Chapitre 24

hapter 24

"Ready?" I asked and looked around as I adjusted my cloak. Bright Glow nodded quickly. Sunset looked herself over, "Ready."

"Amber?" I then asked, the changeling dropping down from somewhere next to me.

"Yes, sir?"

Only a couple of the guards jumped when she appeared, starting to get used to her by now, "Stay hidden."

"Yes, sir." She agreed with a smile and trotted around the corner and out of sight.

Taking a deep breath, I then nodded to myself. No more procrastinating I suppose.

"Okay, let's go."

The closest guard hit the switch and the door opened to reveal the bright sunlight. No snow here but the air was cool compared to the inside of the airship.

Let's fucking do this.

Exiting the door and walking out onto the ramp, it gave me more of a view of the landing dock. Halfway up on the side of the pyramid, it opened into a large hall filled with griffons of every size and shape.

That's when the national anthem of Equestria started to play from the gryffon band to the right.

Oh, good Luna.

Flicking my ears I started down the ramp to the group of griffons waiting at the bottom, Sunset and the group of guards falling in behind me.

Several griffons, some with more bling than the rest.

The one at the front didn't have the most bling, but the rest were staying behind him. Next to him were also a pony I did recognize. He was the ambassador to the griffons, a earth pony named Ivory Rock.

He stepped forward when we got close and did a small bow, "Lord Page, Welcome to Griffona. I hope your travel went well?"

I smiled at him, "Thank you, Ambassador. It was quite smooth, if a bit boring."

"Airship travel usually is," he agreed before motioning to the eagle/lion griffon, "Lord Page, I'd like to introduce Lord Aether, brother of the King."

I nodded with a smile, "A pleasure to meet you, Lord Aether. I can honestly say that I am impressed of what I seen of your country so far."

"How kind of you to say, your highness," He answered with a slight bow.

Ambassador Rock then motioned to us in turn, "In turn, Lord Aether, I would like to introduce Lady Sunset Shimmer, Lord Page's companion."


"Lady Shimmer," the griffon said with a nod, Sunset bowing slightly in turn.

He then turned to me and motioned for me, "Please, this way. King Darkfeathers wishes to see you as soon as possible, Lord Page. One of the servants can show your companions to your quarters."

I nodded, "Of course."

With that we were moving. It didn't take long to leave the hangar leaving it alongside with the Ambassador and Lord Aether and a honour guard of griffons.

Not that I was worried about being alone with the bunch. They didn't feel hostile, and besides, Amber were somewhere close by.

Also… fucking with me would make Luna and Celestia annoyed. Getting goddesses that literally control and moon and fucking sun mad at you, were not smart. Even taking me hostage wouldn't be smart at all.

I'm sure it'd work well enough for the first eight hours.

Then you'd fall asleep.

As we moved, the hallways got more and more ornamental and blingy. By the time we reached the set of large steel doors with gold inlays, the place looked like it belonged in a French palace back on Earth.

Then the doors opened to reveal the throneroom.

"Presenting Lord Blank Page of Equestria, Herald of the Celestia Diarchy, Lord Aeather, carrier of the Royal Star, and Ambassador Ivory Rock of Equestria!"

Wow, somepony really were over compensating when it came to this place. Seriously, comparing to it to the throneroom in Canterlot were like night and day. Celestias throne room were a lot white marble, decorated pillars and coloured glass windows. I always found it a bit much for my taste, but tasteful all the same.

This place made it look muted. Everything was covered with gold, silver, precious gems. There were statues along the walls, paintings and murals.

The floor were covered with gold, a silver path moving towards a massive throne shaped like massive claws, curling around the griffon sitting on it.

King Darkfeathers were a owl/lynx griffon and smaller than his brother, his feathers living up to his name and so did his coat. His eyes however were a pair of very piercing amber ones.

I moved to approach the throne, following the silver path before stopping some four meters away, giving a small bow, "You're Highness, thank you for receiving me. I bring well wishes of Princess Luna and Princess Celestia."

"Welcome to Griffona, Lord Page."