Chapitre 23

hapter 23

Standing on the top platform of the airship, watching the slowly approaching massive pyramid castle.

It looked even bigger than when I saw it in that dream with Luna. That pyramid actually were larger in ground area than most of Canterlot. The city, not the castle.

It was built in a very monolithic style and been constructed for thousands of years. The seat of their entire government and most of their military.

Where we are going.

"Wow, that's bit…wow…" Sunset said over the wind as she moved up next to me.

"That's what she said."

Sunset rolled her eyes and put a hoof on the railing, her horn lighting up to adjust her thick winter scarf, pulling her winter cloak tighter around herself.

Putting my wing across her back against the cold, I frowned at the massive building. As we slowly got closer, the rest of the city slowly got into focus. Two levels of city, one massive circle of monolithic blocks fitted together like a wall around the city. Half way to the pyramid, there were a second circle, identical to the first one.

That city was a fortress.

I completely understood why. The griffons didn't have magic and there were literal monsters wandering around. I would have wanted the biggest honking walls as I could get too.

Which admittedly was one of the original reasons Canterlot were built on the side of a fricking mountain.

"It's kind of intimidating."

"That's what sh… oomph!" I started before I rubbed my side where she elbowed me.

Sunset flicked her ears and turned her attention back towards the view, "So… how do you wanna play this?"

"I was thinking to just about go with the flow and do my best. You?"

"Oh, I just planned to follow along, everyone is going to paying attention to you anyway, wingboy, I don't need to do anything."

I turned to look at her, "Hey, that's my move when with Luna!"

"Well, it works!"

"I know, but I kind of counted on you drawing some of it," I grumbled, "Can't you just… you know?"


"Dress up a tiny bit and be yourself? That always draw a lot of attention."

That got a smile from her, "Forget it, I want to see this place, not be drawn into political stuff."


"That's not fair," I grumbled.

"It totally is, wing-boy," Sunset answered with a smile.

Sighing, I shifted my free wing, "…I guess you're right."

Sunset rolled her eyes and then smiled, "Oh relax, I'll go to any official functions with you."

"…Thanks," I said before I pulled her a bit tighter to my side with my wing, "Worst thing about those things is when there is nopony there you know and can talk to outside of the usual pointless small ltalk."

"I know," she answered and leaned softly against my side in turn,"Besides, I'm kind a curious on how a griffon reception turns out."

I grinned, "I predict fish or even meat meat may be involved."

"Oh, ick."



I glanced at her and she looked at me in turn before she grinned. I grinned back and flicked my ears, "You know… the portal should open again for a couple of days in a year or so. I promised to take Luna through on a date. You'd want to pop back through too."

Sunset hesitated for a second, "That would be extra strange. Not sure to be honest."

"Oh, come on, you know there are things you would like from the human world," I told her with a smile, "How about a laptop?"

She stuck her tongue out, "Yeah, sure. How would I be typing on that?" she asked and held her hoof up.

"Yeah, how could that possibly work," I laughed and tapped my horn against hers.

Sunset cleared her throat and shifting a bit then looked thoughtful, "…Yeah, I guess that could maybe work? With practice at least. But how would I keep it char… okay, solar cells, figured it out." She said before she added, "May want to be careful with the horn tapping… it's a rather intimate thing for unicorns."

I blinked and then nodded a bit, "…Sorry."

"It's fine. It's not very common nowadays anyway, kind of old fashioned."

I nodded, "Still about the laptop thing, worst case, throw Sparks at it, bet she'd figure it out fast enough."

Sunset nodded a bit, "She would… and most likely fry the first couple ones. Maybe I should pop through and see what I can find. Oh, and stock up on gummy candy. It's impossible to find in Equestria."

I nodded and then frowned in thought, "Wait, don't that contain…"

"I don't want to hear it! Don't you dare ruin this for me!"