Chapitre 40

Chapter 40

"Are you sure you are okay?" I asked Amber with a frown.

The changeling nodded and rubbed her head, "I'm fine, sir."

"Your chitin…"

She shook her head and smiled a bit, "I'm fine, sir. It's not outright broken and I'm mostly healed already, plenty of love to use for it. It's just going to look messy until I molt next time."

I frowned at her before I nodded, "Well I want you to stay still and tell me if you feel dizzy or anything."

"Yes sir," she said and shifted slightly before groaning, "If you don't mind, sir, I'll rest for a bit."

"You did a good job Amber," I said and stroked her mane, "Get some rest."

She closed her eyes and relaxed on the couch and I moved over to Sunset. The Twilights were by the large crystal table, seeing what they could piece together from the remains of the mangled scroll.

The two Spikes were sitting by the fireplace looking at each other, eating gems and reading comics.

Well at least things have calmed down a bit.

I looked at Sunset and then at the Twilights, "This is very strange, even for us."

She just nodded, "Very," she said before she looked away from the Twilights to smirk at me, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

I snorted, "I am now at least."

She grinned and then shifted a bit closer, "My, my. Thinking of my marefriend like that, Page?"

Grinning I shook my head and put my wing around her giving her ear a nuzzle, "Tease."

She smiled and then sighed, "How's Amber?"

"Bit beaten up but she should be fine," I said, "I'm not an expert on changeling medicine but as long as she eats love she should recover."

Sunset nodded, "So… following anything the Twilights are saying?"

"I get maybe one word in five," I admitted, "They were way above my head about two sentences in."

Left Twilight turned to us, "We need to head to Canterlot. And we definitely need to talk to Princess Celestia."

I nodded in agreement, "Now that sound like a good idea."

Sunset nodded as well, "I think so too but one thing first, stay put," she added before trotting up the stairs and returning a couple of moments later, "My Twilight, hoof up."

The Twilights glanced at each other for a second before the one on the left put her hoof up.

Sunlight trotted up and tied a black choker style necklace around her neck . She smiled and admired her work before pointing at Sparks, "Twi," she said before moving to Dupli!Twilight, "Twilight."

I grinned, "Thank you. That would have been confusing," I said as I moved up next to her before I smirked at Sunset, "You found that thing rather fast."

Sunset poked my shoulder with her hoof, "Quiet you."

Twilight looked between us, "Are you three?"

Sparks shook her head with a smile, "I'm with Sunset. Sunset is with Page and me, and Page is with Sunset and Princess Luna."

Twilight hesitated, "That's ... even more complicated," she said before she glanced at Sunset for a second and shook her head, "We should head for Canterlot. The faster we get there, the faster I can get back to stop Starlight Glimmer."

Sparks turned to the fireplace, "Spike!"


"No, this won't be confusing at all," I said with a sigh as Spark walked over to find out who was her Spike and to get him to send a message to Princess Celestia, "Amb…" I started to say before I paused. I couldn't send her to get one of the royal carriages, could I? In fact, we should make it easy to get her back to Skitter.

I looked at Sunset, "Train?" I suggested.

She nodded, "There should be one by noon. Only an hour until then, should get us there before dark. I'll go pack our stuff," she then added and trotted upstairs, only stopping to give her Twilight a quick kiss.

I moved up to the other Twilight, "Hey… uhm… sorry about this entire thing. I can't help but feel a bit responsible for it being damaged."

She sighed, "I'm the one that jumped to conclusions. The last world we were at … it's the one where changelings had conquered the world. You were just defending her."

"Oh," I said and sat down, "I… yeah, I can see why that made you jumpy about them."

"What happened here?"

"Long story but in short their invasion of Canterlot failed and Queen Chrysalis was captured. They were allowed to set up a hive in Canterlot in return for stopping impersonating other ponies. They get the love they need from the Crystal Heart and ponies that donate from their love. Or from love they can get in the air around ponies in love. They are our allies now."


I smiled, "Don't get me wrong, Queen Chrysalis is still a manipulative bitch, but she truly wants what's best for her Hive. And Princess Skitter is one of my best friends."

"Huh," Twilight said after a moment, looking thoughtful, "This world is strange."

"We like it."