Chapitre 47 end

hapter 47

"Luna?" I asked as I trotted into our rooms.

Movement on the bed drew my attention and she looked up, "Page?"

Moving over, I jumped onto the bed in the dark room, settling down next to her, "Hey."

She shifted and rolled onto her stomach and I leaned against her side, slipping in beneath her wing, "I'm sorry, My Page. You are right, I should have known that you…"

"It's fine," I interrupted her softly and nuzzled at her neck, "I'm a little hurt that you thought I wouldn't have told you, but I can see why you thought that."

Luna rested her head on top of mine, "Still."

"I shouldn't have yelled either," I said and nuzzled, "You and Sparky both meant well. Even if it did mean trying to get me in bed with Sunset."

Blushing slightly, Luna sighed and nosed at my ear, "…You have to admit, you two are a good match."

"Cadence didn't seem to think so," I said with a smile, "Stupid ponies, remember?"

Luna pulled back to look at me with a smile, "She didn't mean me and Twilight Sparkle."

I blinked at her.

"… Oh. Well, she can't be right every single time."

She shook her head, "No, Cadence isn't right every time, not even when it comes to love."

"See?" I told her with a smile, "Sunny may be my best friend other than a certain alicorn in this room, but we aren't romantically involved."

Luna nodded and pulled me closer with her wing, "I see," before she smiled, "…of course, she was right about you and me."

"Huh? She was?"

She nodded and smiled, "She… how do I put it?" she asked and sighed before she admitted, "She helped me a bit with what to do. Gave me tips. I was a bit… out of date."

Cadence helped?

I suppose that makes sense. If Cadence didn't already have quite happy dreams almost every night, I would be sending her a whole bunch of them for that.

"I should thank her for that then," I said with a smile, "That's a time she was right."

Luna stole a small kiss and pulled me tighter with her wing, "She was indeed."

Nodding, I rested my head against the side of her neck.

"Page?" Luna said quietly, "I'm sorry. You are right, you would have told me."

"It's fine," I answered and nuzzled, "But Sunset and I really aren't romantically involved."

Luna nuzzled at your ear, "It was easy to think you were."

I gave her a suspicious look, "You know, I always think you want me to get together with Sunset."

Sighing softly against my mane, she nuzzled, "I just…" she pulled back to look down into my eyes, "I don't want you to discover in fifty years that you should have acted earlier."

That I could really understand. That would... hurt. It would hurt horribly bad.

Smiling softly up at her, I gave her a small kiss, "How about I promise that if I find somepony, I'll act on it?"

Kissing back, Luna then nodded, "That will suffice. But I still wish to get to know Sunset Shimmer better as she is your best friend."

I gave her a slightly suspicious look but then nodded and relaxed against her side, "I'm sure she'd like that too."

"Just perhaps not on our vacation," Luna agreed and rested her head on top of mine, "So where would you like to go?"

"Good question," I asked and frowned slightly in thought, "Somewhere nice and civilized. Not some beach somewhere… even if that could be relaxing for a while. I want to be able to go out with you to nice places."

Smiling Luna nodded and cuddled close, "Sounds nice… Are you going as unicorn?"

"Not sure I could manage without magic to hold things," I admitted, "Never got comfortable with my hooves and mouth. Besides, not sure I could manage an actual transformation like you and Sunshine, I have to go with an illusion. Easier to hide wings than a horn."

"Pegasus for me," Luna said with a sigh and rested her head against my mane, "I think I'll do like my sister and try to copy what I might have looked like."

I blinked at her before I grinned, "Looking forward to that, if the result is as good as hers was, you'll look amazing."

Luna smirked a bit and scooted back, her magic whirling around her. When it cleared, it revealed the most beautiful Pegasus I had ever seen. Her coat was the same dark, dark blue like before and her cutie mark was the same. But instead of the size and legginess of an alicorn, she had the athletic slenderness of a Pegasus. Her mane were a lighter blue and her eyes the same beautiful teal as before.

"Oh my," I said softly as I watched her scoot closer and move in beneath my wing, nuzzling at my chin.

"Should I summon my sister, so you may compare, My Lord?" she cooed before she laughed at the look on my face and gave me a small kiss, "Somepony liked that idea," she teased.

Growling, I pinned her down and nipped at her ear, "Wench!"

All I got in response was a giggle.