Chapitre 22

hapter 22

"Five degrees up rudder. We want to avoid that wild thunderhead over there. Let's see if we can't go over her," Captain Stellarite ordered, looking out the window with his telescope.

"Aye, sir. Five degrees up rudder," the helmsman answered.

I did my best to keep to the back and out of the way as I looked around, Steel Night standing next to me.

I had asked to be allowed to see the flightdeck… or rather bridge was it was called here. It actually reminded me more of the bridge of a submarine. With more windows of course.

But I suppose that does make sense. Movements would be a quite similar with rudders and buoyancy and such.

"Lord Page," Captain Stellarite said as he lowered his telescope and turned to us, "I hope you find the journey pleasant?"

"Very much so. Very smooth and pleasant. You and your crew are to be commended, your ship is clearly in top condition," I said, "I must admit, airships like this are fascinating."

"Thank you, Lord Page," He answered with a nod and a smile, "The Honeydew is a good ship and my crew is the best in Equestria."

"Wouldn't doubt it," I said and shifted my wings, "Thank you for allowing me to see your bridge, but I'll get out from underneath your hooves now. I think I have taken up quite enough of your time."

"No trouble at all, My Lord."

Well, he said that, but I could equally see that he wanted to get back to work.

Giving him a nod, I headed out of the bridge into the corridor outside, Steel Night trailing along.

What to do now?

I didn't feel like going back to reading. I had been doing that for days and we were halfway there. I needed to rest my brain.

"…Are we moving at Pegasus flight speed?" I asked, Steel Night, "Would it be possible to go for a flight?"

She shook her head, "While a fast Pegasus would be able to fly alongside, it's not advice other than for emergencies, sir. The propeller…"

I nodded, "Ah. Yeah, I see your point."

Forget bird strike, try Pegasus strikes.


"Better not," I continued.

"Could ask the captain to slow down and drift for a while if you wish to go for a flight, sir," Steel Night suggested.

I shook my head, "No, it'll slow us down and not important. Just felt like stretching my wings. I suppose I'll just return to my quarters instead and get some writing done."

Well, editing anyway.

Kind of fitting to do editing in a story about flying ships on a airship.


The dream realm glittered around me. Mostly empty. Sure, there were always some ponies that worked night and slept during the day, but compared to night there was almost nopony there.


Luna nuzzled at my ear, "Focus, My Page."

"Would be a lot easier if you didn't do that…" I answered before I jumped, "Or that!"

Luna just looked at me innocently.

"Okay…" I said and closed my eyes, feeling the dream realm all around us. Deeper. Beyond the not-surface.

Feel it.

I could feel Luna standing next to me. Not from her hooves against the not-ground, but because of her… she's smack me with her wing for this, but because of her weight. Not physical, but meta physical.

She felt like a star right next to me.

The dream world bent to her 'gravity well'.

But what surprised me, was my own 'gravity well'. It dwarfed hers. She was…

She was the Moon if I was Equestria.

"Deeper, Focus beyond this plane."

Taking a deep breath of not-air, I pushed further. Reaching far with my senses. No… not far at all. I had been wrong, the other planes of dreams wasn't contained far away from each other, they were right here. Right next to me, just in…

Normally there are three physical dimensions. Back and forward, up and down, sideways. Pony dreams where here, and strangely enough changelings. Not sure why that was.

But nopony elses.

They were…

I took a step in the fifth direction before opening my eyes again, surrounded by shimmering portals. They felt…

The dreamscape was different too. A different… not colour, but something like it.

"Well done, My Page," Luna said and smiled, stroking along my back with her wing, "Welcome to the dream realm of the dragons."

"So that's why the portals smell of teeth."
