Chapitre 45

Chapter 45

Sunset looked way too smug for her own good.

I raised my eyebrows at her, "It just mean I have to get better. Guess who I will be practicing with."

Sunny blinked at me and suddenly didn't look so smug anymore. Mission accomplished.

Luna grinned and nuzzled at my ear, "You did well. You can't blame anypony else. You did get in a magic contest with Twilight Sparkle."

"Might not have been the smartest thing in the world," I sighed and shot a small glare across Sunset at said alicorn.

Twilight stuck her tongue out at me.

"I'll get you next time, Sparkle! Next time!"

That sent Sunset into a fit of giggles, "Realy Page? Dr Claw?"

"Quiet you," I said and poked her with my wing before I sighed and leaned against Luna's side "Luna?"

She hummed and looked down at me, "Yes?"

"Luna, I want a vacation. You, me, somewhere far away from Canterlot," I said, "Before you protest, yes you can spare a couple of weeks. If your sister could, so can you."

Luna looked thoughtful before she nodded, "We could," she admitted and sighed softly before nuzzling at my ear, "That does sound wonderful. We'll make it happen."


Somewhere nice. Under illusion and transformation after all. A tropical island sounded nice but I wanted civilization and that meant doing what Celestia had done.

Sunset sighed softly, "Vacation away from everything sounds wonderful. Twi?"

Twilight nodded, "It does," she agreed "But with everything I have to do, it's going to be a while until I can get away. I have to get back to Ponyville tomorrow and then go to Stalliongrad."

"Not exactly a vacation spot," I commented and leaned against Luna's side.

Twilight nodded, "Mmm. But I need to go anyway, there is trouble among the nobles there and… well, Princess of Friendship," she said and shrugged her wings before she brightened up, "Oh! Sunset can go with you!"


"Oh, that's a brilliant idea!" Luna exclaimed, "It would be nice to get to know you better, Sunset Shimmer."

Sunset and I shared a 'what the fuck' look.

She turned to Twilight, "…Twi why would I be coming with Page and Princess Luna on a romantic vacation?"

Twilight looked at her in surprise, "So you get to spend more time with Page and get a nice vacation. You don't want to go?"

I, on the other hoof, blinked at her, "Twilight have you been drinking? I'm with Luna, not Sunset."

"You are not involved with Sunset?" Luna looked slightly surprised.

... What?!

"Someponies are confused here," I rubbed my eyes "And I think it's all of us,"

Luna frowned, "Oh dear. I was mistaken it seems. I thought for sure you were with Sunset"

I frowned at her in turn, " That Sunset and I were romantically together?"

She nodded, "I hardly minded My Page. If anything I encouraged it. She's an unicorn after all and if you are in love I would want you to spend as much time with her as possible."

Sunset and I shared a look before I turned back to Luna, "Without me telling you?"

"We have discussed similar matters before," Luna reminded gently "and I thought you simply wanted to keep things discrete because of your cultural inclination. I'm sorry for that."

I gaped at her. I wouldn't have done anything like that.

"Oh," Twilight said softly and Sunset and I both turned to look at her. She cringed slightly and flicked her ears to the side, "Now I feel even worse."

Sunset blinked, "Why?"

Twilight frowned and sighed, "I felt bad that I couldn't spend as much time with you as you deserved. So knowing you were with Page and not feeling lonely in our castle made me feel better."

"Without telling you!? Even if you think that Page for some reason wouldn't talk about it why wouldn't I…." Sunset exclaimed and then facehoofed, "…you know what, I'm going for a walk. When you stopped being crazy, I'll be back."

Cadence walked in at that exact moment with Flurry Heart and then paused as she looked at us for a second.

I turned to her, "Cadence! You are the expert here! Tell them Sunset and I aren't in love!"

She looked at us for a moment and then looked back at Flurry Heart, "Come on, sweetheart. Let's get you in bed somewhere away from the stupid ponies," she said and turned to walk back out, Sunset following her.

"See! She agrees with me!" I said and motioned towards the closing door before I sighed, "Luna, even if I was involved with Sunset, there is no way I would have done ANYTHING without telling you first. I thought you knew me better than that! You know what, I think Sunset had the right idea. I'm going to take a flight, we'll continue this later."