Chapitre 38

Chapter 38

The crystal empire was just how I remembered it. Quite honestly, it was beautiful and if it wasn't for the fact that it was in the middle of a frozen wasteland, I might have even liked to move here.

Sure, climate was nice now when the magical mcguffin kept it snow free and warmish, but what kind of idiots settled here in the first place?

I followed along, walking a few steps behind Luna and Celestia as we made our way towards the castle, ponies stopping and bowing as we walked past. I'd never get used to that, even if it was aimed at the sisters I still found the entire thing a bit embarrassing.

Or at least, I hoped it was all aimed at the sisters.

What felt even stranger was that there weren't any changelings anywhere. The agreement Cadence had with the Hive was still in effect. Amber had not been allowed to go as she wasn't part of the love gathering party.

Amber had been less than pleased with me being allowed out of her sight for an extended amount of time.

"Am I the only one that thinks 'evil mastermind' every time I see that tower?" I asked as we got closer to the castle towering above the rest of the town.

Luna smiled and nodded. "I think so, My Page. It was constructed long before King Sombra came to power."

"Must just be me then," I said, looking up at the massive crystal structure. If it wasn't for the fact that Canterlot was built on the side of a mountain, I would say that this place had more bling than Canterlot Castle. Shinier anyway, if smaller.

Seriously, add some spikes and maybe some fires and… paint it black? It wouldn't look out of place with a giant flaming eye at the top.

We were met by Shining Armor as we got closer.

Not to be mean, but he looked like three levels of hell. Like he hadn't slept in weeks. Which made a lot of sense with an infant around. Lack of sleep kind of came with the territory.

"Shining, you look like you haven't slept in days," I said with a grin.

"…I haven't," he admitted and then gave the sisters a slight bow, "Princesses."

"None of that now, Prince Armor," Celestia said with a smile. "It is good to see you again."

…and I just realized that when I marry Luna, I'll get that accursed title too. Sodding damn it! I thought I could avoid it!

I glanced at Luna and then sighed.

Worth it. It's not the same thing either, it's Prince Consort, not actual Prince so it could have been a lot worse to be honest.

…She would have been worth that too.

"Come on," Shining Armor said with a tired smile, "I'll take you to Cadence and the baby."

I missed something there while wool-gathering. Still, it likely wasn't too important. Moving up alongside Luna, I walked along as Celestia talked with the tired looking unicorn.

Both Luna and I seemed more than willing to let Celestia take the lead on this. Not sure about My Sky, but I was still more than a bit groggy from the change in my sleeping schedule.

Let's just say that I knew how Shining felt… not that he hadn't had it worse for a bit. Poor man. Oh well, comes with the territory.

Shining paused outside a door. "…Before you come in, you should know that she's a bit… unusual."

"Unusual how?" Luna asked with a small frown.

"…You'll see," he said and lead the way inside.

I frowned at that and followed along to see Cadence standing by a crib. She smiled tiredly as we came in before moving over to hug Celestia.

"I'm glad you could come."

"Wouldn't dream to miss it," the larger alicorn answered with a smile as Cadence moved on to hug Luna and I.

Cadence gave the second best hugs, following closely behind Luna. Makes sense really, what with her being the Alicorn of Love and all that.

Cadence smiled tiredly and lead over to the crib. "We haven't picked a name yet," she admitted as she pulled the blanker down a little, revealing the head of a pink little unicorn.

D'aww. She's adorable!

The little foal stirred slightly as she started to wake up and her wings spread slightly in the crib.

I stared for a moment before I looked at Luna and Celestia. They were staring at the alicorn in the crib.

Good, so I wasn't the only one seeing that.

I turned back to the little alicorn as I sat down and shifted my wings with a frown, looking between her and her mother.

Well, that kind of make sense. Mother alicorn, kid alicorn.


"There is no way that's even remotely fair," I finally said with a frown.

Born as an Alicorn. Some ponies have all the luck.