Chapitre 46

Chapter 46

I rested on my wings, floating above the crystal city. Even with the falling darkness, you could see clearly where the magic stopped working.

It was as if somebody had taken a circle of a nice warm area with farms and the city and plopped it in a frozen landscape of snow and tundra.

All this supported by the crystal heart.

Sighing, I shifted course, slowly banking into a turn. I can't believe she would think that. It was like… ugh.


Say that there was interest in Sunset, as stupid as it sounded. Why wouldn't I have talked it through with Luna beforehand!?

That's was the most frustrating part about this all!

Looking up at the appearing stars, I sighed and beat my wings, slowly rising higher. I thought she knew me better than that.

Slowly starting to circle the castle, I rested on my wings as I floated lower again.

A spot of colour drew my attention and I shifted my course. Circling the castle once more, I then came in for landing on top of a balcony on one of the taller towers. "Hey."

Sunset looked up from the book she was reading in the light of her horn. "Hey."

"What are you reading?" I asked as I walked over.

She showed me the cover of the second Daring Do book. "Nothing serious."

"That's a good one," I said and settled down next to her as we both avoided the subject. "I think I might like the third one better."

"Mmm, that one's good," she agreed and then sighed, closing her book and letting the light from her horn fade away. "This is stupid."

"Yep. Like I would be attracted to you."

"Hey!" Sunset exclaimed and looked at me. "What do you mean by that!?"

I cringed and then shook my head. "Didn't mean it like that!"

"So, what did you mean?" she asked as she turned to me.

Finding myself a bit lost for words, I sighed and shook my head. "…I just meant that… damn it, Sunset, you are messing with me!"

She grinned and nodded. "Yep!"

I thwacked the back of her head with my wing. Or rather tried to, she ducked before I could.

She smiled and then shook her head, shifting to look at me, "Not interested in you in that way either," she continued, "we both know that if I was, you wouldn't stand a chance."

"Oh really?"

Sunset winked at me. "Oh please."

Chuckling, I shook my head. "Please. You are the one that wouldn't stand a chance," I said and stretched my wings. "Alicorn, remember. Only male one. With your fascination with alicorns, you would fold in moments."

"Somepony is full of himself."

I winked at her before we laughed, and I shook my head. "So stupid. Just because we are friends…"

"Best friends."

"Best friends," I corrected. "We are romantically involved? Okay, I can see Twilight thinking that, but Luna?"

Sunset frowned at me. "Why would Twi think that and not Princess Luna?"

"Experience mostly?" I said and shrugged my wings.

"…Fair enough," Sunset admitted and then shivered as the wind picked up. "Us being involved? That's silly."

I nodded before I frowned. "Cold?"

"I'm fine, not sure the heart is fully powered up yet," she said and shifted a bit. "Twi said it might take a couple of days."

Nodding I moved a bit closer, putting my wing across her back. "Better?"

Sunset sighed and then nodded, scooting close and leaned against my side a bit, "Thanks. On top of all the other stuff, the fact that alicorns don't get cold is just unfair."

"It is," I agreed. "No complaints from me though, I hate being cold. Very nice fringe benefit."

She grumbled something I didn't hear before she lit her horn up again and opened the book again, going back to her reading.

I looked over her shoulder. "Oh, that's a good chapter. I like when she…"

"Hush! You can read with me, but no talking."

"Fine, fine," I sighed and settled down.

"Page?" she said after a couple of chapters.


She turned the page and then glanced at me with a small smile. "They were being silly, right?"

"Ridiculous," I agreed with a smile and shook my head as I sighed. "…I should likely apologize for yelling before though. They both meant well."

Sunset nodded. "Yeah. I should talk to Twilight too. You know, it's actually kind of sweet."

"…It was," I said and couldn't help but smile. "Though I guess it's interesting to know that Luna has no objections to me having a hot unicorn marefriend. We talked about it in the past, it just never struck me that she was actually serious before now."

"Hot unicorn huh?" Sunset teases and rubbed against my side, fluttering her eyelashes at me.

I smirked at her and pulled her closer with my wing, brushing the primary feathers across her cutiemark. "It's no wonder ponies think we are involved."

"I know, right?" Sunset agreed with a small hitch in her breath, her nose touching mine as she turned to me and our eyes slowly met.

We managed to hold it for about five seconds before we broke down laughing.