Chapitre 33

hapter 33

"You said you were bored," I said with a grin, "Mare up."

Sunset stuck her tongue out at me, "Next time, we bring more books," she said and looked around the dream of a forest clearing. The middle of the clearing was a bonfire, lighting the area up as the moon shined high above.

The forest around were dark and full of terrors.


"So…" she asked and turned next to me, scanning the edges of the clearing, "No cheating?"

"No dream powers," I said, "I get taken down, I wake up. You get taken down, we both wake up."

Her side touched mine and I could see her swallowing, "Uhm… Page? What kind of monsters are there?"

"You tell me, I told the dream to use your nightmares as a base."

"…Oh Luna…"


"I watched a lot of horror movies on Earth!"

With that, a metal skeleton in jeans and a leather jacket with burning red eyes stepped into the light of the clearing. It's minigun quickly spinning up.

I stared for a second.


…Not good.

This may turn out to be a rather short endeavor.

Gathering my magic, I threw up the strongest kinetic barrier shield as I could. The night exploded in a horrible roar as I could feel the shield sparkle and be pummeled hard.

"SUNSET!" I yelled as I struggled to keep the shield up and solid. Luckily, I didn't need to wait more than a couple of seconds before a burning log smacked the terminator over the head hard enough make it stumble.

It stopped firing and I dropped the shield to smash it with a spear of ice before it could re-aim. It went down in a shower of sparks.

"You have disturbing dreams!" I said, turning to the unicorn.

"I didn't really run into horror stories like these before coming to earth, don't blame me, blame the gore obsessed monkeys!" Sunset shouted right back before the air filled with a hissing sound.

One I would recognize anywhere.

Nope! Nope! Nope!

The black chitin covered and razor sharp creature pounced from the shadows and I blasted it from the air, "No! Go away! Go away! Go away!" I yelled as I pummeled it into the ground with small log Sunset had thrown at the robot, "Go away! Go away!"

The log slowly melted as acid splashed.

"…You have issues," Sunset commented from next to me as she stared at the mess before turning to me, "How in Equestria can you be friends with changelings?"

"Totally different!" I said and shook her head, "I don't like those things!"

I may have been permanently scared by watching those movies when I was nine.

Next thing wandering out from the shadows was a big human wearing a white hockey mask.

I glanced at Sunset and she nodded at me before we ran to flank the dream monster.


An hour later, I dropped down on the ground, struggling to catch my breath of the not air. The words of Morpheus came to mind.

'Do you think that's air you're breathing?'

In this case, yes it was. Because I was following the rules of the dream. Kinda. As Sunset dropped down next to me, struggling to for her own breath, I flexed my powers over the dream and cleaned up the site, sending broken robots and monsters away, leaving only the clearing and sparkling bonfire.

"…That was exhausting," Sunset managed to groan, "Is my horn going to hurt like this tomorrow?"

"No, just dream stuff," I said and brushed dust off her back with my wing, "Want it to go away?"

"Yes please?"

I flexed the dream again, cleaning away the dust from us as well as the leaves and small branches stuck in her long mane, "Better?"

"Much," she groaned softly and shifted to lean against my side, "Thanks."

"Welcome. Bored still?"

That got a small laugh from her and she shook her head, "No. Not really. Let's not do that again anytime soon."

"Agreed," I said as I nodded and sighed, relaxing and watching the fire for a couple of seconds before I turned to her, "Maybe letting your dream pick attackers wasn't the best thing,"

"Yeah, no kidding," she agreed and turned to me, her horn clicking against mine as I suddenly found her nose millimetres from mine as our eyes met.

All of a sudden, I became very aware how close and warm she was, and how large and light green, almost blue her beautiful eyes were.

She slowly moved closer, her nose touching mine and I met her half way, pulling her closer with my wing as I kissed her.