Chapitre 37

hapter 37

Ponyville always had a story book village feel about it. The fact that it was now covered by half a pony height of snow only reinforced it.

All in all, as we trotted off the train, we were instantly hit with freezing air and whirling snow, causing Sunset to wrap her scarf a bit tighter around her neck, "More snow, really?" she asked and glanced up at the clouds, "What's the weather ponies thinking!?"

"Plenty of snow is nice for Heartswarming day?" I suggested and shifted my wings, stretching then and folding them again.

"Well… yeah. But who likes shovelling snow?" she asked with a frown, "This is why I like living in the city!"

True enough. Could appreciate that, I felt pretty much the same way. Shovelling snow sucks and if I could avoid it, I would.

"Looks nice though."

Sunset made a small sound in agreement, "Come on."

Nodding, I trotted along next to her. I was a bit nervous about this, but… I also looked forward to seeing Sparks again.

I did bring the latest draft for my next book for her to look through. The chance to read a brand new book?

She'd love it.

Ponyville was a small town, the town library came quickly into sight. The sky was already getting darker as night were on the way. The warm lights from inside the library shone bright and welcoming through the windows.

Sunset quickly trotted up and pushed the door open, "Twi!"

No movement.

I moved up next to her and shared a look with her before I smirked, "Basement?"

Sunset grinned, "Basement," she agreed, and we moved inside, putting our bags down by the door Sunset unwrapped her scarf and then headed for the door down to the basement.

By the time we reached the door, we could already hear Twilight from down stairs, "Spike! Where did I put note book! I had it right here!"

"Twi! We're here!" Sunset called out.

There was a gasp from below and then a kind of purple whirlwind as the alicorn rushed up the stairs and tackled the unicorn onto the floor for a kiss, "Kitten!!"

I couldn't help but grin. That's bloody adorable!

Sunset kissed back, putting her fore legs around Sparks for a second before she broke the kiss and blushed slightly, "We have company."

Twilight blinked at her and finally spotted me. She turned red and quickly scooted back and up, folding her wings and clearing her throat, "Oh! Uhm… H-hi Page."

I grinned, "Oh, don't mind me. Please, continue. I'll just be over here, taking notes."

"Page!" Sunset exclaimed and trotted up to smack my shoulder with her hoof as Sparks turned even brighter red.

I rubbed my shoulder and winked at her.

Sunset stuck her tongue out at me before she shook her head and turned to Twilight, "Twi… we kind of need to talk to you."

Twiligh blinked and looked between us, "What do you want to talk ab… Oh!" she exclaimed with a smile, "her wings quickly going up, "We were right!"

I nodded, "You were. I suppose this should be a lesson to listen the ponies that know us the best," I admitted before I grimaced slightly, "…Especially when the Alicorn of Food agreed with them."

"Love," Sunset corrected me, facehoofing, "Alicorn of Love. You spend way too much time with changelings."

"I like changelings," I protested before I shifted a bit, "…but admittedly, I shouldn't be calling her tha-omph!"

I suddenly found myself in a hug from Twilight as she hugged me and Sunny tight,

"I'm so happy for you!"

"…Thanks, Sparks," I said and hugged back.

She smiled and pulled back to look at Sunset, "During the trip to Griffona?" she asked and pulled back, folding her wings again.

Sunset nodded a bit, "…Yeah. Page were in one of my dreams and we had been fighting monsters. We were relaxing after and… kind of ended up kissing?"

Twilight laughed slightly and shook her head, "That's so you two!"

I shook my head, "We just kind of wanted to tell you in person. I talked to Luna through a dream, but we kind of… wanted to let you know."

Sparks nodded with a smile, "I appreciate it, but not we didn't already know, despite what you two said," she teased, "I'm glad for you two."

Sunset moved up to give her a nuzzle and a kiss, "Thank you, Twi."

Twilight nuzzled back with a smile and moved up next to Sunset, putting her wing across her back, "Are you two hungry? Getting about dinner time."

"Yes please," I agreed before I smirked at Sunset, "Kitten?"

The unicorn blushed dark red.