it turned out, we would be arriving a couple of days before Sunny and the rest of the gang.

Considering how early in the morning it turned out to be and how drowsy Luna and I were, that was likely a good thing.

I rested my head against the side of her neck, her warm wing settled softly against my back.

"Careful, my sister. I believe Page may be falling asleep," Celestia commented, sounding way too cheerful for this horrible hour for her own good.

"...amawake..." I mumbled against Luna's neck. "benice."

Celestia stage-whispered to Luna, "Think he'll fall asleep?"

That drew a small chuckle from Luna even if she must be as sleepy as I was.

...I had to admit, alicorn wings are the best blankets.

Luna nuzzled at my closest ear. "Paaage..."

"I know, I know," I grumbled and pulled away from her stretching as I forced my eyes open. "...I need tea."

"Bring something back for me?" Luna asked with a smile as she folded her wings again.

I nodded and looked at the white alicorn. "Anything for you?"

"I'll have a cup as well, please."

Rubbing my eyes, I nodded and then made my way out of the royal cart to the next one in the small train which was the kitchen cart. Following that one was the ones for the staff, guards and everything else that was needed when the Princesses went travelling.

What time was it anyway? Way too fucking early, that's what.

Bet it wasn't even noon yet.

"Sir," Swift said cheerfully as he moved up next to me without breaking step. "Such a fine morning for travelling!"

"Fuck off," I grumbled at him.

It should be illegal to be that cheerful.

He grinned at that and looked behind him. "Pay no attention to the grumpy subject. Remember, you are here to keep him safe, no matter his mood. Part of our job is to not get in his way. But don't be afraid to put your hoof down if he's acting like an idiot and get himself in unnecessary danger."

I glowered at him. "What happened to not getting in the way?"

"Oh, that's as a guard. I'm your friend, so that doesn't count," he countered with a smile before looking at the three mares following him around. "Do as I say, not as I do."

They were the best trio in my guard and had been sent along to see how things were out in reality.

Strawberry Aurora, Fluffy Breeze and Diamond Blossom.

Aurora was a unicorn with a pink coat and a bit darker pink mane with a flame cutie mark, pretty decent with fire magic.

Fluffy Breeze was a white pegasus from a guard family out of Canterlot. They never had a colt so her father trained her instead. She was a fast and accurate flier and good with a spear.

Diamond Blossom was a light grey earth pony. While earth ponies were usually larger than their other subspecies counterparts, she was the smallest of the group, even smaller than the pegasus. She was also a frickin' ninja and just as good at hiding as any changeling I have met. The fact that her family had been maids and servants at the castle for the last seven hundred years explained everything in my mind.

I just rubbed my eyes. "Swift, stop teaching them stupid things," I grumbled and pushed the door open to cross over into the food cart only for him to stop me before I could enter the next cart.

"Sir, you need to allow us to clear the room first. Recruits, search the room, I'm staying with the client."

Aurora nodded. "Yes, sir! You heard him, get to it!"

They moved into the food cart, scanning the room, the unicorn doing dispels and changeling scans on everypony inside.

The door closed again, and I sighed and let my head thump against the wall. "…Damn it, Swift. I just want some tea."

"And I don't want my tail kicked by Sunset for not doing this right. You may not have noticed, but that girl is scary."

"Not as scary as me if you don't stop being in the way of my caffeine."

The door opened again to reveal the unicorn. "Clear, sir!"

"Well done, recruit! Sir, you are clear to enter."

"…Thank you," I sighed and made my way over to the hot water, waving the server away as I started to float tea and cups around. While they normally made everything perfectly all right, I wanted my tea strong enough to stand a cup in this right now.

Setting the tea to steep in a teapot, I picked up some milk, a bit of sugar and three big cups and spoons on a tray before I left to head back to our cart.

Getting back beneath Luna's warm wing sounded really nice right about now.

"Clear the next cart, recruits!"

"Yes, sir!"

Celestia damn it, Swift! Now you were doing it on purpose!