Chapitre 34

Chapter 34

I slowly entered Luna's dream. She was relaxing on a beach, a drink floating next to her in her magic, an umbrella protecting her from the sun.


She smiled and looked over at me, "My Page. I got a message from Cadence."

I nodded and settled down next to her, "On our way home."

Luna smiled and slipped her wing around me, pulling me closer before she frowned slightly at me, "…My Page? Is something wrong?"

I shifted and hesitated for a second before I shook my head, "Don't think so. I…" I started before I looked over and up at her, "I kissed Sunset."

Luna frowned slightly.


Oh crap.

Her eyes quickly widened, she must have seen my reaction and she shook her head as she smiled, "No! No, My Page! That's not that I think you did anything wrong, it's my sister!"

"…I'm not following," I said and blinked at her.

Luna pouted, "This means I owe her twenty Bits. I thought for sure it would take at least until Hearts and Hooves day. She'll be so annoying about it."

I stared up at her for a long moment, "…Seriously? You actually bet on when I would get together with Sunny!? Not even 'if' I would get together with her!?"

Luna stuck her tongue out at me, "Silly Page. I have known it was coming since you two started to spend time together. Anyone that saw the two of you together could see it. Who knows you better than anypony?"

"…You do."

"Who is the pony that almost needed to literally tell you I liked you? After dropping hints for months?"

"It was you."

Luna smirked, "And who is the pony that you acted similarly with before you got together with her?"


Next thing I knew, I was laughing and trying to get away from her tickling, "Stop! Stop! I surrender!"

Winking out of existence, I 'teleported' on top of her to return the assault. Luna squeaked in surprise, squirming to get away.

I clung to her, using my wings on her sides before I finally gave up and slid off her, laying on my side on the not-sand, "Luna?"

She got her breath back and rolled to face me, "Mhhmm?"

"You really don't have a problem with this?"

Luna scooted a bit closer and stole a small kiss, "Of course not, my silly Page. I wouldn't have pushed for you two to get together if I did. I like Sunset Shimmer, even if I don't know her anywhere near as well as you do, I think she is good for you. I would like to get to know her better."

Nodding, I scooted close in turn, resting my head against her neck, "This is strange to me."

"I know, My Page. But we'll figure it out," Luna said with a smile, nuzzling at my ear, "Would you like me to tell Twilight?"

I shook my head, "We'll talk to her when we get back. This is kind of the kind of thing that should be discussed in person, My Sky."

Luna nodded and cuddled me, slipping her wing around me, "It is indeed. I do think think I should go talk with Sunset Shimmer as well though."


"She is asleep, so now would be as good a time as any," Luna agreed and gave me a kiss before getting up and stretching her wings, "There are a couple of things we should discuss."

I nodded and got to my hooves, "I'll come."

Luna gave me a playful look, "I think not. This is not the kind of talk that's for sensitive stallion ears."

I hesitated, ears flicking, "Uhm… oh," and I most definitely didn't blush.

Luna grinned and moved in to kiss me, "I'm so happy for you, My Page, I was worried you would be to stubborn for your own good."

"I was worried I was going to break things, My Sky," I admitted and kisses back before resting my horn against hers, "Despite what you said before… it's not normally how things are done where I grew up."

Nodding, Luna nuzzled, "I know. But you seem to have things well in hoof. Now, go check on some dreams or something, Sunset Shimmer and I will be busy for a couple of hours."

With that, she turned and disappeared into a shimmering silver portal.

I dropped back onto the sand as I took over her dream, stabilizing it now that she was no longer holding it up on her own.

That went way better than I feared it mi…

I blinked and quickly looked towards the spot where Luna had disappeared… and I just realized I got outnumbered as well as outgunned.
