Chapitre 36

Chapter 36

I couldn't help but be in a really good mood as I trotted along the hallway of Canterlot castle. It was so good to be back.

Even the outside was nice. Cold maybe, but the sun was shining, and the sky was blue all over.

Giving the guards a cheerful smile as I reached the door, "Is she busy?"

They glanced at each other, "No meeting at the moment, sir."

Nodding, I moved to push the door open and entered into Celestia's office, "Hey Sunshine."

Celestia glanced up from her spread out papers, "Page. Welcome back."

"Thank you, your royal highness," I said and bowed deeply, going as far as to spread my wings as I presented the scroll I had been carrying in my magic, "A missive from King Darkfeathers, to your own glorious self."

That got a snort from her, "Good news I take it?"

"Eyep," I agreed and got up again, tossing the scroll onto her desk as I folded my wings, "Want a summary?" I asked as I trotted up to her.

"Please, if you would?"

"In short, he thinks it's a interesting idea and is willing to hammer down the details. But he want twice the ships so that if a ship is lost, the loss is relatively lowered."

She looked thoughtful and nodded, "It's something to think about," she agreed before she smiled, "More importantly, I heard some news from my sister."

"Did you now?" I asked with a grin, "Yes, I'm getting together with Sunset."

Celestia smiled and leaned in to give me a nuzzle, "I'm so happy for you. You two fit so well together."

"Maybe, we're leaving for Ponyville tomorrow," I said, "We're going to talk to Twilight in person."

She nodded, "Good."

Something suddenly struck me, and I blinked up at the taller alicorn, "…Did you sent me on this entire thing to matchmake me with Sunset!?"

Celestia shifted back a bit, putting her hoof to her chest as she frowned down at me, "Page! Do you really think I would mobilize dozens of ponies and spend tens of thousands of Bits to set my sisters Fiancée up my former student and his best friend?"

I blinked up at her, "…You did, didn't you?"

"Of course not, that's silly."

I shifted my ears a bit before I facehoofed, "…No. No it wasn't. It was to win the bet with your sister, wasn't it?"

Celestia laughed, "Since when does anything like that have just one reason? It was a legitimate diplomatic mission that you were uniquely suited for. That I could also win a bet and make you and Sunset happy at the same time were just a bonus."

Sighing, I shook my head, "Seriously, you and Chrysalis…" I said and hugged her quickly, "…Still, thank you."

"You're more than welcome, Page," Celestia answered and hugged back, putting her wings around me, "Now, go wake up my sister. Or if you're up there when she does wake up, her moon will be late."

"Come on, that happened one time!"


Carefully I slipped into the bedroom. Luna were deep asleep, sprawled out on the bed in the bubble of silence around the bed.

Smiling I carefully moved through it and crawled onto the bed, carefully making my way beneath her closest wing as I moved up next to her, nosing along her neck.

She slowly stirred and smiled lazily, pulling me tighter, "Mmm… welcome back…"

"Sleep well?"

Luna mmed and cuddled closer, shifting to rest her head against mine, "Trip went well?"


That got a small giggle from her and she nuzzled at my ear, "I figured it would."

I poked her, "Not like that, My Sky."

"Hmmh?" Luna asked and smirked, finally opening her eyes, "Why not?"

I don't blush, damn it.

"…We're talking to Twilight first. Going with Sunset to visit tomorrow," I said and nuzzled at her neck.

Luna nodded and curled up a bit more, smiling as she put her nose against mine, "Good," before she blinked and frowned, "…What time is it?"

I smirked, "Around six."

She groaned softly and closed her eyes again, "Too early."

"Too early?" I asked and stole a small kiss, "Missed you, My Sky."

"Missed you too, My Page," she mumbled and nuzzled, wing sliding along my back, "And maybe not too early…"