Chapitre 42

Chapter 42

Spotting Luna in the throneroom standing next to her sister, I crossed the empty room to give her a quick nuzzle, "You're up early."

"For this, I'm waking up," she answered quietly with a smile before she frowned slightly, "Page, you always bring the most interesting problems."

I flicked my ears, "You can so not blame this one on me, this was all Discord."

"We'll handle Discord later," Celestia interrupted, "Let's focus on the matter at hoof," she said before she moved down from the dias the throne was set on, "Welcome to Canterlot, Princess Twilight."

Twilight bowed slightly, "Thank you, Princess."

Twi smiled a bit, "She's the visitor, I'm from here, Princess. Just to keep things clear, I'm Twi, she's Twilight."

Celestia nodded and looked between them, "I understand from the message that you have been working on recreating the spell scroll?"

Twilight sighed, "We have, Princess. But we have less than a third puzzled together and the rest… we have to recreate."

"Do you think you can help us?" Twi asked, "It's really complicated."

Celestia smiled a bit, "We'll do everything to get you and your Spike back home, Twilight."

The Spike on her back put his hand up, "Thorn, Princess. Make things clearer."

She smiled and nodded, "Thorn then," before she looked at the Twilights again, "Shall we see what we have to work with?"

With that, Luna gave me a quick kiss before joining the other three Alicorns heading further on. I hung back with the rest, when it came to that kind of spellwork I would just be in the way to be honest.

Sunset moved up to me and frowned, "I really hope they figure it out."

"Yeah, me too," I said before I looked around at the empty chamber, "Discord! Discord, get your scale covered tail in here!!"

Sunset and I looked around.


She sighed, "Well, worth a try I guess."

"Well, if it worked it might have solved a lot," I said and scowled, "Discord is starting to be way more troubled than he is worth," I then added and shifted my wings.

Never mind that fact that almost the only thing keeping him more or less in line right now was the fact that he liked Fluttershy.

Fluttershy wouldn't live forever but he did.

…Then again, she might because he almost certainly had the power to make it so. I really, really wish that he had just stayed in the stone he had been trapped in.

That would have made things a lot easier.

I finally shook my head, "Well, I'm not doing any good here anyway, I need to go pick up Fern from Silver Leaf."

Sunset nodded and touched her horn to mine, "See you later."

"Count on it."


"Sir," Swift Spear said with a salute as I exited the throneroom, "Welcome back."

I grinned, "Swift! Good to see you again."

He smiled back, "Same, sir. So… how's your new guards?"

"Way prettier than you."

That got a laugh from him, "No arguments there. So where are you of too now?"

"Silvers place to pick up Ferm," I said and shifted my wings, "She have been keeping an eye on him while we was away. How's Minuette?"

"Crazily busy with Hearth's Warming coming up," he said and shook his head, "One of the few drawbacks of being together with a baker. She gets up even earlier than I do and then fall asleep before the sun is down."

I nodded, I could very easily relate to that with me and Luna.

"So, when are you off?"

"Now actually. Want some company?" he asked and then glanced up against the clouds above, "Did they schedule snow today?"

"Sure," I said before I shrugged, "No idea, didn't check todays weather. Been a bit busy since I got back from Griffona, went to Ponyville and things kind of got complica…" before I blinked as a thought struck me, "oh my Celestia…"

Oh no.

No. No. No!

Swift blinked at me, "What?"

"…I was going to get something for Luna while in Ponyville," I said and sank down, facehoofing, "I can't believe I forgot."

Actually, I could very well believe I forgot, I kind of had other things to think about, but it was just wrong. I had never forgotten before.

Wait, it was even worse! I had to get something for Sunset too. Well, not had to, but I wanted to.

Damn it, both of them deserved better than that.

I needed something really nice and only a couple of days to do it, there is likely weeks of wait time at jewelers and such.

You know what though? Screw the rules, I have money.

I looked to Swift, "Change of plans, who's the best jeweler in Canterlot?"

"Don't ask me, I'm at a guard salary. I can't afford jewelry that nice," he said, sounding amused, "You have to find somepony else for that."

Amber buzzed down next to me, "I know a store, sir."

I blinked at her before I frowned, "What are you doing up? Go back to bed!"

"I'm fine, sir."

She actually did look better. Steady and she didn't favor her leg.

"…Fine, where?"