Chapitre 10

Chapter 10

I flipped through the book slowly before I looked over at Luna, "My Sky, would you…"

"No, I will not," she said glancing up from her notes with a smirk, "You got yourself into this. You get yourself out of it."

"Not seeing a lot of sympathy from you," I commented, shifting my wings.

Luna flicked her ears, "Do you deserve any?"

"…I suppose not," I admitted and closed the book on battle tactics. Written by one Princess Celestia for the Solar Guard.

Not sure it applied here, but it was required reading by all Guard officers.

"Especially after your bet with my sister," Luna teased and stretched her wings before slowly relaxing again, "I'm a bit curious about what you were thinking?"

I cleared my throat a bit, "Was actually… just kind of trying to get one over her. Sorry."

Luna rolled her eyes, "Not that, what were you thinking getting into an open ended bet with my sister?"

"Ah. That."

"Yes. That," Luna said with a grin, "Want to find out what happened last time a pony was stupid enough for that?"

"…I'm thinking no?"

"I believe the term is marriage?"


I shook my head, "Well, won't happen this time at least. She has a consort. Marefriend. Besides, she knows that…"

"You two keep flirting?" Luna teased and stuck her tongue out at me.

Double gulp.

"She… she knows it's just… she wouldn't…"

Luna laughed and jumped off her chair, padding over to nuzzle, "I'm teasing, My Page," she said and got onto the couch next to me, putting her wing across my back, "She wouldn't do it like that with you."

"…I can't help but notice that you said not like that."

"Alicorns are long lived," Luna said and gave my ear a nuzzle, "I have no doubt you will get involved with the others and other ponies with time. Including Celestia. But I don't think she would ask you over a bet."

Shifting a bit, I leaned against her side.

"…Yeah, likely not. Don't mean I'm not worried about it though," I admitted, "Whatever she'll ask if she win, it's likely to be big."

Luna nodded a bit, "Likely, yes."

"…Luna damnit, I'm going to end up with a job, aren't I?"

That got her to break out laughing and cuddle me closer, "Silly Page."

"I mean, come on. I'm already crazy busy," I grumbled and leaned against her side, "Well, there is one way to just never needing to find out."

Luna nodded, "You need to win."

"Yes. Yes, I do," I said and glanced to her, "…Luna. I need to win this!"

She just nodded again, "Yes," before she smirked, "Still not helping you."

"Damn it!"

She giggled and nipped at the tip of my ear, "Silly Page."

"Well, worth a try," I said and flicked my ear before I picked the book up again, "Well, if you're not going to help, mind leaving me to my studies?"

"Yes," Luna said, sounding a bit smug, "Yes, I do."

Looking at her, I shifted, "…You do realize that to even stand a chance at this, I need to gain every advantage that I can? I need to study as much as I possibly can."


"…And you're still not going to stop distracting me, are you?" I asked with a small sigh, closing the book.

Luna shook her head a bit and nuzzles at my ear, nibbling along the edge, "No, I will most definitely not."


"My Sky, are you sabotaging me?"

"Am I? Wouldn't that be against the rules?" she asked with a smirk, "And would I do that?"

I blinked at her before I gave her a suspicious look, "You are angling for something."

She shot me an innocent look.

"…I'm suspecting I know exactly what you want," I said and smirked at her, "Well, if you're going to be distracting me from my work anyway..."