Chapitre 11

Chapter 11

"Well then, any ideas?" I asked and put my hoof on the map of Canterlot. The tent was not exactly crowded, but there were plenty of ponies around.

Swift Spear was standing across from me, looking at the map, wearing the armour of the Lunar Guard. He was still on loan as a instructor.

To my left was Skitter in her form of a white unicorn. This time her wings weren't visible and her horn straight. The perfect disguise.

Didn't want anyone to find out she was helping us.

At my other side were Sunset, wearing the same kind of cloak I were. My chakram replaced by a dagger for her.

Bright Glow was standing next to Swift Spear.

Sunset shook her head, "None of the old spots really remain. Well, a couple does but they are too small for anypony."

"A changeling could perhaps squeeze through?" Skitter suggested.

"Perhaps," Sunset agreed, "But it would be a very tight fit even for a drone."

I shook my head, "Maybe to get someling inside to open the gates or something like that, but not enough to slip a full force inside, especially now when they have started to screen at every checkpoint," I said and frowned, looking over at Bright Glow, "The Legion?"

She shook her head, "We stand ready and the camp is set up and ready. Guards are posted and sentries set up. While they may attack us, and I really doubt we can stop them fully with their larger numbers, we'd see them coming."

I nodded, "In a straight up fight, maybe. What's the first rule of combat?"

"Cheat," she agreed, "But I'm not sure how in this case."

"I have some ideas," I said and looked at them, "Squads, fliers and teleporters, those that can move quickly or quietly. I want harassing forces around the castle."

Swift Spear shook his head, "We can't break through like that and none of it matter unless we get you inside."

"Oh, we won't, "I agreed, "We're not going to even try it. Pepper them with noise, paint arrows… bright lights. Keep them moving, keep them reacting. Let's not give them a chance to rest."

"…And you're not going to let them sleep either," Sunset said and grinned, "Evil."

"Effective. And every single one we tag down early without losing any of our own is another pony less that can take up a spot in the rotation," I said, "But this only work if we use our forces effectively and anypony get tagged."

Bright Glow slowly nodded, "I'll get our best fliers and illusionists on it."

I nodded, "I'll handle the sleepers. As for the rest of the plan, we just have to see how things evolve first. Just make sure they keep it up day and night in shifts without tiring themselves out. The Solar Guard are stronger and more experienced," I said and looked between them, "Let's see if they still are after a couple of days without sleep."

She nodded and saluted, "We'll get it done, sir."

Pausing, I looked at the map for a second before I turned to Swift, "…Think it'll work?"

He did have the most experience of us of the Guard, having been a member of the Solar Guard before moving on to the Lunar Guard.

Swift shrugged, "I don't know. Standard procedure against a tactic like that would be to first of all rotate ponies away from the walls to give them time to rest. But that won't work in this case. But there would also be counter attacks to try to capture the raiding forces. By their function, the raiding forces would be small, light and separate from the main enemy force."

Sunset nodded, "Makes sense. How do we counter that?"

"By being ready to move against their counter forces," Swift said, "Our raiding forces would be primarily set up of pegasi and some unicorns. Which leave us mostly earth ponies and unicorns."

Bright Glow looked thoughtful, "…Traps to counter their traps?"

"Easiest way to trigger a trap is to enter it," I agreed, "But ambushes to stop them would be better I think. But they would expect us to try it, right?"

Swift hesitated, "…It depends. On what they think that we think that they think that they will do."

Sunsat grinned, "That get silly really fast. We can't keep thinking like that or we'll never get anything done."

Skitter nodded, "Agreed. I say we continue with Lord Page's plan, but with things ready to pull our forces back from possible counter attacks."

"Sounds good," I agreed and tapped my hoof on the table, "And your forces?"

Skitter smiled, "Infiltrators are in place. The entry of the hive is inside the outer castle walls, so we can come and go as we wish. While the inner castle is trickier, and I have no doubt that Princess Celestia know I'm here, we should be able to feed you useful information, Sir."

"Thank you, Princess," I said with a smile and a nod, "I have no doubt it will be quite useful."

To say the bloody least. Even if the changelings didn't get directly involved, I didn't want them too either, accurate information on enemy movements would be invaluable.

Tomorrow it all start for real. All we needed to do to win would be to outsmart the god empress of a realm that lasted for thousands of years and her loyal guard at the seat of her power.

"Very well then," I said and looked between them all, "Let's be about it then."

I'm so fucked.

This will be fun, but I'm still so fucked.