Chapitre 21

hapter 21


I looked up from the notes were reading, "Oh come on, it's been less than a day. You are the one that chose to come along, remember?"

Sunset sighed again and rolled onto her back on the couch.

"Somepony are trying to study here, go flirt with a sailor or something," I told her before trying to go back to reading.

It lasted about five seconds before there was the sound of movement, the large comfy chair shifted beneath me and Sunset draped herself over my shoulders, "What'cha reading?" she asked as she peered at the papers.

"Notes Luna wrote about the griffons when she visited before," I said, "You can read too if you are that bored."

Sunset picked the papers from my magic, "…I didn't count on this trip coming with homework."

"Hey, you are the one that always push for me to study pony culture so not make a mistake," I said with a grin, poking her with my wing, "Wouldn't want to cause a diplomatic incident, now would we?"

Sunset glared at me for a second before she sighed, "…I suppose you have a point."

"Of course, I do."

"No need to be so smug about it!"

I gave her the first couple of papers before going back to my reading, floating a book over as well, written by the previous ambassador to the griffins.

It touched mainly on their culture which seemed to revolve around being dicks to each other. Okay, that's not quite right, but they were a very meritocratic society. If you didn't have any skills to contribute, you could basically fuck off.

It seemed to be rather political as well with more factions than you could shake a stick at.

Glancing up as there was a knock on the door, "Come in."

The door opened and Steel Night entered with a small bow, "My Lord, My Lady," she said, "I'm to deliver a message from the Captain, he would like to invite the two of you to dine with him this evening."

Nodding I slipped my wing of Sunsets back, "Thank you, Steel Night. Please let him know we'll be there."

Steel Night smiled, "Of course, sir. Sorry to interrupt you… would you like some tea?"

"Yes please, that would be amazing."

She smiled and then trotted to get some.

Sunset jumped off the large chair and stretched, "Wonder if I should get dressed for dinner."

"Don't see why."

"I might not exactly be a society lady, but getting dressed up in something nice from time to time is fun!"

I grinned, "I predict you'll get more than you want of that once we arrive."

"…Probably true," she admitted, "Okay, but I still want to take a bath before dinner. Wanna come?"

I shook my head, "I should finish reading this through, so I can ask Luna something actually useful questions tonight. Have fun."

I glanced after Sunset as she headed into the bathroom before I returned to the book. Luna and Celestia were trusting me not to screw this up.

Screwing this up would be bad. I didn't want to disappoint them.

Which meant learning as much as possible about the griffons. Sadly, I had not been paying too much attention during the visits and dinners with the ambassador.

Sure, we talked and such but I left most of that to Luna, I was there for appearances… well, and the food. Only place in Canterlot I could get some decent fish.

Besides, they were literally doing the same thing I were. They had been doing their best to fit in among ponies and it was their job to be polite.

Now it would be my job not to insult everypony.

Griffon. Everygriffon. Everyone?

Damn it. Needed to figure that one out too. What was the right protocol there anyway?

Sighing, I leaned my side against the back of the large chair. I'm not a diplomat, why did I agree to this again?

Oh yeah, Celestia asked and then Luna backed her up.

Of course I folded like a wet napkin. I mean, who wouldn't? At least it was better than the alternative Celestia had.

Wait… did she plan this entire thing? All to get me to go?

…Nah, even she couldn't have planned that from the start. Could she?

She was good, but nopony were that good. Not even Chrysalis.

…Okay, maybe Chrysalis.