Chapitre 41

Chapter 41

Twilight crossed the private train car to me, jumping onto the seat next to me, "So… uhm… Page, Twi said you was from the human world?"

I nodded and closed my notebook, "'A' human world anyway," I agreed, "Not the one on the other side of the mirror. Close, but not quiet."

"How did you end up here?"

"No clue," I admitted with a sigh, "And to be honest? At this point I don't think I would go back. I mean, hands are nice, but horn and the ability to fly? More than makes up for it. Never mind this is where my friends are now, where my Luna and…" I glanced across the cabin at Sunset where she was checking on Amber.

Twilight nodded and followed my look, "…I'm still not sure how Sunset Shimmer returned to Equestria, yet alone get in a relationship with this worlds version of me."

"My fault," I said with a grin, "Actually, thinking about it, I'm probably responsible for most of the changes. I'm fairly sure this timeline split from yours when I arrived in Equestria."

Twilight slowly nodded, "Huh."

"Yeah," I said and stretched my wings as Sunset moved up, "How is she?"

"Annoyed she's not allowed to move," Sunset said with a smile and gave me a quick nuzzle before jumping onto the couch next to me, scooting close.

Smiling I nuzzled back and settled my wing over her back, "Good. And Twilight here was wondering how come you ended up back in Equestria."

That got a small laugh from her, "Did you tell her?"

"Not yet."

Now Twilight looked really curious, so Sunset smiled at her, "He went to the human world with Twi and forced me back through the portal by threatening to stab me."

Twilight blinked at her and looked between us, "Uhm…"

I grinned, "Our relationship has improved since then. Sunny is my best friend and has been for quite a bit, the entire upgrade from that is rather recent."

Sunset nodded, "Yeah. Kind of glad he brought me back to be honest, I was in a bad place mentally."

Twilight frowned slightly and glanced down, "I see…"

"I got together with Twi well over a year ago," Sunny then added and smiled, "We just kind of clicked. Do you have a special somepony back in your universe?"

Sighing softly, Twilight shook her head, "…Not really, no. I mean… I look but I haven't gone on any dates or anything."

Sunset nodded, "Oh? Anypony special you look at?" she asked as I started to look for a way to escape. Sadly, I was trapped between her and the couch. No way to make an easy escape and make it look natural.

Twilight blushed slightly, "Well… there is this one guard in the Crystal Empire. We kind of gave it a small try but we didn't really click."

"Anypony else?"

What is it with mares and gossip!? Sunset wasn't even that much into this kind of thing!?

"I don't know," she said and shifted her wings a bit, "I… I do like spending time with Princess Luna."

I couldn't help but smile at that.

That Luna might not be my Luna, but if there was anypony else that I thought would be a good match with her it would be Twilight.

And Luna did deserve somepony to love her. Even if it wasn't m…

I blinked and I felt my eyes go wide as I suddenly finally understood why she was so much for me and Sunset getting together. Because she thought I deserved to be loved.

I felt the same way about her. I wanted My Sky to be loved. She deserved to be loved, even if it wasn't by me.

Even if I loved her, she deserved all the love.

Sure, it was still a stretch to think about her with another pony, but I was fairly sure that was just my human upbringing making angry monkey noises in the back of my head. I mean, I was perfectly fine with Sunset and Sparks after all.

But I finally got it.

"If you do decide that you want to pursue a relationship with Luna," I told her with a smile, "I may have a couple of suggestions."

Twilight nodded a bit, looking a bit shy all of a sudden, "I…I might."

"Twilight!" Twi called out, "I think I know what this equation is!"

Twilight quickly jumped off the couch rushed over.

Sunset looked over at them, leaning against my side as she smiled, "You know, I'm kind of happy this happened. I think this may be the first time Twi met somepony that can actually keep up with her."

I couldn't help but laugh and not at that, "Well, you're not wrong about that."

Sparks was for one hundred percent sure the absolutely smartest being I ever met. Human, pony or otherwise.

"You know, they are missing the obvious though," I then added and nuzzled at Sunsets mane.

"Hmh?" she asked and turned to look at me with a frown, "What do you mean?"

I raised an eyebrow at her, "Discord got her here, maybe he can get her back?"

Sunset blinked and me before she facehooved, "D'oh. You're right."

"Of course, I am," I said with a grin before I shrugged, "Assuming we can find him and get him to do it. And that he actually can, maybe he just redirected the spell… which I can only assume is easier than doing the entire thing."

She sighed, "Well, there is that. Let's see if they can figure it out first before we try that option."


Relying on him for anything was just asking for trouble. He kind was the one that caused this after all.

If he would even show up when called…

…Then again, he was most likely hiding out with Fluttershy anyway.